If Elon Musk and Spacex engineers meet with NASA managers and engineers, does anyone in that room know the earth is actually flat and space travel is a hoax?
I grew up at Edwards Air Force Base and Lancaster CA. My neighbors and classmate's parents were aerospace people. Col Knight, X-15 pilot lived on my street and his daughter was in my class. My sister had class with Chuck Yeager's kid. My brother's girlfriend's father was NASA test pilot on lifting body. Two doors down was an engineer on the Gemini program. Around the corner, Kirk Long's dad worked at the rocket test site, he brought us a bottle of liquid nitrogen to mess with. Neil Armstrong spoke at a Futire Scientists of America meeting in high school. He was learning to land the lunar module on a captive test rig. I was in Aerospace Explorer post, we got tours of everything from Goldstone to Pt Mugu (Navy research base, they had a flight simulator program run by a computer filling a large room, it was crude). My girlfriend's father worked at NASA and so did she as summer intern in college. I interned at the AFFTC data processing center on testing F-15.
All of which is mostly about airplanes, except ...
I asked the X-15 pilot if he saw the curve of the earth, he said that is the first thing people ask, and yes, he did. Out a window that is not round, is flat, and shows no distortion when looked through on the ground - saw it at airshows and open house, they let you get within a few feet.
Astronaut training and X-15 were there, those were space guys where FE invalidates their world. In reality, the two worlds had overlap and people moved between them. Their calculations and observations were connected.And all of them believed the earth is round, and none ever discovered an observation or calculation that did not match reality and other known facts.
Or maybe they are lying? Thousands of engineers with crew cuts and plastic pocket protectors and no conceivable acting skills pulled it off without anyone ever getting drunk and spilling the beans? Or did they have calculations and instruments that matched RE theory and observations and yet they were all wrong and no one noticed? Perhaps most are just incompetently stupid at math and science and a few have been bought of or coerced into becoming great actors and incredibly effective conspirators?
Would love to hear the details. Without details, a conspiracy can be both large enough to do an amazing thing and small enough not to be detected. Any actual description of who knows and who doesn't will be ridiculous ion its face.
So hoax believer, describe how a small number of people can maintain a hoax containing space agencies from multiple countries, Spacex, astronomers, William Shatner, Elon Musk, GPS companies. US Space Force, etc. WHo among them knows, Who is fooled, who is acting. Something better than "They" just do it. If you don't know the details from evidence, how did you figure it out other than "It must be a hoax because the earth is flat." If you don't start with "the earth is flat" as a given, what reason do you have to think this huge group of people is a hoax.
I lived with them for 20 years. They think the earth is round and they are not good actors. There work is consistent with itself, observations, and gps works.
I really want to hear some specifics on the boundaries of the conspiracy.