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Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« on: September 13, 2017, 09:11:52 PM »
+ Not exactly homemade, but not a space agency

+ ~118,000 feet

+ Mute this one

+ 114,758 feet

There are many more recordings using GoPros with their default fisheye lens which distort curves.

The kneejerk response from flat earth proponents will be to attempt to discredit the videos that show curvature of the earth, by accusations of fakery, lens issues, or other more creative issues. Ignore these, and consider what a flat earth model should actually predict:

1) The sun should get less intense, as a spotlight does when you are not directly in the beam
2) The sun's apparent altitude should change according to the model's proposed height of the sun
3) The moon should be visible
4) In models that propose an infinite plane, there should be no visible edge at all
5) There should be no visible curvature - or more to the point, the horizon should rise

These predictions are not substantiated in experiment. Or, in other words,

The earth is not flat.

Offline StinkyOne

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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2017, 10:20:05 PM »
+ Not exactly homemade, but not a space agency

+ ~118,000 feet

+ Mute this one

+ 114,758 feet

There are many more recordings using GoPros with their default fisheye lens which distort curves.

The kneejerk response from flat earth proponents will be to attempt to discredit the videos that show curvature of the earth, by accusations of fakery, lens issues, or other more creative issues. Ignore these, and consider what a flat earth model should actually predict:

1) The sun should get less intense, as a spotlight does when you are not directly in the beam
2) The sun's apparent altitude should change according to the model's proposed height of the sun
3) The moon should be visible
4) In models that propose an infinite plane, there should be no visible edge at all
5) There should be no visible curvature - or more to the point, the horizon should rise

These predictions are not substantiated in experiment. Or, in other words,

The earth is not flat.

I've seen Baumgartner's jump before. I figure he didn't so much jump from that height as he was pulled off by the weight of his enormous...well, you know.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.


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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2017, 10:44:40 PM »
he was pulled off by the weight of his enormous...well, you know.
Proud member of İntikam's "Ignore List"
Ok. You proven you are unworthy to unignored. You proven it was a bad idea to unignore you. and it was for me a disgusting experience...Now you are going to place where you deserved and accustomed.
Quote from: SexWarrior
You accuse {FE} people of malice where incompetence suffice


Offline TomInAustin

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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2017, 07:00:42 PM »
+ Not exactly homemade, but not a space agency

+ ~118,000 feet

+ Mute this one

+ 114,758 feet

There are many more recordings using GoPros with their default fisheye lens which distort curves.

The kneejerk response from flat earth proponents will be to attempt to discredit the videos that show curvature of the earth, by accusations of fakery, lens issues, or other more creative issues. Ignore these, and consider what a flat earth model should actually predict:

1) The sun should get less intense, as a spotlight does when you are not directly in the beam
2) The sun's apparent altitude should change according to the model's proposed height of the sun
3) The moon should be visible
4) In models that propose an infinite plane, there should be no visible edge at all
5) There should be no visible curvature - or more to the point, the horizon should rise

These predictions are not substantiated in experiment. Or, in other words,

The earth is not flat.

The 3rd one is perfect ("+mute this one").   It clearly shows no lens distortion at ground level and a transition to a curved horizon.   Amazing how that makes it seem the earth is a globe.
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?

Offline 3DGeek

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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2017, 08:05:51 PM »
+ Not exactly homemade, but not a space agency

+ ~118,000 feet

+ Mute this one

+ 114,758 feet

There are many more recordings using GoPros with their default fisheye lens which distort curves.

The kneejerk response from flat earth proponents will be to attempt to discredit the videos that show curvature of the earth, by accusations of fakery, lens issues, or other more creative issues. Ignore these, and consider what a flat earth model should actually predict:

1) The sun should get less intense, as a spotlight does when you are not directly in the beam
2) The sun's apparent altitude should change according to the model's proposed height of the sun
3) The moon should be visible
4) In models that propose an infinite plane, there should be no visible edge at all
5) There should be no visible curvature - or more to the point, the horizon should rise

These predictions are not substantiated in experiment. Or, in other words,

The earth is not flat.

