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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1980 on: May 02, 2019, 03:14:34 PM »
It probably helps that Marvel has had a lot of years of experience in putting together large scale crossover story lines in the comics.

They only really started that in the early 2000s... 
Maybe it started getting crazy in the early 2000s (that's about the time that I stopped collecting comics), but Marvel's Secret Wars crossover was in the mid '80s, and I don't know how many similar crossovers there were before that.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1981 on: May 02, 2019, 04:41:35 PM »
And the whole Infinity series was 91, 92, and 93. Doink.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1982 on: May 11, 2019, 01:46:42 AM »
Saw Endgame a second time. Still phenomenal.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1983 on: May 19, 2019, 04:12:08 PM »
Watched John Wick 2 and 3 yesterday. Saw the first one back when it was in theaters.

They're all p much the same movie. Wholly gratuitous violence, thin plot, minimal cohesion, limited character development (unless you're all about angst and brooding, and dogs), and a shit ton of action. 10/10 would see again.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1984 on: May 20, 2019, 05:00:37 AM »
Wick’s 3 is out already, awesome  :)

Endgame is better on the second viewing, Scarlet Witch is still my fave “ahhh” moment, also, the chemistry between Natasha and Clint is priceless. Thor and Quill were mostly used as comic relief.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1985 on: May 22, 2019, 10:58:58 PM »
Star Trek Discovery, Season 2

I am just over halfway through and I am loving it. I love how they keep the episodic feel while still moving forward a serial plotline. I love the character development. I love the action and effects. The call backs have been great and Capt. Pike is quickly rising through the ranks of GOAT captains. If he makes me cry I will need Patrick Stewart to have an acting duel to settle the winner.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1986 on: May 23, 2019, 02:33:03 AM »
Avengers: Endgame (Anthony and Joe Russo, 2019)

Nowhere near as good as IW, I'm sorry to say. The movie cripples itself with its first act, an hour or so of angst, brooding, exposition, and watching miserable people be miserable. There's no action, very little plot momentum, and what jokes it does have feel jarring and inappropriate. And the five-year time skip, was that really necessary? That's just inviting trouble, making viewers think about the bizarre logistics of re-introducing half the planet's population back into society after several years. I'm not trying to be one of those "Plot hole! Ding!" dipshits on YouTube or anything, but these are very obvious and natural issues that would be popping up in viewers' minds. They didn't need a time skip, at least not such a lengthy one, and they didn't need a first act this dull and mopey. Just keep the momentum going right from the start. Thanos snaps his fingers and runs off, the Avengers track him down, figure out that they need to find a way to get the Infinity Stones back, and one way or another stumble onto the idea of quantum technobabble and time travel.

The movie does get back on track after such a shitty beginning, thankfully. The second act was genuinely very creative, and a nice, natural way for us to get to see some old characters, and the third act was the typical fanservice-filled climax that all Avengers movie have, which worked out pretty well. It really is just the awful first hour of Endgame that holds it back for me. That, and like how I discussed when IW came out, I really dislike how almost all of the new characters were the ones who got erased while the old guard got yet another movie all to themselves. We've already seen all these characters bouncing off each other and resolving their conflicts. Why would you deliberately push aside fresh material in favor of focusing on such well-worn ground?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 02:11:00 PM by honk »
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1987 on: May 23, 2019, 03:41:36 AM »
The movie cripples itself with its first act, an hour or so of angst, brooding, exposition, and watching miserable people be miserable.

Motherfucker you unironically love Christian Bale's memebat that is a hundred times more angsty....

But also yeah IW is better. I wrote a better ending myself tbh, and it ends in a heroic OG Avenger foursome without the death of Iron Man . I'll give you my ending on IRC someday, you'll love it.....

Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1988 on: May 23, 2019, 03:55:46 AM »
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile

This movie is pretty good. It's like if you wanted a true crime or murder doc, but actually enjoyable. Ted Bundy did nothing wrong.

Also Endgame>Infinity War. Not even close.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1989 on: May 23, 2019, 08:15:26 PM »
Motherfucker you unironically love Christian Bale's memebat that is a hundred times more angsty....

