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Flat Earth Media / Eclipses - What NASA Doesn't Tell You
« on: July 13, 2015, 10:28:40 AM »
I’ve been researching eclipses. I ran across a YouTube comment stating as a matter of fact that “Rahu and Ketu” are causing them. So curiously I began to dig into it.

It turns out that ancient India knew about two stelar bodies that were responsible for eclipses and moon phases.

Although I don’t get involved with occultism, such as astrology, it should be noted that all astrology is based on physical bodies which really exist. So it makes no sense that they would base all their readings on [real] stars and planets, and then add in two bodies that are made up myth. Hence I concluded that the two bodies they call Rahu and Ketu were real and observable—not only that but there are still Indian astrologers who still know about them today—the knowledge has been passed down to them for generations.

After digging some more I found that these stelar bodies have been called many other names throughout history. I’m still looking for more mentions of them, but so far they have been known by the following names: “Rahu & Ketu, Nibiru, Black Sun, 2nd Moon, 3753 Cruithne.”

I also found a web page with the following quote, and I feel this is the most significant find I’ve made on the subject.

“In 1982 NASA recognized the possibility of the existence of an extra sun planet. In 1983 NASA launched the IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) which located an object near the constellation Orion. The Washington Post published an interview with JPL scientist (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). Gery Neugebauer, IRAS’ chief scientist said: "All I can say is that we know what it is." NASA observes Nibiru SPT from his new telescope located at the South Pole, all governments know this….” —Cosmoecóloga, 14/9/11

The previous interview says a lot. There is an object, it is near, and they are hiding it from us. The opposite of hide is to tell, and so they are definitely hiding knowledge from us.

The satellite IRAS was launched on January of 1983. It used infrared light to catalogue all anomalies in the sky. They claim IRAS was sent into outer space; but you and I know they’ve never gotten past earth orbit and can’t get past the Van Allen Belts - hence this object is as near to us as the moon and sun which are only a few thousand miles above our heads, up with the higher clouds—the stellar body must be slightly lower than the sun for it to block its light during a solar eclipse.

Regarding eclipses, there is a little known and little reported phenomena where the sun and moon are both visible on opposite horizons at the same time, and yet the moon goes into eclipse. Scientists avoid this, and an idiot on YouTube tries to explain it as: the light of the sun bends under the earth to eclipse the moon—yet he also notes that the shadow comes from above rather than below. But his is not a reasonable or logical deduction, as the light of the sun would actually need to bend BEFORE hitting earth (rather than going under the earth), so as to cast earth’s shadow ONTO the moon—the man is clearly groping for an explanation that incorporates his indoctrination of the sun being over ninety million miles away. In one video below the “shadow” comes from the side rather than from above the moon - making the “sunlight bends under earth” theory even more ridiculous.

They’re hiding this knowledge from the public to keep the flat-earthers from having a solid explanation for solar eclipses.

My hypothesis so far, based on reason, is that the dark body may be above and behind the sun most of the time, and we can’t see it because we can’t look at or past the sun (from our view on the ground). But ancient Indians said that there are two of these bodies, one for the sun and one for the moon. One body is said to be the blackest black. When shining a laser on a flat black surface, the blackness completely consumes or envelopes the light. Therefor we would not be able to [see] such an object unless it a) moves in front of the sun or moon, or b) covers our view of the stars at night. But as it absorbs light, it would be nearly undetectable the rest of the time. There are many theories we could contemplate on this; but one fact remains above all our theories - that NASA “know what it is,” and how it operates; but they aren’t telling us anything.

It should also be noted that this explains the Nibiru hoax. I’ve been trying to figure out for a few years now why stories of Nibiru came out of nowhere and began to overwhelm the internet with prophecies about a planet that’s going to collide with earth and cause a cataclysm, and all that crap. When I found that these bodies have always existed, the Nibiru stories suddenly made sense. The governments are conditioning our minds to explain the bodies away when they are discovered by the public. They don’t have to admit that they were hiding this all along, they just say “Nibiru is here” - or even better, just let the people argue about it according to the pre-conditioning the govt. planted in the public mind. Rather than embracing these bodies which have always been among us, they have instilled in the public a fear of the objects, which are integral and symbiotic, friendly to life on earth.

So far I’ve collected 25 photos of these bodies, taken by amateur photographers. I believe the reason there aren’t more photos is simply because people don’t know they exist. But the word will get out, and this will change… And of course NASA will cram a load of shit down the public’s throat when it does. AND you can expect a lot of fraudulent photos to start surfacing, and the purpose of those will be for a doppelganger to make the real photos appear fraudulent.

I’ve been looking for more information on this. Any links to the past, or evidence from the present, is welcome. I’ve spent some time recently looking up at the sky; but these bodies are elusive—and I don’t have long range equipment for viewing—not to mention, chem-trails make it difficult to see the sky with clarity.

More people need to observe the skies and take photos and video of the bodies. NASA may be hiding the details from us; but we can still expose the truth. I don’t know why they bother fighting it, truth always prevails.

(Note to the NASHOLES. I've download all videos and articles. If any are taken down, I'll just re-upload and re-blog them in mass quantities - and I know enough to use a ghost computer - so don't bother.)


