I would like to know which physicists agree with your ideas. I doubt any would say the earth could be any shape, or that changing coordinate systems changes shapes yet they are still equivalent, or that measurement varies.
You do not understand the concept of coordinate systems. I can't fix this, because 1. no time to take you through geometry, trig, solid geometry, and linear equations, and 2. you don't want to know a truth that would invalidate your theories. I don't know who the experts were, or what you said to them, what they said back yo you, or that you correctly understood their answer, but your ideas on coordinates, measurement, and physics are not true. This is fine on TFES, but try to take these ideas to the real world of physics and math, real experts, and they will say the same as I and others on this thread. If you convince them your ideas are true, you will be hailed as the greatest mathematician/physicist of all time. You are wrong, because you have to be to allow FE, which is why we know the earth is round.
You are doing the equivalent of looking at a funhouse mirror and seeing your legs looking a foot long and deciding you just don't know how long your legs are, any mirror could be right. Graph a ruler on cartessian, then logarithmic. The graph on cartessin will be isometric, linear, a multiple of the straight line. The graph on some coordinate system might be curved, but the ruler is still straight. It is not "could be any shape, no one knows". Please enroll in geometry class.
Gps satellites work by broadcasting a timestamp on each transmission. Your gps device has a table of where the satellite is and a very accurate clock. Subtracting the timestamp in the transmission from the time in the device gives the elapsed time, multiply by speed of light, and you get distance from a known location. This is a sphere around the satellite. Do this with four satellites, and you can calculate 4 spheres, which will intersect at only one point.
This depends on radio waves going straight and the speed of light being constant. If this is true Under your theories, we can't be sure of either. gps would be impossible. Yet it works amazingly well.
Do radio waves travel straight and is the speed of light constant? If not, how does gps work?
If I buy a lidar measuring gadget at Home Depot and take it to Australia, will it still work correctly? I think it will.
Bear in mind that you can buy a usb gps receiver and download open source gps software. You can examine the algorithms and look at raw data. There are web sites where you can look at the current locations of gps satellites and see their transmissions. If you know where satellite is and you can map the locations on the surface of the earth, the result will be a sphere.
The question boils down to: Australia too big on FE, just right on RE. Is the earth round, or is measurement impossible or somehow variable in ways that no one noticed, detectable only by the observing that straight light doesn't work on FE and completely unexplained?
Do you acknowledge that gps and lkidar devices work and match RE theory, while FE is not consistent with observed results without "fudge factors", as the FAQ says, "unknown forces with unknown equations"?
Where is Sigma Octantus?
a. no one knows
b it is everywhere (southern hemisphere) and nowhere (northern hemisphere)?

d. 204 light years in the direction of the south pole of round earth
Still waiting for your graphics to show sunset in Denver and how Salt Lake City sees daylight over the entire dome while St Louis sees night sky over the entire dome. Please show how someone at night looks up and see stars over the entire dome, including where the sun is. See right through the sun to the stars (beyond?) without seeing the light of the sun. Can you make a model that shows where sun and stars are, but from the point of view of someone on the surface?
Like this: show how everything works when you move around the simulation on the surface. There's your homework. Explain gps with variable light speed and curved rays, and incorporate day/night sky as seen from the surface into your model.