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Messages - Pete Svarrior

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How so?
You assume our universe is Euclidean. If it is, both RE and FE are fundamental impossibilities.

Maps are flat, if the earth is flat too then the only issue is scale.

That "system" is the scientific method, that is a set of practices created so as to allow reproducible trustworthy results, to the extent that such is possible (and the success of the scientific method indicates that extent is pretty large).
Please do not waste people's time like this. If you still haven't figured out why the scientific method is considered inadequate around here (you don't need to agree, but a surface-level understanding is a strict prerequisite), then you should be lurking, not posting.

Emphatically, you will not derail upper fora threads by asking people to downgrade back to the old guard system. There are plenty of forums (and boards within this forum) where you can circlejerk about how good you think it is. The middle of an FET thread is not the right place for it.

This is surely what good zetetics might do, right?
Emphatically: no. Every time you attempt the "if you're a ReAl ZeTeTiC, then surely you'd do exactly what I want you to do" gambit, you simply reveal that you have no idea what Zeteticism is or how to apply it.

Stick to making your own arguments, rather than strawmanning people by trying to force debating terms onto them.

There's nothing inherent to FET that would prevent you from being able to use a compass, and we know empirically that they function as they're supposed to. Rest easy friend!
I'd take that a step further. It's not just that FET doesn't prevent it; a compass works because FET holds true.

So then we should be able to see any edits on the ICBM page that Action is referencing and the user who made that edit.
Well, assuming the page in question is also semi-protected (most aren't), yes. There's nothing stopping someone from registering multiple accounts, so tracking down a person could be difficult, but showing that the edits exist at all would be a good start.

The only real reason the Flat Earth page is protected is to stop stupid schoolkids from blanking the entire page and replacing it with "NOOOOOOOO". It's just enough of a barrier to entry to stop the lowest-effort trolls, but not a measure to seriously protect the integrity of the page.

Because I just tried and couldn't edit the Flat Earth entry.
I can, and I'm hardly special. The page is only semi-protected.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Universal Acceleration
« on: July 12, 2023, 12:06:38 AM »
Consider reading

Do not open FET threads if you're unwilling to learn the basics first.


Perhaps you would care to provide evidence that my assertion is false here
Thank you for confirming that this was just disingenuous trolling. I'll clean it up now, and you won't be doing it again.

Since the core questions of this thread have been answered and you are now just using it to advertise your trolling attempts, I'll be locking this too.

I was just expressing my previous experience in getting banned for what I thought was a completely reasonable post that was within the posted rules.
Indeed. So, knowing that this particular situation is so egregious that even you have no doubt you'd get banned, it should be easy to navigate.

You tell me, is asking the FEers why there are no FE supporters within the thousands of professional scientists in the related fields, an allowed question?
Dunno, it smacks of disingenuous trolling. After all, you're asking why something that's false is true - I think it would take some effort to convince anyone to participate.

That said, we don't strictly disallow questions - that would go against the free speech ethos of this website. It's only when you abuse our hospitality that we intervene.

You're asking where to post something that you immediately opened with "I know I'll get banned for this".

If you, personally, are entirely convinced that the post is not a good fit for the forum, perhaps consider posting something that would be a good fit instead?

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Nuclear Bombs Do Not Exist
« on: June 29, 2023, 12:49:38 PM »
I've been thinking of ways to prove to a Zetetic that nuclear bombs do exist.
Why? That's a problem statement that's not even coherent to begin with.

You don't know what Zeteticism is, do you?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Remember when?
« on: June 11, 2023, 10:52:50 PM »
So vaccines are not 100% safe, but miraculously all the COVID-related ones are?
No, there have been some rare side effects, iirc the most common was myocarditis, although the conspiracy theorists seem to really focus on the much rarer and less serious VTE/blood clots, which also occur at abnormal rates after going through COVID itself. Why did they focus on blood clots instead of the more obvious side effect? Who knows? Presumably the propagandists thought it was scarier/easier to spread FUD around.

