DuBay's article about controlled opposition echoed what I had thought about Daniel's forum for a long time. Although I do not recall seeing any evidence of any direct connection between Leo Ferrari's organization and Daniel's forum, the fact that their two societies have effectively fulfilled the same purpose or had the same effect is a valid observation in my opinion.
If there is evidence of any connection between them then it would be quite interesting, but I did not recall that DuBay presented anything to this end other than the differing names of the organizations - nothing like common sponsorships or anything like that. There sure is plenty of evidence supporting his accusation against Ferrari as an agent to discredit flat earth belief.
Although I agree with DuBay's criticism of the earth moving upwards theory as absurd, I don't completely concur with his negative conclusions about this forum as so useless. Although I came here as a flat earth believer already myself long ago, I think I can say I've seen a number of folks converted over time on these forums into believers in the flatness of the earth. Also very significantly, the moderators and admins here are a vast improvement over Daniel's forum. I can testify to that.
The average user here and on Daniel's forum is definitely more agnostic than those on DuBay's forum, but in my case that has made my discretion sharper in some areas and even made me into a better Christian dwelling with my enemies, so to speak.
I wanted to note that DuBay has publicly given credit to both this forum and Daniel's forum for the online databases of flat earth books which he says are actually "quite good". The most valuable thing about his forum in my opinion are the well researched videos he has made. I think these are generally good stuff and will only benefit all of us.
Although DuBay is correct in the specific rebuffs he made about Tom Bishop's criticisms, I think his cosmological beliefs and those of Tom Bishop are rather similar. My criticism is that I disagree with DuBay's unfortunate antisemitism which is not particularly discerning, but crude and obtuse like the attitudes found at websites like Stormfront, but it is also unrelated to flat earth theory. So I will take the best of what Eric DuBay has to offer and simply avoid the rest. I suggest the same to others.