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Messages - Tron

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Okay, I measured the Full Moon today at 8pm and 1:15am (Culmination)...

At 8pm it measured .5mm  (twice measured)
At 1:15am it measured .3mm and .35mm

I held a compass needle arm's length in both instances and wore sunglasses to reduce glare.

At Culmination without sunglasses the moon measured slightly bigger at 5mm,4mm,.35,.4. I didn't measure it at 8pm w/o sunglasses but I assume it would measure slightly bigger as well.

Bob we already discussed this topic... I'll check in if I have something new to add.

Yes, those are all valid arguments... Inevitably if a FE map is claimed to be true a discussion of its distance changes must be discussed... 

I'm sorry, nothing comes to mind.

It's true, it's not an easy conversion...  Land and water measurements cannot equal a spherical map...  But I do think it's possible to make a flat map and justify the changes...   :P

Technology & Information / Re: T-minus 10 hours - Artemis Mission to Moon
« on: December 11, 2022, 07:36:26 PM »
Hey guys,

EDIT:  The Artemis Orion Capsule has returned to Earth!  Recap below:

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 09, 2022, 08:08:58 PM »
Magicalus- I suppose the "new" equator on a flat earth would be the earth's edge if the term "equator" is used to delineate the middle of two sides or two poles of an object...

The term "hemisphere" is wrong on a FE but it is useful for mapping purposes.   

Maybe the atmosphere is a big sphere wrapping around earth... I don't know.  For now "Dome" can at least describe what we see on this side of earth.

I don't know what the atmosphere is like at the edge of the world other then icy cold as it spins against space. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 09, 2022, 04:17:51 PM »
Atmo-Semi Sphere!

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 09, 2022, 10:18:16 AM »
Evidence that the atmosphere is shaped like a dome is in its ability to explain everyday observations like sunsets and star trails from a flat earth perspective. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 09, 2022, 09:03:12 AM »
you posit that what we recognize as hemispheres are the two sides of the flat earth, with the equator on the rim.[/b]

That's not what I believe. I believe in a conventional South Pole centered AE map with a few alterations...   

The point i was trying to make earlier is that you can think of a flat earth like a round earth when it comes to magnetism....   The magnetic field lines of each model lie along the axis of rotation. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 09, 2022, 06:19:45 AM »
Stack, I've never said Earth is a hollowed out Dome..

Here is a quote from Enyclopedia Britannica:

The total mass of Earth’s atmosphere is about 5.5 quadrillion tons, or roughly one millionth of Earth’s mass.

That's alot of atmospheric mass even when compared to Earth.  To say it's not possible for air to affect the way we see objects on or away from Earth is unfair.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 09, 2022, 05:39:21 AM »
Duncan - I admit, I do not understand why planes think they are going north on a flat earth when I assume they are travelling east or west to cicumnavigate the arctic regions...

I do notice the live tracking of north polar flights is cut off from the internet ... Any idea why?  What technology are they using?

And I'd prefer to keep my "sources" of why the air get's thinner near the poles or beyond them....  but this is already a phenomenon we observe up there.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 08, 2022, 06:56:02 PM »
Stack, the atmosphere is like my unpopular glass dome experiments where I show you how a source of light which mimics the sun, can hit class at a certain angle and represent the amount of light people see on earth if it were flat...  Remember the earth spins and wobbles which scatter light in different directions.

And for your second question, not many people have been to the north pole.  I'm aware of a few skiers, a motorcyclist, a cruise ship, and some science expedition's who have been there...  And that's not even the edge of the world in my opinion.  And even if a person descided to travel farther and farther in a particular direction which is near the edge of the world, I'm told the air is so thin that planes can't get there and probably any other machine or human that I know of. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 08, 2022, 02:48:51 PM »
I need some more info before my next rebuttal:

Tron, How thick would you say this flat Earth is?  No Idea (I don't need precision here, just give me a rough idea.) Maybe a quarter of the earth's diameter?To get it out of the way, if you think the Kola Superdeep Borehole really happened, it has to be at least 12 km.

Also, in your model, do we pass over the edge to get to the other hemisphere?  Yes

And finally, do you have a rebuttal to my magnet points? These ones:

Okay, so when you go to the south pole, you are not also going to north pole because that is located beneath Earth on the other side. 

