He fought a pointless trade war with China and lost.
Huh? None of the "trade war" policies against China were changed by Biden. That's one of the things I think he's done right regarding the economy. How exactly did Trump "lose" the trade war?
Except a few bits like steel and aluminum, as well as washing machines.
China also kept their retalitory tarrifs and never purchased the extra $200 billion they promised to by 2021. So the tarrifs are making things more expensive for Americans, China wasn't talk into removing theirs, and China didn't uphold their end of the deal. Plus, farmers lost money during the two year war and some automakers moved production out of the US. All in all, a loss for America.
https://www.piie.com/blogs/realtime-economics/china-bought-none-extra-200-billion-us-exports-trumps-trade-dealHe rebegotiated NAFTA just to change the name.
He met with Putin and threw his own intelligence agency under the bus because Putin said so.
...and other things that happened entirely in Dave's head!
You're right, he canceled NAFTA to change the name.
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/12/02/trump-trade-canada-mexico-1006164He could have just renegotiated it, but no. And for so little.
...others are simply relieved that it would keep much of the original agreement in place.
As for Putin....
There ya go.
Oh and he assassinated a very well liked Iranian General. Good thing Iran chose not to retaliate.
Oh no! The last thing I would like to do is hurt a backwards theocracy backing terrorists!

That the US backed and put into power. But more importantly, they have nuclear technology, and any new war in the middle east would cause oil prices to increase, which is the only reason we don't treat that area like Africa.
He posted a secret military spy sattelite image that probably helped our enemies more than it helped his popularity.
Oh no, now they can roughly guess the resolution of a single satellite. The horror.
It is a big deal, yes. Also helps narrow down which sattelite it is for tracking purposes.
And, as many conservatives point out: Biden pulled us out of the Middle East and gave it back to the Taliban. Planned by Trump, of course but... You know, details.
Yes, and that was a good thing.
The Taliban taking back power was a good thing?
And I'm not sure how you say he expanded the economy. In what way? The trade war and paying billions to farmers to offset their loss?
I'm sorry, would you prefer farmers collectively go bankrupt and most of the world starve to death? US farmers feed a lot more than the US, you know. Ironically, we were responsible for most of China's agricultural imports until we made it clear that we prefer to interact with mindless dictatorships a little less.
Farmers struggled BECAUSE of the Trade War.
And the whole war was fought, partly, to get China to buy more of our agricultural exports. So Trump wanted to have more trade with China, not less.
Also, you do remember how Trump interacted with more mindless dictatorships than most presidents? How he said nice things about President Xi, Putin, and Kim Jong Un? Or did you forget that?