
Offline cel

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Only irrefutable and indubitable proof that is true only for flat or globe earth is encouraged to be posted in this topic! Of course, you can post proof that is true for both, for it might lead us to the absolute truth about earth. Good luck! Well, you can include any proofs that relate to globe and flat earth issue like the following:

1. Whether or not the earth is rotating by itself and/or revolving around the sun, or whether or not the earth is stationary lighted by a  rotating/revolving sun;
2. Whether or not the distance of the sun is 93M from the earth, also that of the moon;
3. Or anything that relates to proving that the earth is flat or globe  ;)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 12:12:36 PM by cel »
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What would be a 50% proof? Out of curiosity.


Offline rabinoz

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What would be a 50% proof? Out of curiosity.
Well, "100% proof for globe . . .  that cannot be debunked" is not possible as Tthe Flat Earth Conspiracy Society automatically deems any possible 100% proof of the Globe FAKE.

im thinking our reality is neither globe or flat..its something else..it wouldnt even be debatable if it was.

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im thinking our reality is neither globe or flat..its something else..it wouldnt even be debatable if it was.

Hey, Yorki...actually the roundheads aren't debating.  Their point of view is so well substantiated that their conclusions are well beyond debate.  What the roundheads are doing here is being noble.   They are protecting the weak minded and 'the children' by exposing the absurdity of believing that the scientific community might be wrong; or dishonest.  How dare anybody not believe in the wonderfulness of modern science!


Offline cel

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What would be a 50% proof? Out of curiosity.

Well, 50% proof may mean both the globe and flat earthers are right in their respective proofs, facts and/or arguments. To illustrate this, a large number "6" or "9" (depending on your position wrt such number) is printed on the floor in between two persons standing opposite to each other, one seeing the number as "6" and the other one sees it as "9". They're both right, aren't they? They argue and insist for what they see as the right number. So can you imagine their endless debate and argument of what each has seen. Unfortunately, no one wins or loses. The solution? Let a third person stand at the middle and explain to them the reality of how they both see the right thing, and also the other reality that each one of them is wrong in insisting that the other one is wrong. How I wish we're all such a third person who really knows what's going on exactly on this issue of globe and flat earth.... We'll all try to be truth seekers for the100% proof! Good luck!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 03:56:19 PM by cel »
You may wish to decipher how many squares are there in the 4x4 matrix of my profile image. If you do, tell me! That way I can tell if you really have an imaginative/creative mind that knows how to think out of the box. If you got it right, you've got great potential of becoming a genuine Truth Seeker! Welcome then to the Truth Seeker's group!


Offline cel

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What would be a 50% proof? Out of curiosity.
Well, "100% proof for globe . . .  that cannot be debunked" is not possible as Tthe Flat Earth Conspiracy Society automatically deems any possible 100% proof of the Globe FAKE.

I think this is not a problem. It's just that the flat earthers have proofs and a point to attest and show that not all authorities or men/women behind or promoting modern science esp. on this topic, globe or flat earth, are telling the truth, e.g. moon landing?, space travels? etc. etc. Anyway, my suggestion to the globe earthers is to show proofs, as in real proofs or evidence, that such 100% proof claimed is not fake. No conspiracy theory can debunk a real scientific proof that is well explained and clearly argued with supporting facts and evidence.. c'mmon, show that 100% and let flat earthers debunk it fair and square.... of course, we will know if  a conspiracy theory is already an unreasonable resort....
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 04:15:32 PM by cel »
You may wish to decipher how many squares are there in the 4x4 matrix of my profile image. If you do, tell me! That way I can tell if you really have an imaginative/creative mind that knows how to think out of the box. If you got it right, you've got great potential of becoming a genuine Truth Seeker! Welcome then to the Truth Seeker's group!


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im thinking our reality is neither globe or flat..its something else..it wouldnt even be debatable if it was.