So a compass will only respond to the polarity of a magnet near your location.

No. A compass is attracted to both the north and south pole, because it's a magnet. If these poles are both in the same place, then it will be attracted to both equally. Why do you think the poles are in the same place?  When you go to the north pole on a round earth is a compass attracted by the south pole as well?  Look at the picture I made... The poles on are opposite sides of the earth, just like on a spherical earth. 

Here's why: take a look at this image.

The compass in the middle is pointing both ways, with the north pole of the compass facing the south pole of the bar magnet. Now, if we rotate the magnet 90 degrees to be vertical, the compass will change direction unpredictably; it might follow the north pole or the south pole. But once the magnet is vertical, the compass is equally attracted to both poles again, so it balances back out to pointing east-west.

There is a much simpler problem though; if you buy an unweighted compass(they weight them for accuracy reason to due with latitude) and hold it vertically in the southern hemisphere, the southern end points down. In your model, we would expect the opposite, because the North pole is upwards. This happens in RE because the magnetic pole is technically through the earth.    A magnetic disc works the same as a spherical magnet as far as i can see... If you go to the north end of a sphere or a disk, then the south end of a compass will point down.  And viceversa for the south side of a magnet

(Edited after confirmation of south pole map from Tron, also to add clarity)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 08, 2022, 06:01:42 AM »
Its just an optical property of the atmosphere (imo)...

I updated the Magnet Picture below... 

The north pole as we know it on a spherical world (90'N Latitude) would be on the underside of a flat earth below the south pole / Antarctica.   Imagine your standing at the north pole on a spherical earth and the world is squished a little into a disc shape.  The south pole would still be beneath your feet on the other side of the world.   The only difference is that on a flat world we would only live in one particular hemisphere, or one side of earth, but the magnetic lines do dip under. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 08, 2022, 05:18:24 AM »
Okay, to answer your questions from before - yes, it's a south centered AE map with Antarctica at the center.  Even though they say Anarctica is where the geographic and magnetic south pole is it is not.  The polarity of Antarctica is North with upward moving magnetic field lines as illustrated in the picture above.

To quickly sum up the model here, the sun is stationary.  Earth tilts towards the sun just like the Round Earth model.  But instead of Earth orbitting the sun, it also sits stationary beneath the sun and wobbles once a year to account for seasonal and celestial visual changes.   It's not a spot light sun, it just hovers near Earth like all the other planets but uses the Earths atmosphere to divide the light into night and day.  And our Earthly solar system I think is simply a small Galaxy orbitting the Milky Way. 

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why is Earth a magnet?
« on: December 07, 2022, 09:12:39 PM »
The picture has what you need...  Just draw a line from  south pole around Earth (meridian or w/e) and to the north pole...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why do the magnetic poles exist?
« on: December 07, 2022, 07:05:36 PM »
Okay, so when you go to the south pole, you are not also going to north pole because that is located beneath Earth on the other side.

So ... when people travel to the South Pole, they go BENEATH the flat earth? On the "other" side?

This isn't hard...  The opposite poles of a flat or spherical earth are located at the opposite ends of there axis of rotation....  There right beneath one another, seperated by earth of course.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why do the magnetic poles exist?
« on: December 07, 2022, 03:07:10 PM »
Okay, so when you go to the south pole, you are not also going to north pole because that is located beneath Earth on the other side. 

So a compass will only respond to the polarity of a magnet near your location.

And I understand why you think the bar magnet is upside down but it's not.  When we say "magnetic" north or south pole it can mean two different things.  The location  of vertical magnetic field lines that is near the geographic north and south pole OR

The actual polarity of the south pole's location which is north.  Magnetic field lines always exit from the north end of a magnet and enter at the south Pole.  So you see why the bar magnet is flipped on the FE and RE pictures above?  It's unfair how confusing it is but below is a swift article explaining the situation.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: In FE, why do the magnetic poles exist?
« on: December 07, 2022, 02:29:41 PM »
I think the earth is an Axial Disc Magnet...  Here is a picture...    I can't really speak about a Ring Magnet setup..

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