Angst or brooding in and of themselves isn't the problem; trying to use them as a substitute for plot, story, or character development is. Endgame's first act is horrendously stretched as it is, and yet the story is barely advanced beyond the Avengers agreeing to try and use technobabble to time-travel and undo the snap. The rest of it is devoted to watching them brood and sulk. It's as if the movie was really trying to sell us on the idea that the snap was totally going to be permanent, that we really needed to see the characters adjusting to life in a post-snap world as if that's at all going to be relevant after the ending of this movie. Because Disney is really just going to let all those billion-dollar franchises lie fallow for the sake of dramatic heft. The ending of IW was effective, it was iconic, it had the right impact - but nobody in their right mind walking in to see this movie thought that it would be permanent. The filmmakers should have just conceded the point and made the movie all about trying to undo the snap, not wasting the first act on pretending it was here to stay.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1990 on: May 23, 2019, 08:27:36 PM »
Saddam is right.

Rama Set

Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1991 on: May 23, 2019, 08:58:31 PM »
The first act up set up Tony Stark's sacrifice, Capt America's retirement, BWs sacrifice, Hawkeyes return and Thor's obstacle for the movie.  To say it did nothing for the story is not really accurate.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1992 on: May 24, 2019, 02:20:00 AM »
The first act up set up Tony Stark's sacrifice, Capt America's retirement, BWs sacrifice, Hawkeyes return and Thor's obstacle for the movie.  To say it did nothing for the story is not really accurate.

You're just saying that it introduced the characters, something that usually takes up the first five minutes of the movie, not the entire first act. Speaking of the subjects you mentioned, Hawkeye being the Punisher with an awful haircut was dumb and tryhard edgy, Thor being a fat drunk stopped being funny after a few minutes, and Captain America's idyllic retirement really rubbed me the wrong way. It's running away. It's abandoning his friends, his responsibilities, and his life so he can pursue another life, one that passed him by a long time ago. Yes, ideally he would want to live in his original time, but he should also know that it's simply not a realistic desire, even with it being physically possible. It's just not how life - even life in a capeshit universe - works. For the movie to indulge him in this feels like having their cake and eating it too. It would be like Bruce Wayne or Harry Potter having their parents be brought back to life, or Superman getting Krypton and his people back, or Frank Castle getting his family back. It's just not right.
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Rama Set

Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1993 on: May 24, 2019, 11:49:05 AM »
No that’s not what I said. Establishing a character’s problems and obstacles is more than an introduction. The first act is most often concerned with establishing these problems and obstacles, and the normality of the world that will be upheaved by the action of the story. If they had constituted the stories of these characters in five minutes then you would have Game of Thrones. Remember the shit show everyone said was too rushed?

Why do you think Capt America doesn’t have the right to retire? He’s literally saved trillions of lives while risking his life regularly. Anyone (in the movie) who would begrudge him a happy ending is a bit selfish really Also, his contract is ending so they had to wind up his story, and what a lovely way to do it. Ronin is well established Hawkeye story line and although archetypically similar to Punisher, it still made sense. I loved Fat Thor just for the Big Lebowski reference and the scene with his mom, maybe a bit overdone but hey, nothing’s perfect. Hulk was a bit of a miss and a waste and if I think too hard about the third act I have to think about the cringey feminist lip service and the wild power swings characters have in a single battle. So I didn’t think too hard about it because it’s an MCU movie and good fun.

But seriously, the “she has help” portrait shot was fucking dumb.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1994 on: May 24, 2019, 05:15:04 PM »
I don't agree with Saddam anymore. Now I agree with Rama.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1995 on: May 25, 2019, 03:24:27 AM »
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil, and Vile

This movie is pretty good. It's like if you wanted a true crime or murder doc, but actually enjoyable. Ted Bundy did nothing wrong.

I was really disappointed with it. I read the book by Elizabeth Kloepfer that it's supposed to be based on. The book was soo interesting. Fucking weird to read about Bundy acting like a human when all you see most of the time is what a horrible monster he was. Which he was, but seeing the other side is great.. especially so people don't get this idea that horrible people are somehow easy to spot all the time. But there were also plenty of uncomfortable stories of him losing his shit or being unsettling and weird. Then her guilt trip and alcoholism as she struggles between trusting him and knowing something horrible is there. Ugh, such a great book but the movie somehow managed to leave out the best parts and missed the point entirely.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1996 on: May 25, 2019, 04:26:31 AM »
No that’s not what I said. Establishing a character’s problems and obstacles is more than an introduction. The first act is most often concerned with establishing these problems and obstacles, and the normality of the world that will be upheaved by the action of the story.

