Flat Earth Theory / How do FE meteors work
« on: December 14, 2022, 03:29:39 PM »
I know, the simple answer to the thread title is just like RE meteors.
With the Geminids coming up I started thinking how meteors would work in the FE model. As I would understand FE theory, a meteor would have to start out under the effect of UA and be accelerated at the same rate as the earth. Afterall, it starts at a distance from earth similar to all of the other celestial bodies so why would it not be affected by UA the same way. What causes a meteor to suddenly lose acceleration and 'fall' into the Earth's atmosphere.
With the Geminids coming up I started thinking how meteors would work in the FE model. As I would understand FE theory, a meteor would have to start out under the effect of UA and be accelerated at the same rate as the earth. Afterall, it starts at a distance from earth similar to all of the other celestial bodies so why would it not be affected by UA the same way. What causes a meteor to suddenly lose acceleration and 'fall' into the Earth's atmosphere.