It's white board time.
First of all, thank you for actually stepping up and putting something up for everybody to see - much appreciated. Is that you in the video?
There’s an awful lot going on in the talk, and to be honest it comes across a bit meandering - everything from trees of life, big bang, solars winds, pressure, induction motors…we could talk all day.
Let me just pick out two things.
1. Tropics. It’s not clear what the video is proposing in terms of tropics - the diagram suggests downward dip angles (or at least downward something…what exactly?) at the tropics, but then seems to muddle the tropics with the equator. It’s also not at all clear what is meant by the apparent compass reversal at the tropics - why are the tropics special as far as FE is concerned? They matter in the round earth model because they are aligned with the tilt angle of the planet. But if you don’t believe in the tilt angle, what are the tropics?
2. The video doesn’t make any distinction between the true, geographic poles and the magnetic poles, but they are very different. The magnetic North Pole is currently in northern Canada, and the southern magnetic pole is a long way from the geographic South Pole - it’s not even on mainland Antarctica, but is in the sea due south of Australia at around 63 degrees south. People sail there. There’s even a cruise ship firm offering trips. Compasses don’t really work in the vicinity and, even more oddly, once you’re past it, if you want to keep travelling south, you have to adopt a northerly magnetic heading.