So, what is the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter straight up at 7 miles per second, and that NASA can do the impossible on a daily basis, explore the solar system, and constantly wow the nation by landing a man on the moon and sending robots to mars; or is the simplest explanation that they really can't do all of that stuff?
Tom, you seem to enjoy dragging out this tired piece of copypasta, but you never seem explain just what it means. For example, exactly what "never before seen rocket technologies" are you referring to and who said that NASA invented them from scratch? You do realize that solid propellent rockets were invented hundreds of years ago and liquid propellent rockets were invented more than 30 years before NASA was even founded, don't you? What rocket technologies did NASA invent for the moon program that didn't already exist in some form or other? If anything, NASA pretty much just scaled up the rocket existing technology.
Also, when did NASA ever claim that they were doing the impossible, let alone on a daily basis? I think that you also have a rather unconventional notion of "constantly" when referring to moon landings and Mars probes.
Personally, I think that the simplest explanation is that you are desperately grasping at straws so that you can dismiss any evidence that so completely and conclusively contradicts FET.