
Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2014, 01:04:04 AM »
But also, she totally shouldn't have compared herself to a sexual predator. That was completely stupid ...
She wants to sell books, right? And now there is a viral shit storm happening?


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2014, 01:23:28 AM »
She's an indie, hipster, feminist. I really doubt publicity was her aim with that. It's seems like it's just her style to exaggerate and go for taboo subjects.

Rama Set

Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2014, 02:36:12 AM »
To some extent, I agree. But unfortunately, Lena saw her sister as an extension of herself and that she can do what she wants with her. This is where parenting should have stepped in to establish boundaries, but it doesn't seem like that happened which is great for setting up a dysfunctional family.

Lena is very public. Her sister Grace is very private and also gay. I just wonder if she would have turned out differently if her sister wasn't probing her vagina.
And I think the "bribing" happened when they got older and the sister seems to remember those incidents. Which is terrible because it teaches the sister that her affection can be bought.

As a reference on the age: One of my brothers is 7 years older than me which is just a 1 year difference from these sisters. When we were really little, my brother was busy hanging out with friends his own age. It doesn't seem like a big age gap now but to kids that's pretty substantial.

I suppose you could say that she should have been taught not to behave that way, but, as I am learning as a parent, sometimes it does not matter in the slightest what you try to impart to your child, they will do as they do.


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2014, 03:08:16 AM »
If you had read the articles posted you would have seen that the mother didn't ever seem to question Lena's actions. 


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2014, 03:20:02 AM »
I see this all the time in reddit, but I'm pretty surprised half the people in a forum with maybe a daily activity of 5 threads a day can't bother to read the goddamn article.

Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2014, 03:38:04 AM »
I see this all the time in reddit, but I'm pretty surprised half the people in a forum with maybe a daily activity of 5 threads a day can't bother to read the goddamn article.

>implying laziness is inherent to a website


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2014, 04:43:33 AM »
>implying laziness is inherent to a website

It is inherent to websites with lots and lots of people. I don't find it unreasonable to expect people to read an article before commenting on a forum that has maybe 20 active members.


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2014, 05:43:49 AM »
Just because the sample size decreases doesn't mean the behaviour changes inexplicably. If most people are lazy, that will apply to 20 people as well
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.

Rama Set

Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2014, 02:34:09 PM »
If you had read the articles posted you would have seen that the mother didn't ever seem to question Lena's actions. 

Did I say otherwise?


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2014, 03:03:10 PM »
Did I say otherwise?

This seems to imply that regardless of what you teach them they will do what they want:
I suppose you could say that she should have been taught not to behave that way, but, as I am learning as a parent, sometimes it does not matter in the slightest what you try to impart to your child, they will do as they do.

Whereas in this case she's not even trying. Parenting is about teaching and guiding, not giving up on crazy children.

I used to throw my cat when I was a kid. One day my brothers threw me back and forth and I never threw a cat after that. I was about 5 years old and I still vividly remember that lesson. Kids learn, you just have to keep trying.
If you have a kid that's touching other children inappropriately you don't say "Welp, fuck it. There's nothing I can do, I'll just raise a potential pedophile."

The problem with this story is not that Lena wasn't getting the lesson, it's that the mother was not even bothering to teach boundaries.

Rama Set

Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2014, 03:30:46 PM »
I totally agree that the fact that a child may do what they want is not an excuse to abdicate parental responsibility but it sounds like the father did try and impart lessons to her.  Instead of chastising the boundary crossing, he encouraged alternate ways to fulfill the emotional need Lena was trying to sate.  It is a perfectly valid way to tackle parenting in awkward circumstances.  There is probably a whole lot of context Lena sacrificed in the story to achieve the impact it does, so I am not willing to delve too much further in to a dissection of how she was parented.


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2014, 03:43:32 PM »
There is probably a whole lot of context Lena sacrificed in the story to achieve the impact it does, so I am not willing to delve too much further in to a dissection of how she was parented.
Fair enough.

But it's still weird and not completely normal.


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2014, 04:10:29 PM »
Just because the sample size decreases doesn't mean the behaviour changes inexplicably. If most people are lazy, that will apply to 20 people as well

People act differently in small groups versus crowds.


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #33 on: November 07, 2014, 04:30:51 PM »
Not in this case, my friend. Laziness is quite prevalent, especially here.
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.


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Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #34 on: November 07, 2014, 05:16:42 PM »
Not in this case, my friend. Laziness is quite prevalent, especially here.

Its not nearly as prevalent here as elsewhere. Furthermore, making excuses for another's behavior does nothing but show that it is acceptable to comment on things without reading about them because lazy people are lazy.

Rama Set

Re: Lena Dunham Molestation
« Reply #35 on: November 07, 2014, 05:58:14 PM »
There is probably a whole lot of context Lena sacrificed in the story to achieve the impact it does, so I am not willing to delve too much further in to a dissection of how she was parented.
Fair enough.

But it's still weird and not completely normal.

Sure.  It does appear that either Lena has some sort of anti-social compulsion or her parents inadequately applied social pressures to help her understand that this behavior is generally not acceptable.