The 3rd one is perfect ("+mute this one").   It clearly shows no lens distortion at ground level and a transition to a curved horizon.   Amazing how that makes it seem the earth is a globe.

Nice one!  So in the first seconds of that 3rd video - you can lay a ruler along the line of the roadside and it's perfectly straight.  Hence, this is NOT a distorting lens.  Then, when it's at it's maximum altitude, you can plainly see that the horizon is curved...same lens.

I guess FE'ers are going to have to call that one "photoshopped/conspiracy".
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?

Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2017, 12:50:27 AM »
** crickets **

Yet again, all a true flerfer can do is pretend they haven't seen the evidence...


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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2017, 12:51:53 AM »
** crickets **

Yet again, all a true flerfer can do is pretend they haven't seen the evidence...

Hi there. Please refrain from low-content posts in the upper fora. If you having nothing to add to the discussion, then don't bother posting. Warned.

Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2017, 01:03:03 AM »
** crickets **

Yet again, all a true flerfer can do is pretend they haven't seen the evidence...

Hi there. Please refrain from low-content posts in the upper fora. If you having nothing to add to the discussion, then don't bother posting. Warned.

Lol.. Just pointing out the obvious here.

Speaking of content, what is the number of things per post I should be pointing out for it to be considered "enough-content"? Do you treat flerfer posts that have nothing but a denial of facts, plus maybe a crappy youtube video attached the same way? Don't think so... If you guys are sincerely seeking the truth here, shouldn't you address every hole that's being pointed out to you? Why are there no more flathead responses here? A simple "I admit, the Earth is round" would do nicely, and that's plenty of content right there by the way, even though it's only 6 words :)

It just seems like every thread ends this way.

Was this enough content? I'm new here, so still learning about your unusual ways :P


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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2017, 01:47:56 AM »
Lol.. Just pointing out the obvious here.
I am glad that is what you think you are doing. But it adds nothing to the discussion.

Speaking of content, what is the number of things per post I should be pointing out for it to be considered "enough-content"?
What? That has no bearing on anything. What you should be doing is contributing to the discussion if you want it not to be considered low-content.

Do you treat flerfer posts that have nothing but a denial of facts, plus maybe a crappy youtube video attached the same way?
If they are not on-topic or are low-content, then yes they get treated the same way.

Don't think so...
Ah, never mind, you weren't actually interested in an answer. Got it.

If you guys are sincerely seeking the truth here, shouldn't you address every hole that's being pointed out to you?
Many people do just that. I am sorry if you feel entitled to more of a response than you are getting.

Why are there no more flathead responses here?
Likely a variety of reasons. Entitled, smug RE logicians simply being one of them. Try to remember that no one owes you anything, certainly not a response to your whining.

A simple  "I admit, the Earth is round" would do nicely, and that's plenty of content right there by the way, even though it's only 6 words :)
Wow. Much edge. Such brave.

It just seems like every thread ends this way.
Cool story.

Was this enough content? I'm new here, so still learning about your unusual ways :P
It actually was not enough for the upper fora since it has nothing to do with the topic. But, since I have addressed your nonsense, I expect you to stop derailing the thread. If you want to complain about how much you don't like FE, we have fora just for that at the bottom of the list. Just so you know, you will get two more warnings for low-content, then the ban process begins. Feel free to read the rules if you need any more info on that.

Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2017, 03:17:40 AM »
If they are not on-topic or are low-content, then yes they get treated the same way.

Hmm, I think you just may be a bit biased here, junker :)

I expect you to stop derailing the thread.

Dude, the thread was silent for a while there... I hardly think I did any damage, but fine, have it your way - let's get back on track here, while you enjoy your power trip.

Now, astronauts call ISS "home" for about 6 months at a time, so I think this 24-hour live stream video of Earth's curvature is very appropriate here: You can literally check in any time of day or night and remind yourself that the Earth is round. I'd love to see someone try and find proof that it's somehow fake.

One other video, if you insist that they have to be of true home-made quality:

There are countless videos from a wide variety of sources showing our planet's curvature, and photos too. There are maybe 2-3 very sketchy, lo-fi videos that are shown in all the FE "proof" videos to demonstrate the Earth's supposed flatness. I wonder why...