Maybe! Who knows? In fact, there's no existing map today, globe or flat, that is accurate. At least one that cannot be debunked as to its accuracy. If you have a 100% proof for an accurate map, better show it here and let it be tested and debunked. Well, this is a challenge to astronomy science to advance further, and for globe or flat earthers to settle for the sake of truth or "true science"...
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 04:39:55 PM by cel »
You may wish to decipher how many squares are there in the 4x4 matrix of my profile image. If you do, tell me! That way I can tell if you really have an imaginative/creative mind that knows how to think out of the box. If you got it right, you've got great potential of becoming a genuine Truth Seeker! Welcome then to the Truth Seeker's group!

truth seeker here..im not a globe head or flat earther..think were in the minority cel


Offline rabinoz

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What would be a 50% proof? Out of curiosity.
Well, "100% proof for globe . . .  that cannot be debunked" is not possible as Tthe Flat Earth Conspiracy Society automatically deems any possible 100% proof of the Globe FAKE.

I think this is not a problem. It's just that the flat earthers have proofs and a point to attest and show that not all authorities or men/women behind or promoting modern science esp. on this topic, globe or flat earth, are telling the truth, e.g. moon landing?, space travels? etc. etc. Anyway, my suggestion to the globe earthers is to show proofs, as in real proofs or evidence, that such 100% proof claimed is not fake. No conspiracy theory can debunk a real scientific proof that is well explained and clearly argued with supporting facts and evidence.. c'mmon, show that 100% and let flat earthers debunk it fair and square.... of course, we will know if  a conspiracy theory is already an unreasonable resort....

Himawari-8 July 05, 2016 a 00:00 UTC

I have said little on this thread so far because I am certain of the Globe, not because of one "killer" piece of evidence, but because of the numerous simple things that all tie together.

I see so many things around me and read so many things that are not in themselves thought as evidence of the Globe, but which simply do not fit any flat earth we have been shown.

Flat earthers might have "explanations" for each one taken on its own, but looked at together they are for me overwhelming proof of a Globe.

So, you asked for it, and you got it.


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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2016, 05:53:25 PM »
There is no such thing as "cannot be debunked" if a person can convince themselves that Photoshop/evil NASA/Freemason explains, well, ANYTHING.
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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2016, 02:12:06 AM »
Only 100% proof is allowed to be posted in this topic! Good luck!  ;) 8)

100% like absolute certainly? No.  Human reasoning doesn't work that way.

Beyond reasonable doubt, yes.

That's not entirely relevant though. If this is an important question to you then you should take it upon yourself to verify any claims that have been made. There's a number of experiments you can perform which aren't terribly expensive. If the truth is important to you and you're skeptical of any authority attempting to dictate reality to you then your only reasonable course of action is to investigate these claims yourself.

Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2016, 12:58:13 AM »
There is proof for both Globe and Flat Earth So there is no 100% PROOF


Offline rabinoz

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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2016, 01:51:04 AM »
Only 100% proof is allowed to be posted in this topic! Good luck!  ;) 8)

No 100% proof of the Globe is possible to a fully indoctrinated Flat Earther!

Any proof of the Globe is immediately claimed to a fake, either Photoshopped, CGI or a product of a Freemason, or other, conspiracy, I kid you not!

Geodetic surveyors have proved that the the earth cannot be flat for centuries, but that gets all discarded.

As soon as geodetic sutveyors get mentioned we get claims it is all lies and a Masonic plot! How do you like this for rational evidence?
. . . . . . . . . .  Also, geodetic surveying has been refuted as a credible source of info. No doubt they used telescopes for centuries and would have quickly seen that there is no curvature with the equation given at 8 inches × distance squared. They would have also quickly noticed that boats don't disappear behind curvature when sailing off into the horizon. Geodetic surveying is also a Masonic created. They lied about the poles and curvature. No curve means no ball.

We have thousands of photographs of the Globe from almost every possible angle, but we get told
"You can't use those", NASA and all Space agencies are frauds and conspiracy controlled!
Of course all these "Flat Earth" photos are supposedly  ::) "proof" of a Flat Earth!  ::)

Quote from: Jonathan Strickland
Top 10 Space Conspiracy Theories, Flat Earth Society
In 1956, Samuel Shelton founded a society that subscribed to a theory about the shap­e of the Earth -- namely, that it's flat. Shelton based his theory upon what he called common sense and personal observation. He called the scientific evidence for a globe-shaped Earth "dogmatic," meaning scientists were making this claim without adequate evidence. Later, when people showed him pictures of the Earth taken by satellites, Shelton claimed the photos were fake. He and the members of his society continued to support the idea that the Earth is flat and that those who disagree are part of a conspiracy to keep the truth about the Earth hidden.
From: Top 10 Space Conspiracy Theories, Flat Earth Society

