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Messages - jroa

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Hello world
« on: July 31, 2015, 09:34:13 PM »
Why would you expect to see Diamond Head from thousands of miles away when you can barely see a mountain 100 miles away?  This is some pretty strange logic you are using, Googleotomy. 

Technology & Information / Re: The Windows 10 thread
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:53:08 PM »
Because it's free

This is the first time Microsoft have offered their OS free.

Their software, with regards to Windows, has been free to download for quite some time.  It is the license that you pay for. 

Flat Earth Community / Re: NASA making a right mess of things
« on: July 28, 2015, 08:42:29 AM »
Yep,  having to do two pictures every 43 years will do that to you.  Bound to get tired of doing the same thing over and over.  ;D

Do you know that there are several  geostationary weather satellites  taking real time pictures of the whole globe every 3 hours, and you can download the images?   

Maybe you don't?

Here's a link to the Japanese meterological services Himawari8 satellite.    Launched last year on a Japanese Space Agency H-11A rocket,  from the Yoshinobu Launch Complex, no NASA here.

I can't wait till the  Japanese Manga artists get to work on the production versions. 

You do realize those are composites, right?  In other words, they take hundreds of small pictures and stich them all together into whatever shape suits them.  They could have stiched them into the shape of a cube, but you are already programmed to recognize a sphere as a planet, so sphere it is. 

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: New titles
« on: July 27, 2015, 01:21:29 AM »
On the old site, former moderators are given the title of "The leader ones" to distinguish them from the other members.  I would like to submit a sugestion to do something similar here.  Perhaps "Flat Earth Advisor" or something similar for PP(sexaholic), Gayer, and Roundy?  Thoughts?

I think instead of pursuing this you should pop over to .org and ban.... Everyone.
ok. You are now bummed at .org. I hope you are happy now. 

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: New titles
« on: July 27, 2015, 01:15:41 AM »
"The Elder ones"  f-ing android

Suggestions & Concerns / New titles
« on: July 26, 2015, 09:47:56 AM »
On the old site, former moderators are given the title of "The leader ones" to distinguish them from the other members.  I would like to submit a sugestion to do something similar here.  Perhaps "Flat Earth Advisor" or something similar for PP(sexaholic), Gayer, and Roundy?  Thoughts?

Debian is so out of date, though.  You get updates years after the developers release them.  By then, they are obsolete.  Why do you do that to yourself? 

Technology & Information / Re: iOS
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:07:29 AM »
And anyway, my warranty ran out 6 months ago.

So, now it is time to play Russian rullet with your phone? 

Flat Earth Theory / MOVED: Hello world
« on: July 22, 2015, 10:13:29 PM »

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Coriolis Effect
« on: July 06, 2015, 06:02:10 PM »
Actually, the Coriollis effect has been debunked many times, by both FE'ers and RE'ers.

And so all that is left to do ... is punish Yaakov. >:(

For what?  At most it could be argued that he is abussing forum features, which is a petty offence. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: South Pole
« on: June 09, 2015, 09:44:03 AM »

Why are 'they' not going to publish information that people in the industry need? 
When did I ever say that? They do give off readings that will serve the same purpose. Put it like this: one satellite and two houses. The satellite gives a signal in a straight line to those two houses; that's your model. Now, take those lines, and place, say, a balloon where that line passes through a certain altitude: there you go, done.
That's a good idea.  To make it more accurate use 4 locations more than 500 miles apart from each other.

You may just find the angles fit a round earth with a geostationary satellite, as shown by various calculators, and used by everyone in the industry.

How high would a balloon have to be to cover all of the USA?

I don't know, you tell me. Better yet, tell me why there has to only be one balloon.
If you look up transponder footprints you will find that link above covers the whole of the USA.

Still waiting for why that could only ever possibly be achieved by one transmitter.
We are not discussing how it could be implemented, but how it actually is now.

No, you are being just as theoretical as everyone else, exept you just asume your theories are facts.   

with any luck, common sense has prevailed and Ireland has voted to end marriage discrimination.

That won't be the case either way, as this referendum is only dealing with some aspects of marriage discrimination, not all of it.

You don't understand the concept of precedent, do you?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity,Weight and Altitude?
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:21:56 AM »
there is no gravity...our weight keeps us stuck to the earth.

Hm I wonder what causes weight...

Hm, I wonder if you can make a complete post.

there is no gravity...our weight keeps us stuck to the earth.

Hm I wonder what causes weight...

Thank you for not shitting up  the thread, but you are shitting up the thread. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: What do you see
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:16:35 AM »
But the image was flat until you proved that it was round.

The people who proved the earth was round are proven liars. There are many inexplicable things in the photos and footage from space. Therefore, those sources cannot be trusted and the earth is flat until proven otherwise.

Citation needed.
Please contribute when you post.  That way, I will not have to split your posts or move them.  Thanks.  Consider this a warning. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Basic physics laws
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:12:01 PM »
Similarly, the theory of gravity tells us the fact that there is gravity (it has been demonstrated for centuries - we even have laws of gravity which are mathematical relationships of how celestial bodies interact with each other which accurately explain the relationships between planets and their moons, the planets revolving around the sun, etc) and gives us the best explanation of how it works based on our current information. There is a lot we do not understand about how gravity works right now, which is why some scientists are trying to come up with new ideas on how gravity interacts, but the likelihood that any new discovery will change the scientific fact of gravity is next to nothing.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that the theory of gravity falls apart at any level outside of a star system.  It seems awfully convenient for you to leave that part out of your lecture. 

Flat Earth Community / Re: Multiple questions
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:09:39 AM »
Here you go. 

v = c tanh(r/c)

As you can see, v will never be more than c. 

Flat Earth Community / Re: Multiple questions
« on: May 22, 2015, 08:04:59 AM »
First of all, you make assumptions about the age of the Earth.  No big deal, but they are still assumptions.  Next, you assume the speed of light.  Again, not a big deal.  However, next you assume that Newtonian physics can work for something more than you driving to the store.  Newtonian physics has been known for more than a century to be incorrect, yet, you preach it like a cult member.  Special Relativity will show you that you can accelerate indefinitely and never reach the speed of light.  Therefore, incorrect.

The age of the Earth and the speed of light have been verified by many scientists and researchers all over. Special relativity is a little more complicated area of physics, where things get complicated very fast. I find it funny you accept S.R. but not the age of the Earth or c  ;D

Anyways, can you be a little more specific on the part of S.R. that specifies what you are claiming?

Are you asking for the SR acceleration formulas?  I can give you those.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Basic physics laws
« on: May 22, 2015, 07:31:13 AM »
No theory is completly verifiable. But you can make experiments to be sure on a 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% level or something! That is called 'science'.

You mean, they see effects of something, then make up a theory, and when the theory does not match reality, they just make stuff up to fill in the gaps, right? 

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