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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2017, 04:00:31 AM »
Hmm, I think you just may be a bit biased here, junker :)
Good for you. If you have an issue with my moderation, feel free to open a thread in S&C about it for the admins to review.

Dude, the thread was silent for a while there... I hardly think I did any damage, but fine, have it your way - let's get back on track here, while you enjoy your power trip.
The amount of activity is irrelevant to your off-topic post. Feel free to revive threads if you are actually going to contribute beyond "hurr durr no FEer has responded as fast as I want." And I am sorry if you think holding you accountable to the rules that you clearly haven't read constitutes a power trip in your mind.

I'd love to see someone try and find proof that it's somehow fake.
It isn't up to the FE side to prove your videos to be fake. It is up to you to prove they are real as you are the one who is attempting to use them as evidence.

One other video, if you insist that they have to be of true home-made quality
Why on earth did you bother posting this video? I am pretty sure even in RE the horizon doesn't curve upward. You should probably gain an understanding of things like fisheye lenses as well as barrel distortion.

Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2017, 05:27:11 AM »
You've finally said something interesting!

It isn't up to the FE side to prove your videos to be fake. It is up to you to prove they are real as you are the one who is attempting to use them as evidence.

I thought that flerfers have always dismissed all space footage as fake pretty much automatically (because they start with the premise that the earth is flat, and anything that doesn't match this conclusion is ignored). This is the claim, and the burden of proof is on whoever makes the claim. It's just like "innocent until proven guilty": you're accusing everyone around you of lying, yet you fail to provide any proof. Just because some silly youtube video told you that NASA lies, does not make it true.

Or we could turn the tables and say that everything presented as evidence on this website is fake (which it actually is for the most part, aside from other gems caused by general lack of understanding of reality, paranoia, and confusion) - now try proving to me that it's not :)

I am pretty sure even in RE the horizon doesn't curve upward. You should probably gain an understanding of things like fisheye lenses as well as barrel distortion.

What? Where did you see the horizon curve "upward"? Are you complaining that the camera is shaky? Homemade, remember? And fyi, the iphone camera does not have a fisheye lens, nice try though.

Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2017, 05:36:30 AM »
Why always so belligerent Obviously.  I imagine you could shoot down many more people if you weren't so flippant.  It's clear that's your goal, and you could do much better I imagine.

Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2017, 05:58:17 AM »
Why always so belligerent Obviously.  I imagine you could shoot down many more people if you weren't so flippant.  It's clear that's your goal, and you could do much better I imagine.

Guilty as charged. I'm really having trouble staying respectful when it comes to this topic. Plus the FE apologists are fairly belligerent themselves a lot of the time, and there are a lot of passive-aggressive undertones in their statements. But really, my only excuse is that I've been debating it for a while now, and I am pretty tired of the way logic and reason are dismissed...agh, see, there I go again :)

Underneath all the anger and sarcasm though, I am curious to see if I can help even one flerfer open his/her eyes to see and understand things. Maybe junker will forgive me and address the actual issues I mentioned. Or he could just ban me or whatever, and I guess he'd have the reason to do so, but that still doesn't change the truth.

Oh, and by the way, I keep wanting to mention this: have any of you flatheads here checked out the flat earth questions on Quora? There's such a wealth of great evidence there - if you're truly open-minded, I would highly recommend.

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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2017, 11:53:18 AM »
Hmm, I think you just may be a bit biased here, junker :)
Good for you. If you have an issue with my moderation, feel free to open a thread in S&C about it for the admins to review.

Dude, the thread was silent for a while there... I hardly think I did any damage, but fine, have it your way - let's get back on track here, while you enjoy your power trip.
The amount of activity is irrelevant to your off-topic post. Feel free to revive threads if you are actually going to contribute beyond "hurr durr no FEer has responded as fast as I want." And I am sorry if you think holding you accountable to the rules that you clearly haven't read constitutes a power trip in your mind.

I'd love to see someone try and find proof that it's somehow fake.
It isn't up to the FE side to prove your videos to be fake. It is up to you to prove they are real as you are the one who is attempting to use them as evidence.