And none of those things needed to be established in a movie like this, where every single person watching it already saw IW, already knew the stakes from its shocking conclusion, and already knew that the snap would of course be undone by the end. All right, they'd have had to put something in at the start, like a solemn montage of a post-snap world. That would have been more than enough. We didn't need a superfluous five-year time skip, multiple scenes of every character trying to get their life back on track, multiple scenes of trying to explain the technobabble solution to various characters (one would have been enough), Thor to become literally beardo, Tony to have a family, Hawkeye to become the Japanese Punisher - all while the movie keeps throwing jokes at us that would ordinarily be funny, but come across as appalling in context.

Why do you think Capt America doesn’t have the right to retire? He’s literally saved trillions of lives while risking his life regularly. Anyone (in the movie) who would begrudge him a happy ending is a bit selfish really

I don't object to him retiring, but to this method of retiring - running away from his life to try and join another life, one that he supposedly accepted was gone and made his peace with a long time ago. It's hard for me to express this in words, but I hate the idea of characters who are presented with some sort of personal tragedy being able to "undo" that tragedy, instead of dealing with it and moving on like a normal person (as opposed to a tragedy that's so enormous that undoing it is the obvious moral choice, like with the snap). And I honestly think that the MCU had done a good job up to this point of showing Steve handling his own situation maturely and responsibly - part of him wishes he was still in his original time, but that moment has passed him by, and now he's a part of the twenty-first century like everyone else. It bothers me, but I accept that not everyone would agree, and I understand that there was nothing but the best of intentions behind this conclusion to the character.

Also, the future is female and the next MCU movie will be a bunch of female capeshitters telling you to check your privilege and explaining why the world will be better without white men in it.

I don't agree with Saddam anymore. Now I agree with Rama.

Make up your mind! >o<
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 01:48:17 AM by honk »
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1997 on: May 25, 2019, 05:10:59 AM »
your dum
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.

Rama Set

Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1998 on: May 25, 2019, 12:23:20 PM »
@Honk - I can meet you somewhere in the middle but I think it was essential for Tony to have a family, for Capt to get a taste of what “regular life” was like and for BW to go down the rabbit hole of the avengers. They didn’t spend that much time on Ronin so I am happy to accept the fan service. Because they were doing time travel, they totally had to have the scene where they set up their time travel rules. I know you didn’t like the jokes, but you are in a pretty small minority, not that that makes you wrong, but it does show that the movie worked for a crap ton of people so perhaps it just wasn’t for you? But I think if you find the parts that are essential, and then you find ways for them to come together you probably aren’t cutting as much as you think from the movie. The comedy, fair enough you didn’t like it, gives people an emotional reprieve so that they can invest more easily in the difficult stuff. It’s actually really important to have yucks in tragedy. I can’t tell you how many scenes, plays and movies falter because they manage to miss the joyful moments of a story, however small, and so it becomes Sturm und Drang and everyone just wants the protagonists to open their wrists and be done.

Regarding Capt’s retirement I am not comfortable with a character who is settled on a course especially when you introduce something that radically changes their options. You think it was an error for Capt to follow the nagging voice in his head after he had given everything to everyone but himself? That’s ok if you want to see it that way, but that makes him more human and more likeable to me.

Also, literally Beardo lol


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1999 on: May 31, 2019, 10:39:29 PM »
Captain Marvel (Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, 2019)

The movie I suppose I should have seen before Endgame. It's pretty good overall. The main character is fun and likable, there's some cool action, and even the story touches on some pretty mature themes for a lighthearted capeshit romp, although the MCU formula wins out in the end and prevents the film from breaking any truly new ground. A few of my issues - Annette Bening's performance is painful, the CGI is occasionally a bit janky, the scene where Carol gets her powers is hilariously melodramatic and almost Zack Snyder-like, and most critically of all, the decision to make the movie a prequel set in the nineties is both distracting and clearly just an excuse to fill it with dumb continuity fanservice. It reminds me a lot of Homecoming. Look, it's Nick Fury! Look, it's Coulson! Look, it's the villains from GotG! Remember the movies all those guys were in? Yeah, weren't those movies good? Now that we've reminded you about those good movies, doesn't that make this movie good too? And there are the dumb just-so stories. Because we really needed to know how Nick Fury lost his eye, or how he decided on "Avengers" for his capeshitter team, or even decided that the world needed a capeshitter team to begin with, blah blah blah. And the nineties references are so heavy-handed and obvious that they only ever made me groan. Blockbuster! Nirvana! Shitty Internet! Get it, it's the nineties!
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