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Topics - geolguy29

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Flat Earth Theory / Geology on a flat earth
« on: September 08, 2020, 10:55:47 AM »
One of the subjects that is rarely discussed in forums and youtube videos is the geology of the Earth in relation to the Flat Earth theory. In particular the geological theory of plate tectonics.

The earth's tectonic and volcanic activity is one of the most observable phenomena in the world. Volcanoes erupt continually and hundreds of measurable earthquakes occur each day. We also witness the destruction of the Earth's crust a destructive plate boundaries and formation of new rock at constructive plate boundaries  (e.g the mid-Atlantic ridge). Even more miraculously we see the birth of entire islands as they emerge from the ocean all thanks to the wonderful happenings beneath our feet. All of this is is observable and I assume undisputed.

Now I don't know what the current flat earth opinion is on this subject, but I will list a selection of things that must be occurring because of what we observe.
1. There must be a source of great heat and energy beneath the crust that is effectively breathing life into the earth. We see this with the molten rock that emerges at heats of 1000 degrees from the mantle. The new rock forming is essentially a recycling of the rock that gets gets dragged back into the mantle at destructive plate boundaries. It provides the Earth with vital minerals and gases that sustain the atmosphere and sea life. The cause of this energy, for obvious reasons is not observable with the naked eye.
2. As with all sources of energy, one day it will run out. Hopefully not soon haha, because we could not survive without it.
3. The continents are moving. You can actually measure the movement of the Earth's crust. This can be done all over the world, and it is easy to find figures for the movement of these plates each year. If you have the patience go to San Francisco and do it for yourself.  However, the speed of the crust moving differs, presumably depending on the size of the plate and the type of plate boundaries that it has. But this is open to discussion.
4. There must be a force acting on the plates causing them to move. The popular theory is a combination of convection currents in the mantle and slab pull, which is a downwards pull of the crust at destructive plate boundaries, that scientists would call gravity. I am open to discussing other theories for pate movement.
5. There has to have been huge collisions in continents throughout Earth's history to create mountains. Effectively the crust buckling as the two large land masses collide. We can actually measure the rise or fall in mountains depending on where they are in the cycle. Some mountain ranges are continually getting taller as the two continental plates push into each other. You could theorise that the volcanic activity is the cause of mountains, but the complete lack of volcanic activity in regions, as well as the lack of craters disputes this.

All of the above criteria must be met for a satisfactory theory. Now this doesn't even start with what is actually known about plate movement. The fact we can see pole reversals in the changing direction of magnetic minerals in the Earth alternating, outward of constructive plate boundaries. Matching fossil and geological records across continents, providing evidence for mass movement continent moving. Radiometric dating that provides the age of rocks, telling us the age of land masses. All the information from sediment that can be analysed to illustrate huge changes in sea levels and atmospheric conditions throughout history. The list endless. But I appreciate that lots of people won't ever get the chance to see this, so I'm not going to use this in the argument.

My main argument is that the only theory that matches the criteria is plate tectonic theory. The theory that the Earth is made up of several segments, varying in oceanic and continental crust, that are all moving due to forces in the mantle at various directions and speed and are responsible for the formation and destruction of the crust. My issue is that plate tectonic theory can't work on a two-dimensional plane. With the known positions of plate boundaries and their movement speeds, the shape of the Earth would never be able to maintain a circular disc like structure. Instead it would constantly change shape, literal gaps would form in the crust based on the popular flat earth model, the Antarctic wall would be moving. If you believe in an edge, plates would be falling off it.

I am interested to hear what you believe is happening with the Earth's tectonics. What is causing all of the the observable phenomena listed above? Do you believe in plate tectonic theory? Or is there another theory that would allow for this to all occur on a flat plane.

If anyone has any questions about this theory or geology in general I'd love to discuss it.

Hope everyone's healthy and doing well.

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