One other video, if you insist that they have to be of true home-made quality
Why on earth did you bother posting this video? I am pretty sure even in RE the horizon doesn't curve upward. You should probably gain an understanding of things like fisheye lenses as well as barrel distortion.

I don't often agree with Junker, but yeah, the distortion on that camera was very bad. There are newer, higher quality videos that show the curvature of Earth without the distortion of a cheap camera.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2017, 12:56:25 PM »
The last of those videos is the most clear:


What's nice is that the video starts and ends on the ground - and is completely un-cut.

I grabbed this photo from near the beginning, when the camera is still on the ground:

...and has a nice, clear, high altitude shot (this one is at t=1h51m14s):

Of course we must eliminate all complaints about the lens - so we can take that first shot and draw some straight lines on it:

That clearly shows that whatever distortion there might or might not be - it preserves straight lines as straight lines - which is all we care about.
Then we can draw a straight line across the shot of the horizon at altitude:

...and clearly it's showing a significant curve...as expected in RET for a flight up at 100,000 feet.

The video is high quality - the levels of realism are FAR beyond even the best computer graphics available.  The guy who did this has a YouTube channel.  And it's pretty clear from watching it that this is not any kind of official NASA thing - it's just a guy who likes fritzing around with old weather balloons and cheap cameras:


About 4 minutes into this video...


...you can see the balloon he used - clearly happening in the same neighborhood as the video that I took the still images from.

Seems like it's REALLY a stretch to call this "part of the conspiracy"...it's unreasonable to say that the video could have been faked...and for 100% sure there is no significant camera lens distortion involved.  He even tells us that he swapped out the GoPro's standard "fish-eye" lens for a more appropriate lens.  So we don't expect significant distortion - and we don't find any in the imagery.

This is about as clear a demonstration as I could imagine.   Calling this "faked" is an act of desperation here!

« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 12:59:27 PM by 3DGeek »
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?


Offline TomInAustin

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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2017, 03:54:19 PM »
The last of those videos is the most clear:


What's nice is that the video starts and ends on the ground - and is completely un-cut.

I grabbed this photo from near the beginning, when the camera is still on the ground:

...and has a nice, clear, high altitude shot (this one is at t=1h51m14s):

Of course we must eliminate all complaints about the lens - so we can take that first shot and draw some straight lines on it:

That clearly shows that whatever distortion there might or might not be - it preserves straight lines as straight lines - which is all we care about.
Then we can draw a straight line across the shot of the horizon at altitude:

...and clearly it's showing a significant curve...as expected in RET for a flight up at 100,000 feet.

The video is high quality - the levels of realism are FAR beyond even the best computer graphics available.  The guy who did this has a YouTube channel.  And it's pretty clear from watching it that this is not any kind of official NASA thing - it's just a guy who likes fritzing around with old weather balloons and cheap cameras:


About 4 minutes into this video...


...you can see the balloon he used - clearly happening in the same neighborhood as the video that I took the still images from.

Seems like it's REALLY a stretch to call this "part of the conspiracy"...it's unreasonable to say that the video could have been faked...and for 100% sure there is no significant camera lens distortion involved.  He even tells us that he swapped out the GoPro's standard "fish-eye" lens for a more appropriate lens.  So we don't expect significant distortion - and we don't find any in the imagery.

This is about as clear a demonstration as I could imagine.   Calling this "faked" is an act of desperation here!

In an age where most use go pros with wide angles it's nice to see one like this where lens distortion is no a factor.  Good find.
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?

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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2017, 07:58:13 PM »
A few things:
Great video, VERY clear and minimal to no distortion.
Where is the moon, flat Earthers?
It looks an AWFUL lot like the planet those charlatans at NASA have been trying to show us.
LOVE how the sound becomes inaudible as it leaves the bulk of the atmosphere.
I can't wait to do this with my kids.
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.

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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2017, 09:45:30 PM »
LOVE how the sound becomes inaudible as it leaves the bulk of the atmosphere.

Oh - cool!  I had turned the sound down while it was playing...neato!
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?


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Re: Homemade footage of curvature of the earth
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2017, 03:39:54 PM »
Another one from the same channel:

This one is super cool - the balloon is launched in the early morning when it is dark!