Hello, i want to make an azimuthal equidistant projection of one of nasas images of the earth (i believe it's a mercator projection). I don't know if i can make an azimuthal equidistant version of that image but if anybody knows how to, that would be great, because i have no idea.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Hello, i want to make an azimuthal equidistant projection of one of nasas images of the earth (i believe it's a mercator projection). I don't know if i can make an azimuthal equidistant version of that image but if anybody knows how to, that would be great, because i have no idea.
The first thing to know is that it isn't a mercator projection. Its an azimuthal equidistant projection.
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Hello, i want to make an azimuthal equidistant projection of one of nasas images of the earth (i believe it's a mercator projection). I don't know if i can make an azimuthal equidistant version of that image but if anybody knows how to, that would be great, because i have no idea.
The first thing to know is that it isn't a mercator projection. Its an azimuthal equidistant projection.

No, i'm talking about an image like this: http://wwtweb.blob.core.windows.net/docs/images/MapOfEarth.jpg

I'm trying to change that (well the one i have is much better quality) into an azimuthal equidistant one


Offline Dr David Thork

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Hello, i want to make an azimuthal equidistant projection of one of nasas images of the earth (i believe it's a mercator projection). I don't know if i can make an azimuthal equidistant version of that image but if anybody knows how to, that would be great, because i have no idea.
The first thing to know is that it isn't a mercator projection. Its an azimuthal equidistant projection.

No, i'm talking about an image like this: http://wwtweb.blob.core.windows.net/docs/images/MapOfEarth.jpg

I'm trying to change that (well the one i have is much better quality) into an azimuthal equidistant one
First learn what azimuthal means, then stop using it to describe what you are trying to do. A mercator map isn't azimuthal. It is cylindrical.
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Hello, i want to make an azimuthal equidistant projection of one of nasas images of the earth (i believe it's a mercator projection). I don't know if i can make an azimuthal equidistant version of that image but if anybody knows how to, that would be great, because i have no idea.
The first thing to know is that it isn't a mercator projection. Its an azimuthal equidistant projection.

No, i'm talking about an image like this: http://wwtweb.blob.core.windows.net/docs/images/MapOfEarth.jpg

I'm trying to change that (well the one i have is much better quality) into an azimuthal equidistant one
First learn what azimuthal means, then stop using it to describe what you are trying to do. A mercator map isn't azimuthal. It is cylindrical.

goddamit i know. All i'm saying is i want that mercator projection i have to be made into an azimuthal equidistant map centered on the north pole, like the one this very society has. All i'm asking is if there's a way to deform that mercator projection into a similar azimuthal equidistant one as the flat earth society has.


Offline Dr David Thork

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I'm going to spell this out. And I'll do it in baby terms and you can claim I'm patronising you, but then at least we are all on the same page, ...  you get it and your dignity is intact.

A Mercator projection is a cylindrical map. It is called this because it has a 'pac-man' element. You can travel off the left and magically appear on the right of the map. You can't do this North to South. Hence cylindrical.

There is no 'pac-man' element to an azimuthal map.

You want to take the magic properties of a pac-man map and are asking for the maths to turn that into a non-pac-man map.

So you need to first remove the pacman teleportation by joining the two ends into a cylinder. cylindrial projection, right?
Then you need to take the north pole which stretches all the way around the upper surface of the cylinder and form it into a single point. Now you have a cone.
Now you need to stretch the south pole out so as your cone goes flat into a disc.

Best of luck.

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I'm going to spell this out. And I'll do it in baby terms and you can claim I'm patronising you, but then at least we are all on the same page, ...  you get it and your dignity is intact.

A Mercator projection is a cylindrical map. It is called this because it has a 'pac-man' element. You can travel off the left and magically appear on the right of the map. You can't do this North to South. Hence cylindrical.

There is no 'pac-man' element to an azimuthal map.

You want to take the magic properties of a pac-man map and are asking for the maths to turn that into a non-pac-man map.

So you need to first remove the pacman teleportation by joining the two ends into a cylinder. cylindrial projection, right?
Then you need to take the north pole which stretches all the way around the upper surface of the cylinder and form it into a single point. Now you have a cone.
Now you need to stretch the south pole out so as your cone goes flat into a disc.

Best of luck.

I already knew that the mercator projection was a cylindrical map and all that. I was asking if there was any sort of program or tool that could help me or do the steps you were describing there. I tried to do the method you described there before but the program i used for editing the image doesn't work with it.

And i don't feel patronized, i think you probably think i'm dumb because i didn't get across what i was actually asking for properly. Thank you for your help, at the very least.