The chart you posted says at the bottom "Data shown for net death benefit include annuity, life, and accident and health contracts". It does not appear to be only life insurance individual payouts in there. If health contracts include an increase in general health insurance billed surcharges to the insurance companies because of covid precautions or to cover other covid measures, it might taint the data.
The video is about life insurance payouts to individuals, which indicates that there was a significant increase in 2021, over 2020 and 2019 levels.

An article about life insurance claims says that claims were significantly more in 2021 -"Dutch insurer Aegon, which does two-thirds of its business in the United States, said its claims in the Americas in the third quarter were $111 million, up from $31 million a year earlier. "
The article is written in Jan 2022 about the previous year, which means it was up in the third quarter of 2021 over the third quarter of 2020. The article blames the increase on "Covid" -
"The global life insurance industry was hit with reported claims due to COVID-19 of $5.5 billion in the first nine months of 2021 versus $3.5 billion for the whole of 2020, according to insurance broker Howden in a report on Jan 4"
So "Covid" was significantly more intense in 2021 than in 2020, which is contradictory to the graph you displayed.