Addressing PizaaPlanet ... I can reason it any way I like. Not everything is logical, I'm not a Vulcan. I don't like the idea of having ginger children, but if I met a gorgeous strawberry blonde woman with a nasty streak of ginger relatives, it wouldn't stop me trying to start a family with such a person.
I just don't like the idea of deliberately ending someone's life. I think it is so unfair and usually unnecessary. Yes, the mother's quality of life is diminished, but she still has a life. I don't think one person should be able to choose to end the life of someone else because it is inconvenient to them and because they happened to be here on earth first. It still sounds like the motive for murder to me. And yes, there are exceptions pro-lifers will always throw up like rape and deformity and incest etc, and you do need mechanisms to deal with those adverse cases ... but I think it is too easy for women to do under normal unplanned circumstances. Statistics show most births are unplanned. Before contraception, the natural birth rate in the UK was 2.4 children. You need 2.1 to maintain a population. The birth rate in the UK is now 1.4. It is the real reason we have immigrants ... to prop up the pension Ponzi scheme. It shows when you let people choose how many children they want, they choose the wrong number. It is beyond our collective cognitive powers to make the right choice ... people are supposed to be born unplanned, it is the way nature designed us.
And this isn't a legal issue to me. It is a moral one. You should be able to choose, but you should have a bloody good reason and it should be based on the future of the child, not on your own ambitions to be a pop star or because you don't want stretch marks. A woman's view on how to deal with this is the type of thing I use to judge character. If a woman has had 2 abortions ... I'm usually not interested in her. Why would I want to be with a woman who may choose to kill off my children? Its about morality, not legality. I'm probably just a bit old fashioned, but I think the sanctity of human life is important.