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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2018, 06:24:46 PM »
The radar that weather stations use.
When I go to a weather channel on the net they usually have a radar map that you can click on.
Might not even be radar but that's what they are calling it.


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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2018, 06:58:51 PM »
The radar that weather stations use.
When I go to a weather channel on the net they usually have a radar map that you can click on.
Might not even be radar but that's what they are calling it.
Pulse apparently that measure velocity of precipitation.

Dunno if it works on water vapor but droplets sure.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #42 on: May 25, 2018, 11:41:57 PM »
This is a pretty fascinating conversation for those interested in the 'chemtrails' idea:

Also a good piece of investigation into where the idea came from, and who started it:

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #43 on: June 26, 2018, 01:07:54 AM »
A long video but skip to 7.00 to see the planes.

Why are these passenger planes full of gas tanks?
Why do the so called contrails tic tac toe across the sky?
Why do they (contrails) form clouds afterwards?

Why do birds suddenly appear ect...

None of your assumptions are true:
  • (Why are passenger planes full of gas tanks?) Oxygen? I mean we do need it to breathe, so it makes sense that they (airlines) have tanks full of it.
  • (Why do the so called contrails tic-tac-toe across the sky?) That almost never happens, only when two planes both form contrails and go in the other planes contrails. You have probably seen that once in your lifetime and by Pavalonian association put it with ‘reasons Big Govenment is bad’
  • (Why do birds suddenly appear etc.) Same thing as above. They don’t always appear, but once you probably saw them appear after a plane past and thought it was because of the non-existent ‘chemtrails’


Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #44 on: June 26, 2018, 05:59:06 AM »
Contrails form criss-cross patterns because of wind: the planes tend to fly on more or less the same track, and then the wind moves the trail over, like so:

The question about "gas tanks" was probably referring to the "ballast tanks" myth.


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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2018, 04:22:35 PM »
How does it get tracked on radar?  Is it reflective of radio waves?  Because I don't think even rain affects radar.

This statement is just flat wrong.

Radar works by sending out a signal that gets bounced back, and difference between what gets bounced back and what was sent out results in a radar image. Radar signals bounce off of almost anything, including rain. Rain is typically indicated on a radar by the green patterns (if you ever watch the weather channel). The denser the rain, the more signal is bounced back, and the image projects a darker area (or whatever color they want to encode). You can easily spot clouds and cloud patterns on radar images.
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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #46 on: October 27, 2018, 11:58:17 AM »
In the U.S, the government doesn't need to spray toxic chemicals on people from airplanes. They can just give them to us in the form of snack cakes, potato chips, greasy hamburgers and we'll gobble them up.

If they want to test some chemical on the population just sell in the new "Strawberry Daiquiri flavored Ding Dongs."
Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...

If the world is flat, it means that I have been deceived by a global, multi-generational conspiracy spending trillions of dollars over hundreds of years.
If the world is round, it means that you’re just an idiot who believes stupid crap on the internet.


Offline RonJ

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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #47 on: October 28, 2018, 03:06:12 AM »
Short wave length radars can see water droplets in the atmosphere.  On the last ship I was on, we had two X-Band radars and a S-Band radar.  The X-Band radars were very good at picking up rain showers.  They were also very good at separating out a large fleet of small fishing boats.  If a rain shower came between us and that fleet of small fishing boats, we could loose sight of them on the X-Band radar, but could usually switch to the S-Band radar and see them because you could often see thru rain with that radar.  Unfortunately,  the fleet of small fishing vessels would often just look like a large blob on the screen.  Both types of radars had their strengths and weaknesses, that's why we had both types installed.  I didn't know anyone actually still believed in chemtrails anymore.  Recently I saw a video of a formation of B-17 WWII bombers.  Guess what?  They also were generating the same 'chemtrails'.  I mentioned what I saw to an old WWII veteran who flew bombers in the Pacific theater in WWII and wasn't surprised.  Just think vapor trails. 
You can lead flat earthers to the curve but you can't make them think!

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #48 on: November 24, 2018, 03:59:42 AM »
Soo, technically those contrails are caused by something that comes of of the engines. Soot. Generally that high up, there can be a decent amount of humidity in the air but one thing it lacks is fine particulate matter. See water will form droplets much easier when it has something to attach to and in the lower atmosphere there's usually plenty of dust to go around. Up high, not so much. However, jet engines burn a lot of fossil fuels and the exhaust it produces contains plenty of those small particules.


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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #49 on: November 24, 2018, 05:33:20 AM »
No don't think fossil fuel contamination.  Think heat contamination.  On a cold day you can see your breath.  Cars that are just started often have white smoke coming from their exhaust pipes.  It's all the same thing.  Air at high altitude is cold.  Jet engines have a hot exhaust.  It's the hot exhaust mixing with the cold air that causes  the water vapor in the air to condense and produces a cloud formation behind the aircraft.  There isn't much soot from the exhaust of a jet engine, most of it is just hot air.  You can also see vapor formed on the top of the wings of a fighter jet if the jet is pulling a lot of Gs in a maneuver.  There is a low pressure area on top of the wing and it's below the vapor pressure of the air so you see a bit of a cloud for an instant.   
You can lead flat earthers to the curve but you can't make them think!

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #50 on: November 24, 2018, 02:42:50 PM »
No don't think fossil fuel contamination.  Think heat contamination.  On a cold day you can see your breath.  Cars that are just started often have white smoke coming from their exhaust pipes.  It's all the same thing.  Air at high altitude is cold.  Jet engines have a hot exhaust.  It's the hot exhaust mixing with the cold air that causes  the water vapor in the air to condense and produces a cloud formation behind the aircraft.  There isn't much soot from the exhaust of a jet engine, most of it is just hot air.  You can also see vapor formed on the top of the wings of a fighter jet if the jet is pulling a lot of Gs in a maneuver.  There is a low pressure area on top of the wing and it's below the vapor pressure of the air so you see a bit of a cloud for an instant.