Quote from: Sam Jordison
The Flat Earth Society, A small extract from my book, The Joy Of Sects
The original British Flat Earth Society was founded in 1892 and kept on going strong until the early 1970s when its last active members, Samuel and Lillian Shelton, died. The pictures of the round Earth taken from space had proved to be something of a crushing blow – although the society did come up with the rather neat explanation that the entire space programme was a con, and the moon landings were scripted by none other than the mischievous Arthur C Clarke.
http://Sam Jordison, Flat Earth Society

So there is no chance that there ever will be 100% irrefutable proof of the Globe that will satisfy dedicated Flat Earthers.


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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2016, 02:16:11 AM »
Here is a test anyone can do, anywhere in the world, which relies on exactly zero outside information (thus rendering you immune to false information from a round earth shill): On a full moon night like tonight, take a good hard look at the moon's features at moonrise or soon after.  REALLY look, don't just glance at it.  Draw yourself a picture of the 'seas' and craters.  Take a photo or two, or ten; whatever it takes to accurately remember how it looks at moonrise.  Do this again at or near moonset, again taking great pains to really observe in exacting detail the face of the moon visible to you.  Do this more than one night.  Do this the next full moon, and the next.  Enlist a trusted friend to do it with you, until you both can draw the moon's features from memory, and your drawings match each other and the observations.  What you will find is that every single time you do this, you are still looking at the exact same face of the moon, the exact same seas and craters, as you saw every single time you looked.  How is that?  On a flat earth, this might be explained FOR ONE LOCATION if the moon is rotating at exactly the rght speed to present the same face to your location as it passes by overhead.
Now, one of you must travel to a distant location, preferably somewhere 1/3 to 1/2 of the way around the world.  While you two are seperated by huge distance, get on the phone and observe the moon together, at the same time; this will be near moonrise for one of you and near moonset for the other.  You will STILL see the exact same face, down to the smallest identifiable crater at the edges of the observable disc.  This is impossible on a flat earth with a 3000 mile away moon.  It is expected on a globe earth with a moon some 239,000 miles away.

Intikam is a confirmed hard-core flat earth believer, usually located in Turkey.  Perhaps an interested FE could contact him to collaborate in this experiment, untainted by RE bias.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 02:18:01 AM by Rounder »
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Ok. You proven you are unworthy to unignored. You proven it was a bad idea to unignore you. and it was for me a disgusting experience...Now you are going to place where you deserved and accustomed.
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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2016, 05:12:43 AM »
Here is a test anyone can do, anywhere in the world...

Enlist a trusted friend to do it with you...
Now, one of you must travel to a distant location, preferably somewhere 1/3 to 1/2 of the way around the world. 

This is the epitome of round earth logic, everyone...


Offline cel

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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2016, 06:14:10 AM »
There is proof for both Globe and Flat Earth So there is no 100% PROOF

Of course, there are proofs, existing or yet to be discovered, as we already have science, observations, logic, reasoning, etc. at our disposal. We just have to be careful we're getting them right...without any bias whatsoever... good luck... and change your mindset or paradigm...
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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2016, 06:31:57 AM »
Only 100% proof is allowed to be posted in this topic! Good luck!  ;) 8)

No 100% proof of the Globe is possible to a fully indoctrinated Flat Earther!

Any proof of the Globe is immediately claimed to a fake, either Photoshopped, CGI or a product of a Freemason, or other, conspiracy, I kid you not!

Geodetic surveyors have proved that the the earth cannot be flat for centuries, but that gets all discarded.

As soon as geodetic sutveyors get mentioned we get claims it is all lies and a Masonic plot! How do you like this for rational evidence?
. . . . . . . . . .  Also, geodetic surveying has been refuted as a credible source of info. No doubt they used telescopes for centuries and would have quickly seen that there is no curvature with the equation given at 8 inches × distance squared. They would have also quickly noticed that boats don't disappear behind curvature when sailing off into the horizon. Geodetic surveying is also a Masonic created. They lied about the poles and curvature. No curve means no ball.

