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Messages - Chris C

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why?
« on: November 30, 2016, 07:11:26 AM »

 if you gliding a curve you should feel the curve.

Not really, because of surface area, your gliding mostly on what appears to be flat, because you are very microscopic in comparison to the size of the earth. If you were a bacteria on a grapefruit, the grapefruit would appear flat from your perspective. And since you're on a spherical object without edges, as you move your horizon moves, keeping you under the impression that you are on something flat. Until you pull the whole grapefruit into your vision, you won't ever know it is spherical.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why?
« on: November 30, 2016, 06:56:18 AM »

Why does water only have the ability to bend in the ocean?  Is it down to the 'no laws at sea scenario'?  Maybe the laws of physics don't apply at sea?  Maybe it's magic water when way out in the middle of the ocean?

Water bends because of surface tension, it will bend in your cup or your tub if you fill it up pass the rim.

Flat Earth Theory / Flat earth scam? Nasa Hoax?
« on: May 29, 2016, 05:04:55 PM »
Is flat Earth a scam used to strengthen the NASA hoax conspiracy.


How would it work?

Let's see.

Choose your audience.

1. Target the people who believe NASA faked the moon landing and only wants money.

2. Target the people who think the government lies and only want money.

3. Target the uneducated who didn't do well in school, thus, blame their hardships on, on the school systems because they don't have money.

4. Target the god fearing, bigots, who give all their money to the church. And can barely pay rent.

5. Wait for bored people who find entertainment in anything to start spreading the word.

Now start with the brainwashing.

1. NASA faked the moon landing. The earth is flat.

2. Nasa faked the moon landing; The government has lied to you. The earth is flat.

3. Nasa faked the moon landing; education is a lie. The school systems lied with the fake pictures of the moon landing; The horizon is flat, you don't need an education, see with your eyes. The earth is flat.

4. Nasa faked the moon landing: The Bible says the earth can not be moved. There is a firmament above the earth. There for preventing anyone from going to space, the moon is behind the firmament. The earth is flat.

Now what?

Now we have tons of gullible supporters for the NASA conspiracy.

However that is not enough. Lets wait for the bored and greedy people.

Now the word is spreading faster and faster People are starting to  add FLAT Earth - to all their unrelated videos. People are excited about their increase of page views. Whoo more money!

So now everyone is supporting, Flat Earth, for money... How Ironic.

Barely anyone one cared about the moon hoax. Before the flat earth brainwashing.

Does it seem like a truth movement? Or is it a scam?

Are there any proofs for flat earth. Are the so called proofs all fabricated ? Are people being tricked into thinking there is proof. Are people being told to turn off their programing? Have you or anyone else been told everything they/u know is a lie? Have you been reprogram? Were you told this is the only way to open your eyes? Do you realise that you will see the earth the same way as you always did. Because the world still turns, and life goes on. You still have to eat and sleep, and pay bills. Nothing has changed, besides the lack of education?

So you decide...


Fast Forward to 18:57

23:27 Pay close attention to this part.

The line of sight was never broken by the curve of the earth do to the elevation of the island. Though he still ask how can anyone see over such curvature?

Good picture, you silenced the thread.


It's all in the lenses Chris.

Zoom lenses!

That picture has been doctored. The only thing that has been zoom is the moon.

Orr... you just don't realize that the picture is from very far away.

Very far away? Foreground is sharp , grass outlines are sharp. Moon super fuzzy. This is a spectacular picture, but it does not explain the NASA picture.  Both the foreground and background are equally sharp in the NASA picture, besides thats the first time i've ever seen a color picture from that rover... ( on top of that even I think it looks CGI) I'm a globe earthier. But it seems like NASA put out that picture to MOCK us.

Flat Earth Theory / When they say its vanishing point.
« on: May 16, 2016, 03:45:22 PM »
Flat- Earth. So does the sun set over the horizon, or does it vanish behind the vanishing point? I would love to see the sun vanish into the ground in these pictures.


It's all in the lenses Chris.

Zoom lenses!

That picture has been doctored. The only thing that has been zoom is the moon.

The Earth should be as small as the moon looks from Earth.

No it shouldn't. How did you come to this conclusion?

Perhaps you are right. However,

It is fake, the Earth is too close to the moon. The Earth should be as small as the moon looks from Earth.

my question to you, isn't it amazing that we are able to navigate and reach our desitination, with our map that is obviously wrong according to you?

For what I understand nothing can change their mind. In order to believe the earth is flat, you have to become uneducated, and start your education over from a new path/perspective. Meaning Physics, and science, does not matter, because those things are what we have been programmed to understand( accordingly). We must only accept what we see with our eyes, because with out science, we are incapable or fully understanding how things work. So basically we have to be reborn again, forcing ourselves to remain willfully ignorant, never to explorer the world or discover how things work. Never to question the flat earth truths, which are only visible observations.

I can't help to feel mind controlled when I think about flat earth. With science I get to look at things from many angles, weigh my evidence then come to a conclusion. But as soon as you question a flat earther. You're an idiot or a shill.

