My Little Hobbit II: My First Fantasy Starter Kit
Stories about wizards fucking things up for the sake of fucking things up are not very interesting, unless you go into why that darn wizard wants to fuck things up.
As I mentioned on IRC, the best example of this trope I've seen is in Lord Dunsany's short story
"A Narrow Escape," in which an evil wizard living in the sewers of London grows so annoyed with the constant noise above that he decides to destroy the city.
Mankar Camoran, a devotee of Mehrunes Dagon (no apparent relation to just plain Dagon of the Lovecraftian mythos), through his Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, really a mediocre acrostic puzzle written in rambling purple prose, seeks to initiate members of the Mythic Dawn, a cult devoted to the summoning and physical manifestation of Dagon in Tamriel. Eventually, you travel to Camoran’s paradise realm, through the use of said Mysterium Xarxes and the magical powers of one Sean Bean, and ask him what the hell he thinks he’s doing. Well folks, it turns out he’s doing something because of reasons. And then you kill him.
<Saddam> Crudblud: Mankar Camoran was a deep, rich character with an interesting motivation
<Crudblud> Cool
<Crudblud> Saddam: But would he be deep and rich enough for a Snyder movie?
<Saddam> What if Mundus really is another plane of Oblivion?
<Saddam> makes you thonk :/
<Saddam> Yes, you understand now. Tamriel is just one more Daedric realm of Oblivion, long since lost to its Prince when he was betrayed by those that served him.
<Saddam> Lord Dagon cannot invade Tamriel, his birthright! He comes to liberate the Occupied Lands!
<Saddam> How could Camoran be an Altmer when both of his parents were Bosmer?
<Saddam> Did Bethesda just think that we wouldn't be able to take a Bosmer seriously as the main villain?
<Crudblud> Saddam: I'm not sure if they still cared what you thought at that point