We have thousands of photographs of the Globe from almost every possible angle, but we get told
"You can't use those", NASA and all Space agencies are frauds and conspiracy controlled!
Of course all these "Flat Earth" photos are supposedly  ::) "proof" of a Flat Earth!  ::)

Quote from: Jonathan Strickland
Top 10 Space Conspiracy Theories, Flat Earth Society
In 1956, Samuel Shelton founded a society that subscribed to a theory about the shap­e of the Earth -- namely, that it's flat. Shelton based his theory upon what he called common sense and personal observation. He called the scientific evidence for a globe-shaped Earth "dogmatic," meaning scientists were making this claim without adequate evidence. Later, when people showed him pictures of the Earth taken by satellites, Shelton claimed the photos were fake. He and the members of his society continued to support the idea that the Earth is flat and that those who disagree are part of a conspiracy to keep the truth about the Earth hidden.
From: Top 10 Space Conspiracy Theories, Flat Earth Society

Quote from: Sam Jordison
The Flat Earth Society, A small extract from my book, The Joy Of Sects
The original British Flat Earth Society was founded in 1892 and kept on going strong until the early 1970s when its last active members, Samuel and Lillian Shelton, died. The pictures of the round Earth taken from space had proved to be something of a crushing blow – although the society did come up with the rather neat explanation that the entire space programme was a con, and the moon landings were scripted by none other than the mischievous Arthur C Clarke.
http://Sam Jordison, Flat Earth Society

So there is no chance that there ever will be 100% irrefutable proof of the Globe that will satisfy dedicated Flat Earthers.

Of course, there is chance of 100% irrefutable proof of the Globe or Flat earth that will satisfy each other's hunger for truth. You don't have to look at things subjectively. Well, if you can't argue with proofs that globe pictures are really authentic, maybe the flat earthers have proven that they aren't really. You know, don't make lack of counter argument and proof as a escapegoat or excuse for sweeping generalization or conclusion that what globe earthers presented like globe pictures are just considered as FAKE by flat earthers.... it's better for the globe earthers to counter argue and show further  proofs that the pictures are not fake... why can't you show with proofs and sound arguments that the pictures are authentic... or does it mean that the flat earthers' proof of fake pictures really valid?
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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2016, 06:42:33 AM »
Here is a test anyone can do, anywhere in the world...

Enlist a trusted friend to do it with you...
Now, one of you must travel to a distant location, preferably somewhere 1/3 to 1/2 of the way around the world. 

I suggest that any globe or flat earther has to show evidence that all pilots have protocols to constantly adjust their direction as they fly 1/3 to 1/2 distance around the world, otherwise, they will not follow the curvature of the earth, or they will run out of fuel in going straight line or level direction. Of course, the flat earther can show proof that the pilots are not at all required to adjust their directions constantly as there isn't a need because earth is flat. Well, show us proofs then..

This is the epitome of round earth logic, everyone...
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 06:44:13 AM by cel »
You may wish to decipher how many squares are there in the 4x4 matrix of my profile image. If you do, tell me! That way I can tell if you really have an imaginative/creative mind that knows how to think out of the box. If you got it right, you've got great potential of becoming a genuine Truth Seeker! Welcome then to the Truth Seeker's group!


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Re: Has anyone got 100% proof for globe or flat earth that cannot be debunked?
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2016, 09:10:20 AM »
Here is a test anyone can do, anywhere in the world...

Enlist a trusted friend to do it with you...
Now, one of you must travel to a distant location, preferably somewhere 1/3 to 1/2 of the way around the world. 

I suggest that any globe or flat earther has to show evidence that all pilots have protocols to constantly adjust their direction as they fly 1/3 to 1/2 distance around the world, otherwise, they will not follow the curvature of the earth, or they will run out of fuel in going straight line or level direction. Of course, the flat earther can show proof that the pilots are not at all required to adjust their directions constantly as there isn't a need because earth is flat. Well, show us proofs then..

This is the epitome of round earth logic, everyone...

If lift pulls up the plane hard enough that it keeps flying. But lift depends, among other things, on the density of air around the plane: the higher the planes fly, the weaker lift is. So, all in all, the plane flies in a layer of air at the same pressure, which in turn follows approximately the surface of the Earth.

A plane needs to be moving at different speeds to maintain enough lift at certain altitudes. So to maintain the same amount of lift it has at a lower altitudes it needs to move faster at higher altitudes.

When a plane is put into level flight at a constant speed it will tend to self adjust as it moves through the air.