I'm guessing it's the "bendy light" that explains this:
"You cannot see Kawaikini from the peak of Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea, the highest peak in Hawaii (the summit of the Big Island), offers incredible views. With nothing but the ocean around it, and a few other nearby islands, you should be able to see extremely far away. The island of Kauai has the seventh highest point in the Hawaiian islands: the peak known as Kawaikini. If you were to draw a straight line from Mauna Kea (elevation: 13,796 ft.) to Kawaikini (elevation: 5226 ft.) it would span a distance of 303 miles." which I obtained here:
If I'm understanding, according to the Bishop experiment light doesn't bend at all in 23 miles yet it bends in excess of 8,000' in 300.
Well, in reality we know that light travels in a constant direction unless acted upon, which here on Earth means atmospheric refraction. There is a standard refraction coefficient that you can use to account for it, but that does vary. The closer you are to the surface, the lower the temperature and the higher the pressure gradient, the more the light bends in accordance with known formulas as can be found in this experiment here:
http://walter.bislins.ch/bloge/index.asp?page=The+Rainy+Lake+ExperimentLight on Earth will always bend in the direction of lower to higher pressure (i.e. usually towards the Earth, not away from it) which means it can follow the curvature of the Earth for hundreds of miles making it seem like you can see things much further away.
How light curves in accordance with EA, nobody really knows, but suffice to say that it always curves away from the surface of the Earth, and sharply, which is not what we see or measure. But yes, EA would explain why you can't see things in the far distance on a flat Earth, because the light would have curved away over your head and back into space before it reached you.
Ok, thanks for that. I see they have a formula, so it must be right. Btw, do they ever say why this 'hoax' is being perpetrated, and why it started over 400 years ago with every cartographer in the world?
The formula is an attempt at trying to model how light would behave according to the theory of EA, but the issue is nobody knows what the force is that causes the light to bend and so the theory is incomplete and untested. Somebody here took the formula and tried to create different curves, using it to replicate the drawings. The curves looked nothing like the drawings, even with a range of Bishop Constants, but that could have been an incorrect implementation. I'm going to get a software developer of mine to do a mathematical model Flat Earth with the Sun and everything to scale and see if he can get the Sun to behave like a spotlight while also respecting all other phenomenon and natural observations.
All I know is that 2,500 years ago, people already suspected that the Earth was round, and science progressed from there. Biblical cosmology still proposed the flat Earth and firmament, and a large number of people still believe this for religious reasons, and that's absolutely fair enough. Some people simply observe that the Earth looks flat and just independently believe it to be so, and some of those think NASA and space exploration is all just part of a global conspiracy. Have a read of the Wiki and lurk in the forums a bit - you'll learn a lot about the what's and the why's.