That is one tough dog 
I bet he's up about now as if nothing happened.
He's a little wobbly on his feet sometimes but that's probably the meds. He gets pain medication once a day and antibiotics. He had a cough too and she was a little worried that it might be cancer in his lungs, but I told her he usually has one when he's shedding a lot. She thought it might be allergies then so he's taking benadryl too and he hasn't been coughing which is a good sign for his lungs.
Other than that, he thinks everything is fine. He even tried to jump in the car when we brought him home. He's terrible with the cone though. He keeps bumping into everything and scraping it along the ground.
That couldn't have been cheap.
I did set up a credit line, but it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. She's a great vet. She took him to her house overnight rather than set him up at an emergency place and didn't charge me for the x-rays that were too dark or light. Of course, the expenses aren't over yet. We have a check up tomorrow and his sutures will be removed next week.
And it helps that my tax return was large.