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Messages - wtbofnc

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Look at the map you posted!   It's missing the top and bottom of the map!   How do you use this grid system in the North and South pole?  YOU CAN'T!   

Rubber-B, I'm on your side...  I'm trying to dragnet the RE trolls in on this one...  This is some serious shit.  This is an argument that you can have with any Round Earther...  Why would you show a Globe in Every school with Latitude and Longitude lines.  But then when it comes to building a grid referencing system, you use something totally different?  This is my argument.  Most people have absolutely no education in this subject.  You will be arguing with rocks.  Which, honestly are smarter then they are!   ;

Seriously though, the only squares I see on that map are the ones nearest to the Equator!   

You totally dodged the question.  Grid Squares are perfectly square.  If the earth is round, why aren't the lines on a grid square either bowed, canted slightly or in a hexagon or octagon shape?  Also, since you want to look a little intelligent. Answer this:   Why are these grid squares only used on land?   If the earth is round, why not incorporate this grid system for every navigation system on the ROUND earth?    Woot Woot!

Why are grid lines on a map perfectly square?   Shouldn't they be a different shape if the earth is ROUND?

Flat Earth Theory / Ionosphere
« on: January 17, 2016, 09:45:35 PM »

Can anyone elaborate on this?  Why are Satellites needed?

Flat Earth Community / Re: Flat Earth Elementary Schools
« on: January 17, 2016, 02:48:29 AM »
This Christer fellow is hell-bent in attempting on changing minds here.  He's that guy who bitches and complains everyday about how the world works but puts absolutely no effort in getting to the bottom of it.  He doesn't quite understand that the everyday bombardment of misinformation is meant to cloud and redirect his attention.  He has absolutely no idea how the majority of our history has been misconstrued in an attempt to redirect attention from the area beyond Antarctica.  He gobbles down misinformation the same way he gobbles up preservatives, sugar and prescribed medications.  The same way he spends (contributes) his hard earned money on energy that is polluting our enclosed planet.  He has absolutely no idea that the global warming movement, if not seriously addressed, will have an impact on our oceans causing the water to empty into the areas beyond the ice.  It is a real pity for him.  Hopefully before he dies he is able to fill the empty space in his mind that was sabotaged solely for the purpose of greed . It is a success story for the world elite.  He is part of a large congregation of victims that continuously fall for this huge lie.  If he could only consider just a few facts that are given here, he could take back his life.  He could be a happier person.  (Although he believes whole heartedly that he is happy)  We cannot change his mind!  He cannot change ours.  We have been where he is and that is a place we will not return to.
As he looks across the sea on his next vacation, instead of telling himself that the earth is round, he should take a different approach. He should take into consideration how the horizon from left to right remains flat as far as he can see. Wouldn't the sea have a curved signature from left to right?  Seriously?
I was programmed the same as him.  For 35 years, I never once gave it a second thought.  This was due to the vast mountain of bullshit that was forced down my throat year after year. It is such a difficult feat for him to even consider what the people here are saying and I totally get that.  Break the ice.  See what is on the other side of this argument. -Cheers

Flat Earth Community / Re: Flat Earth scientists
« on: January 17, 2016, 01:53:12 AM »
You gotta get off that scientific method stuff.  The data was compiled hundreds of years ago and is readily available in books. There are pyramids dedicated to the Flat Earth.  Everything you know is wrong, including the accreditation and certification process that scientists have spent most of their lives working for. Best thing for you to do is format and defrag.  Start over...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why earth is flat
« on: January 16, 2016, 08:41:38 PM »
Common Sense is NOT common... You do not need a degree in rocket science to know that the higher you climb from the earth's surface the horizon stays at "eye level".  You do not need a degree in Astro physics to understand that the earth should curve 8 inches every mile...     You don't need to be a genius to realize that when you are standing on the beach with binoculars, you should not be able to see an entire lighthouse including the shoreline below it 20 miles from your location....   Wake up people....

Flat Earth Community / Re: Flat Earth Elementary Schools
« on: January 16, 2016, 03:16:04 PM »
I realize that some of you have nothing better to do than to come to this website which is for open minded discussion in an attempt to bully free, open minded people.  People, who are in my opinion far more advanced intellectually than you are.  I too have been a victim of the establishment.  I have admitted that I am a simple human and have been naive for the past 35 years. Your ability to see the big picture was removed. The curiosity you had as a child was suppressed. You are a programmed robot.
Children come into this world and they are immediately told no.  They are told no several thousand times before they reach the age of five.  This curiosity is nearly all suppressed once they start their first day of elementary school.  Have you ever seen a Childs face when you tell them "NO" for the first time? Didn't you feel ashamed for telling them that?  The reason you feel ashamed is because you understand their curiosity.  You understand their need to know. But your fear for their safety prevents you from allowing them to "SEE".  And your attempt to explain the reason cannot be understood because they are too young to understand.  All they know is that it is bad to explore. And so, the vicious cycle repeats itself.  So, if you could please remove yourself from this forum if you want to continue this madness. This forum is for free thought.  Open mindedness.
We are all children here.  Literally.  Most of us are being born again.  So, go have yourself some kids, turn them into slaves, but leave us to discussion. If you only wish to put people down, do that to your friends.  They should learn who the real person you are. The fake, unfair and thoughtless programmed bully. A prisoner of your own mind.

Flat Earth Theory / Operation High Jump (Story of George 1)
« on: January 16, 2016, 02:15:23 PM »
I have some concerns about this Story.  For one, I have a very big problem because it seems to be highly calculated. The emotion of the crash and the tragedy of it are left out of the story and there is allot of filler information added which seems as an attempt to distract.  It seems to me that it is written and modified by several different people.  For what reason, I'll leave to you to interpret.  The other huge issue I have is the loss of the film roll.  Why in the hell didn't someone go back to get it?  I mean doesn't the FFA dive to depths of 1000 or more meters to grab the black box when an aircraft goes down?  But they cannot make a trip there to retrieve a roll of film from dry snow? (I am leading) I look forward to other opinions on this as well.  Please pick it apart! Hopefully the Trolls take into account the magnitude of this and how it relates directly to the history that immediately followed.  What was it that happened that caused such a calculated story to be told?

Flat Earth Community / Re: Halley's Comet
« on: January 16, 2016, 10:26:01 AM »
More of a concern... It was actually Hale Bopp that I personally witnessed in 1997. It was a stationery object that had absolutely no movement. Everyday after work I at nearly the same time, I would walk from my car inside the house and I noticed that the "Comet" was always in the exact same location in reference to the stars, everyday for months and months. I had proof of this because of the location I parked my car. There was a roof of a house that came between my eye and the Comet which gave me the impression that it must be something that had no movement. This Comet moved with the Stars. It stayed in the same constellation. How could this be I wondered. This is a concern to me. It should be a concern to you. Enough of a concern so as to turn your head from what you are doing to see it.

Flat Earth Community / Flat Earth Elementary Schools
« on: January 15, 2016, 10:19:47 PM »
When is a good time to start a new education system which is Flat Earth Based?

Flat Earth Community / Halley's Comet
« on: January 15, 2016, 10:13:57 PM »
Why is it that when you look at Halley's Comet it seems as if it's only a bright light shining in through the firmament. Supposing that this is true, then could it be some sort of portal that opens and closes once every 76 years?

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