I was under the impression CloudFlare's main benefit was denial of service protection, is that not their primary product or is that just a result of what they offer?
The thing with CloudFlare is that they have several "main benefits" that are roughly equal, rolled into the one service. You can use it as a CDN with no DDoS protection at all, or you can use it to keep attackers and spammers away without caching anything. You could even just use it as a DNS provider and nothing else (although that would probably be silly).
Anyway, I've gone with Amazon in the end. So far, I've set up
tfes.org in Route 53 for DNS; later, I'll switch that to being our primary domain name. At some point, I'll then be setting up CloudFront backing onto this server for the CMS, the wiki and the forum's static content; as well as CloudFront backed onto S3 for the Flat Earth Library.