I am claiming that no vaccine is safe and I stand by that claim. Believing there is a 100% safe vaccine out there is hopeful ignorance, and also unscientific.
I'm not sure you'll find anyone arguing for vaccines being 100% safe. They are simply, on the balance of probabilties, much safer than the diseases they mitigate. And when things do go wrong, the medical industry have a duty to provide appropriate compensation, thus providing them with an added incentive not to fuck up.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Aliens!
« on: June 06, 2023, 08:41:27 PM »
I want to hook up with a space babe as much as anyone but there are no aliens.
Prove it.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Intuitive understanding of the world.
« on: June 06, 2023, 10:05:53 AM »
secretagent10, I appreciate you're relatively new to the FE debate, and I would strongly encourage you to observe it for a while before making such far-reaching conclusions. I worry that you might be a victim of the very same "intuitive understanding" you so happily assign to others.

In my experience (which is likely mirrorred by many here), there are plenty of RE'ers who create their own "mental model" of FE, and conclude that it must be false based on that imagination. That "model" is usually a 1-to-1 replica of the RE universe, except the Earth has been inexplicably flattened and stretched. Of course, it doesn't take much effort to start poking holes in that vision of the world. It's also a vision that exists only in the mind of RE'ers. Your recent flippant comments throughout this forum are great examples of this kind of thinking. You've already decided FE is wrong (and, though you try your gosh darndest not to say it, you've also decided that it's stupid) - even though you basically know nothing about it. You just have your imagination to work with.

Although there are notable exceptions (you're talking about people here), it's usually the case that your average FE'er has a much better understanding of RE than your average RE'er. Again, I encourage you to read some of the nonsense RE'ers say during debates before deciding that "whoa how do mirrors work?!?!!" is a FE quality. Some of my favourite examples of RE confusion include:
  • A somewhat chronic inability to tell the difference between velocity and acceleration. I have no idea why this comes up so often, but it does.
  • Thinking that spirit levels operate due to the difference in gravitational forces applied to each end of the tube.
  • Mixing and matching inertial and non-inertial frames of reference without appropriately adjusting the forces/motion at play.
  • Fundamental misunderstandings of optics, orbital mechanics, and Newton's laws.

Note that I am specifically selecting "nonsense" that doesn't boil down to RE'ers not understanding FE. You'd reject any such example and "politely" make derogatory comments about me. So, I'm focusing on RE'ers not knowing the first thing about their own model.

I’ve gotten plenty of people to become round earthers again through calm logical discussion, and continue to do so.
To be blunt, I doubt that. It sounds like you found a few trolls who eventually gave up on trying to make you angry.

Flat Earth Media / Re: New Photos of Moon suggest Flat Earth?
« on: June 05, 2023, 10:46:20 PM »
For example, I have yet to see any FE explanations of why everyone in the world sees the same side of the moon that makes any sense to me.
Really? Have you tried the radical approach of asking? This is a pretty basic question, and one that even someone of your sophistication should be able to grasp.

under the flat earth theory the size of the sun would be tiny at sun rise and sun set.
Incorrect. Please do not express unsubstantiated opinions about a subject you haven't bothered to study. Wilful disinformation on your part will not be tolerated.

Flat Earth Media / Re: New Photos of Moon suggest Flat Earth?
« on: June 04, 2023, 10:11:31 AM »
Yeah no, you're running away at this point. I'm not continuing my conversation with you
Everette, this is not an airport. You do not need  to announce your departure from the conversation. You also don't need to post a complete copy of every post you're replying to.

Please avoid posting large amounts of content which do not contribute to the topic at hand. Some examples would be:
  • Unnecessary and unabridged use of the quote function.
  • "Oh, if X is your argument, don't been bother" (posted with absolutely no other content)
  • Your post above

Please familiarise yourself with the forum rules.

Flat Earth Media / Re: New Photos of Moon suggest Flat Earth?
« on: June 03, 2023, 07:53:07 AM »
No, my argument is that if NASA were faking it then they would have to do a very good job of catching and fixing their mistakes before they make into their public archive lest they get caught and shut down.
That is not functionally different from my interpretation of your argument. Crucially, nothing you said supports this version either. The core issue remains: you make boisterous claims about the quality of outcome, but your best supporting argument is "teehee they'd probably try, right?"

Substantiate or GTFO.

If that's how you feel, then feel free to not waste your time and just don't engage.
No, markjo. When I suggested we release you from Purgatory, that was conditional on you not returning to your old posting habits in the upper. If you can't behave, you won't post. You've already had your final warning on this issue, so let's call this a polite reminder.

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