Here is a test anyone can do, anywhere in the world, which relies on exactly zero outside information (thus rendering you immune to false information from a round earth shill): On a full moon night like tonight, take a good hard look at the moon's features at moonrise or soon after. REALLY look, don't just glance at it. Draw yourself a picture of the 'seas' and craters. Take a photo or two, or ten; whatever it takes to accurately remember how it looks at moonrise. Do this again at or near moonset, again taking great pains to really observe in exacting detail the face of the moon visible to you. Do this more than one night. Do this the next full moon, and the next. Enlist a trusted friend to do it with you, until you both can draw the moon's features from memory, and your drawings match each other and the observations. What you will find is that every single time you do this, you are still looking at the exact same face of the moon, the exact same seas and craters, as you saw every single time you looked. How is that? On a flat earth, this might be explained FOR ONE LOCATION if the moon is rotating at exactly the rght speed to present the same face to your location as it passes by overhead.
Now, one of you must travel to a distant location, preferably somewhere 1/3 to 1/2 of the way around the world. While you two are seperated by huge distance, get on the phone and observe the moon together, at the same time; this will be near moonrise for one of you and near moonset for the other. You will STILL see the exact same face, down to the smallest identifiable crater at the edges of the observable disc. This is impossible on a flat earth with a 3000 mile away moon. It is expected on a globe earth with a moon some 239,000 miles away.
Intikam is a confirmed hard-core flat earth believer, usually located in Turkey. Perhaps an interested FE could contact him to collaborate in this experiment, untainted by RE bias.