Flat Earth Theory / Flat Earth, A type of Social engineering?
« on: May 15, 2016, 05:39:43 PM »
Ask yourself. What exactly do NASA and the moon have to do with Flat Earth? Does it match up? There is the NASA moon hoax, and there is Flat Earth. There is no substantial evidence that NASA has faked the moon landing. And flat Earth has its own mystery. For that, I can see a great deal of social engineering taking place. For the moon landing conspiracy to work, we need more people to believe in the NASA Hoax.
When you think of flat earth, who comes to mind? Is it Eric Dubay? Of course, there has been a debate about flat earth long before the name Eric Dubay, but be honest how many people found interest in this topic after watching one of the 100 proof videos? Is it possible that Eric got laid off / as he claimed and needed to gain more supporters to attack NASA, so he wrote a book “100 Proofs that the Earth is not a Globe? Perhaps it did not sell well. So he came to Youtube. He knows people are gullible. He made 50+ different YouTube accounts to get his book out. It worked, now we have a greater Flat Earth Movement.

Looking back at history, we find that people believed the moon was flat. So we now see that people are easy to mislead because they can only believe what they see with their eyes. It’s super simple to trick people. For example, we told a bunch of uneducated people “look the horizon is flat" Now we got people believing the earth is flat, just because we see a flat horizon. However, that explanation isn't accepted by everyone. It’s good to know that people do somewhat still use their brains.

Okay so what now? We have people who still don't believe the Earth is flat, so that means they don't think NASA faked the moon landing. So what is the next thing to do? We ask them to be open-minded and forget about what they have been, taught, in school. The education system is no more! We can’t trust the government!

Now we have people that believe in a flat earth, just because they don’t trust the government. Is that not pure ignorance? Now people only assume things and speak without thinking. So anytime they see something that claims to be evidence towards a flat earth, they accept it, no matter how outlandish it is.

Everything is looking perfect for the NASA Hoax conspiracy now. Whenever someone mentions flat Earth, we can say NASA lied about the moon landing. That means they lied about everything else! Now many YouTube video’s that has nothing to do with NASA or Flat Earth gets Flat Earth added to the Title. Thus, we now have a whole shit ton of supporters for NASA conspiracy.

We cannot stop here we need a larger group of individuals to believe NASA is Hoax. Thus, we target religious Bible Goers. This should be simple; these people don’t need to see to believe. They only need faith. Let's make people think that the Earth has a Glass dome over it, Even though no one sees anything that resembles glass in the sky. We miss comprehend a bunch of the Bible wordings, teach people the wrong meanings, and say, “hey look NASA could not make it to the moon because of the dome, and because God said the earth is motionless, NASA has lied about orbits and satellites.

I’m a firm believer of the Bible, and I’m a Christian, but I’m fully capable of using my brain. God hasn't said anything about the Earth being motionless, and you have to read within context. We learn comprehension skills in school, but remember, we are asked to be open-minded, so we don’t worry about skills. Now even Christians can believe in a flat Earth.

Many of the flat Earth so-called truths have been debunked. However, many people have shut off their brains, and will not weigh the evidence presented to them, from substantial findings because they no longer believe in education. Only what they see with their eyes.
Now people will say things like the government lie to us, and all education is a lie. However, they are letting a Con artist educate them. They think they are using their brains freely, But are they? No, now they have someone else feeding them what they want them to believe.

Flat Earth is a product of social engineering, It has been proven that the Earth is a Globe, but countless of Scholars worldwide and throughout history. So why settle for an explanation from a person who says stop thinking and believe only what you see, when looks can be deceiving? 

This graphic shows the mechanism of the refraction:

You see the sun when it's setting or rising on different place like this.

Light will only bend like that if it passes to a higher refractive index.

Are you saying that we are all living under water or encased in glass?

Well technically yes we live under water. Even the Bible say so. But it is not the form of water you would expect. There are 3 properties of water. Solid, liquid and Gas. The sky is made up of water in the form of a gas. Earth's atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with very small percentages of other elements. As a result depending of the density of the Air, the sun may looks like it is behind glass or water.

Have you ever seen this water on the road?

That is not water that is Heat on the road. Look at the cars relflection. Look at the sun reflection.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Horizon
« on: April 26, 2016, 10:52:52 PM »
Your first picture shows no curve either.  Wouldn't you expect to find that on a round-earth?

No one should expect to see a curve.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: How does a Full Moon appear Full for everyone?
« on: April 26, 2016, 10:09:29 PM »
This one is easy. My 8-year-old son pointed it out. So take a ball and a flashlight. Place the ball on the ground and shine the flashlight on it to represent a full moon. This will work best when it's dark. 1. Stand directly in front ball observe. 2. Stand directly on the side of the ball what do you see? 1. full moon, 2. One-half moon? Now place a marker where you stood. Now move the ball a few feet away from its original location as well as the flashlight. (Move the ball in North direction) Now again stand in the same 2 places you stood before and look directly at the ball. Now, what do you see? You should see a full moon from both 1&2 locations.  Remember the moon is 230,100 mi away from the Earth. You see the moon from Earths perspective.

If you don't want to do the whole ball and light thing. Try this

Select Moon perspective and start the animation. This should shine some light on the whole moon question.

Tip if you select from space prospective you can then freely move the arrow and simulate the ball and light Example.

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