Just a point of clarification, hot air being introduced to a cold environment doesn't result in cloud formation. Hot, moist air equalizing with a colder environment produces clouds. It's the warm, moist air in your breath cooling down to it's dewpoint that produces a cloud. The humidity of the environment doesn't have much to do with it. If I wave a blowtorch around on a cold day it won't cause any clouds even if the temp/dewpoint spread is less than a degree. I think that was what you're saying but I wanted to clarify. I probably wouldn't call it heat contamination either since it depends on the characteristics of the hot air mass. Now a jet engine is kind of like your breath example. The combustion process does produce some water, but it's not enough to form all the clouds you see in a contrail.

With regards to wingtip clouds and the like, that's a different phenomenon. If a jet engine produced the same kind of conditions as a wing at high angle of attack then you should be able to see contrails more consistently at high altitudes.

And with soot, we are working to producing less of with different alternative fuels but I've seen firsthand what happens if you don't wash an aircraft for a week or two. The tail's black as a chalkboard.

Also, this is an older study but it's a good read regarding the effects of aircraft soot on cloud formation.


Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #51 on: November 24, 2018, 02:48:43 PM »
Also, A more recent study investigating the effects of newer alternative fuels on the formation of contrails.


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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #52 on: November 24, 2018, 05:14:43 PM »
It sure sounds like you had all the answers to your questions well researched and in the bag.  Just why did you ask a question that you already knew the answer to? 
You also need to re-read my answer.  I wasn't talking about wing tip effects.  My answer pertained to the TOP of the wings of a fighter aircraft undergoing a big pitch change.  Additionally you probably do see a lot of soot at the back of a jet when it's not washed.  Most of that soot is produced on startup and shutdown when the fuel mixture isn't anywhere close to optimum. 
You can lead flat earthers to the curve but you can't make them think!

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #53 on: November 24, 2018, 06:46:36 PM »
I didn't start this thread. I was providing an answer. No where in my post did I ask a question.

The wingtip vortices are still areas of low pressure that cause cloud formation. Regardless, what you see in high g fighter manuevers (and sometimes on commercial flights during take off and landing during moist conditions) are caused by transient low pressure. It doesn't have anything to do with with what supposedly looks like clouds coming out of the engines.

Now, to be clear, I'm not arguing that the government or whoever is throwing a bunch chemicals into a jet engine. There's no ill will or conspiracy going on anywhere in this.  But soot is an acknowledged product of combustion and when thrown into the upper atmosphere, they'll produce normal every day clouds. If I were to somehow up a window up there and toss out a bunch of dust, you'd end up with the same effect.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2018, 06:49:33 PM by Fig Newton »


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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #54 on: November 24, 2018, 10:32:14 PM »
Chemtrails have been proven time and time again. It's stupid to deny it, but that is the effect of nano particulate spraying, stupidity...and it's working very well we see.
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #55 on: November 25, 2018, 12:02:13 AM »
Chemtrails have been proven time and time again. It's stupid to deny it, but that is the effect of nano particulate spraying, stupidity...and it's working very well we see.

So I'm sure this has been discussed ad nauseum but if you make claims like that you're going to need to back them up. The article you linked had nothing to with aircraft, vapor trails, or cloud formation. 20% of it seemed to be trying to push an Airdog purifier, 50% was quoting an MD that has no experience in atmospheric sciences at all and offers no studies proving his point, and the last 30% was going over a study exploring the connections between aluminium and autism that had a sample size of five and still didn't in any way connect it to aviation practices.

It's pretty simple. Those things coming out behind aircraft are plain old clouds. There's nothing malicious about them. The only difference between them and other clouds is that instead of using ambient dust to form, they use the water and soot coming from the engine exhaust.


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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #56 on: November 25, 2018, 02:05:33 AM »
Lets first read from the blog of the good Dr.

"For decades, this blog has reported on the health effects of toxic metal spraying in the atmosphere. The entire ecosystem is now polluted with high levels of aluminum particles. These cause multiple types of health effects and may be part of the reason for the epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease."

Now lets read his credentials: He started his career as a fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force where he achieved Top Gun status in 1967 and flew 100 combat missions over North Vietnam.

After 11 years as a pilot, he joined the faculty of the University of Colorado Medical School where he received his Doctoral degree. As Asst. Prof.of Radiology, Biometrics, and Preventive Medicine he co-founded the Center for Vitamins and Cancer Research under the sponsorship of Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling. For eight years was the Principle Investigator of a National Cancer Center research grant that ran all IT programs and research for the Colorado Regional Cancer Center. Sutherland continued his medical research in his own laboratory after leaving the medical school to bring his computer technology expertise to industry.

Now you can down play what ever you want but I'm sure your creds fail under the soles of his shoes. A TOP GUN pilot who says they spray, a DR. who says you probably have brain damage. I concur.....
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.

Rama Set

Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #57 on: November 25, 2018, 02:07:40 AM »
What training does a pilot undergo in atmospheric sciences?


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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #58 on: November 25, 2018, 02:09:39 AM »

3/4 of a trillion budget in chemtrails....that's a whole lot of dumb dumb, dummy
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


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Re: Chemtrails
« Reply #59 on: November 25, 2018, 02:15:04 AM »
What training does a pilot undergo in atmospheric sciences?

You're probably too young to know what agent orange was. A VN pilot knows about spraying.

Again dozens and dozens of proofs of chemtrails and their damage.

What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.