Flat Earth Theory / In the Name of Progression & Unity
« on: July 12, 2015, 12:47:17 PM »
Hey. As I'm new here. . .

What forum do I post to if I want to get into a serious discussion [between believing members], where we can effectively cut the shills out from entering into the conversation? Let them watch if they want; but muzzle them.

(Personally I believe the shills should be permanently kicked out of the forum for their constant disruption in lowering the moral - such as is done in the military and business world. When it was said in the past to "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" kings did not employ this method by welcoming their enemies into the planning chambers—planning is to be done away from enemy eyes, or they only ruin the plan.)

I'm looking for constructive conversation and think-tanking; not debates and shillery purposed to derail forward movement.

I don't believe in what they call "the scientific method" where you debate to reach a conclusion. They don't use that method among scientists, they have conversations and toss around ideas. The "scientific" debate method is taught to the common people in their colleges, to purposely impede progression - and it's quote effective - if you hand yourself over to such deluded thinking - which I refuse to do. We need to establish a new "scientific" method wherein we cut out the shills altogether, and work to reach unified conclusions. UNITY among us, is what they hate and fear.

Flat Earth Theory / Rahu
« on: July 12, 2015, 10:59:39 AM »
I'm sure this has been discussed here. What are your thoughts.

Just keep in mind I'm not entertaining the shills who just want to derail meaningful conversation. I'm looking for more leads, and if possible, more evidence. If there were such a "planet," then it should be observable in some way.

Flat Earth Theory / Looking For Quotes
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:50:24 AM »
I'm looking for quotes (and books) from authoritative sources which state that water always levels itself flat. Physics textbooks would be best, no matter how old—I've only found one so far. Anyone know any more?

(What I mean by "authoritative" is - not from someone who believes in a flat earth. If you go quoting that stuff to people in an attempt to prove the earth is flat, they only see it as bias and tainted.)

Flat Earth Media / A Good Book for Your Collection
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:23:41 AM »
First Principles of Natural Philosophy —by A. E. Dolbear ©1897

Looking for physics books which make simple statements like: "water always seeks to level itself" can be a bit daunting these days. I notice they tend to cover every physical aspect of water, but they avoid stating that one fact (I spent hours last week looking for a quote online, and never found anything substantial and authoritative).

This book however was of course printed back in a time before all textbooks went through rigorous screening before being approved - and before the government controlled all the schools (indoctrination).

The book also touches on the Aether - another thing you'll never see discussed in detail and with seriousness in a modern textbook.

You can find it free to download doing a pdf search. I recommend it for any collector.

Flat Earth Theory / Where a thread once stood
« on: July 11, 2015, 06:31:31 AM »
Sorry D.R., no more ammunition for you. ;)

Flat Earth Media / New Standard Map of the World - High Definition
« on: July 08, 2015, 04:26:57 AM »

(I would have uploaded the PDF, but photobucket doesn't accept PDFs for upload; So this is a jpeg.)

I doubt this old 1892 map is still under copyright. But just in case, here's my official Fair Use notice.

P.S. Govt. Shills - You Suck

Flat Earth Media / Compasses, and Needles, and North, OH MY!
« on: June 26, 2015, 09:35:33 PM »
Were the earth round...

Using a compass at the south pole, or south of the equator, the needle would DIP DOWN, attempting to point to the north. The needle would actually want to point through the planet.

In a spherical compass the inner circle freely floats around in ALL directions—it can even float upside down (especially if you remove the bottom weight).

If earth were a sphere, holding such a compass at the south pole or south of the equator, north would always point to the earth, because north would be on the other side of the planet.

Yet as we know, all compass needles point straight ahead, and do not dip, so long as the compass is held level to the ground.


Flat Earth Media / Salar de Uyuni (Salt Flats)
« on: June 26, 2015, 05:28:50 AM »
Perhaps this has already been posted here. (?)écembre_2007_-_Centre_de_Nulle_Part.jpg

Go to the wide photo at the bottom of the page.

a) Copy the photo to your computer and enlarge it to fill your screen from top to bottom.

b) Put your thumb nail on the horizon.

c) Move the photo from the left, and all the way to the right.

— There is no curvature.

— There is no peak in the center.

(NOTE: You will notice that the left side is a little higher. This is because the photographer didn't level the shot perfectly. You'll also notice that right over his vehicle there's an anomaly where the horizon fails to meet up perfectly. The difference in height at this point makes up for the height difference at the left side of the shot.)

Experiment: With a 50mm lens - Go to the ocean and take two pictures of the horizon, one photo from your LEFT (photo #1), and one from your RIGHT (photo #2). It doesn't matter if the shots perfectly overlap, because "earth curve" will be noticeable in any shot, if it's there.

Take photo #1 and overlap it so that the right side overlaps the center of the photo #2.

If the earth is round, the right side of photo #1 will dip into the middle of photo #2, as the center of each photo should be higher than at the edges.

If you reverse the photos you will have the same results.

If it does not dip into the center of the other photo, then there is no curvature.

(A 50mm lens is considered to be the way we see things—it's TRUE. Anything below 50mm is a "wide angle lens," and will distort the photo. Photos that make earth appear to have a curve are taken with wide angle lenses, likely around the 30mm range. If you are a photographer and have a large format camera this experiment will yield better results.)


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