
Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5260 on: April 28, 2020, 11:02:05 PM »
People are falsely claiming that vitamin C cures the coronavirus. Here's what you need to know.

Did a doctor write that title? Why should we believe an uncredentialed person who claims no experience with it over the doctors who say that it's helpful as a treatment?


Offline JSS

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5261 on: April 28, 2020, 11:08:06 PM »
People are falsely claiming that vitamin C cures the coronavirus. Here's what you need to know.

Did a doctor write that title? Why should we believe an uncredentialed person who claims no experience with it over the doctors who say that it's helpful as a treatment?

It's no more a cure than claiming water cures diarrhea. You drink water when you get dehydrated from diarrhea, but it doesn't cure the infection.

Replacing vitamin C that's lost due to the effects of a virus is not curing it either.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5262 on: April 28, 2020, 11:20:18 PM »
People are falsely claiming that vitamin C cures the coronavirus. Here's what you need to know.

Did a doctor write that title? Why should we believe an uncredentialed person who claims no experience with it over the doctors who say that it's helpful as a treatment?

It's no more a cure than claiming water cures diarrhea. You drink water when you get dehydrated from diarrhea, but it doesn't cure the infection.

Replacing vitamin C that's lost due to the effects of a virus is not curing it either.

Nice statement. I'll stick with the experimental evidence-based medicine Vitamin C proponents offer rather than the evidence-less opinion the Vitamin C critics offer.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #5263 on: April 28, 2020, 11:47:24 PM »
People are falsely claiming that vitamin C cures the coronavirus. Here's what you need to know.

Did a doctor write that title? Why should we believe an uncredentialed person who claims no experience with it over the doctors who say that it's helpful as a treatment?

It's no more a cure than claiming water cures diarrhea. You drink water when you get dehydrated from diarrhea, but it doesn't cure the infection.

Replacing vitamin C that's lost due to the effects of a virus is not curing it either.

Nice statement. I'll stick with the experimental evidence-based medicine Vitamin C proponents offer rather than the evidence-less opinion the Vitamin C critics offer.

No one is a Vitamin C 'critic'. Just that it's not known nor proven as a panacea like some folks make it out to be.

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #5264 on: April 29, 2020, 01:30:22 AM »
The studies show that Vitamin C reduces inflammation which helps the body recover. Not a fucking mystery and not a miracle. Just an effective anti-inflammatory.


Offline honk

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5265 on: April 29, 2020, 01:37:37 AM »
If only we had a thread discussing Vitamin C's effect on coronavirus so this one wouldn't need to be derailed. Oh, wait, we do:



Maybe I'm just an optimist, but the sheer amount of spin this conservative columnist has to use to show that Trump has an edge in the coming election only gives me more hope that he will lose.

I like how the author began the article by dressing it up like it was going to be a neutral, analytical piece, and then halfway through drops the facade and turns it into a torrent of fulsome praise for Trump:

President Trump’s performance hasn’t been perfect. But few voters beyond the Trump-haters, whose minds were made up long ago, are looking for perfection.

Most swing voters, the truly undecided or yet-persuadable voters are much more empathetic to the nation’s leader and the impossible job he’s been handed. They marvel at his energy and resilience. While the Oval Office has taken an obvious physical toll on previous occupants, it’s difficult to see it in Trump’s face.

These are not the words of a sober, reasoned analysis; they are fanboy gushing. And he's out of his mind if he really thinks that the presidency hasn't taken its toll on Trump. Admittedly, a man like him didn't have very far to fall, so to speak, but he's visibly aged, put on quite a bit of weight, and is more and more frequently either saying increasingly deranged things or spazzing out while saying or doing very simple things. Here's him just yesterday:

If Biden had done that, you just know conservative media would have dove on that immediately and even more mainstream publications would be writing "thinkpieces" with titles like "Are we sure Biden is mentally prepared to be President?" But this scene wasn't widely reported, because the media is by now numb to the fact that Trump is an idiot and a shambling physical wreck.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 07:11:10 PM by honk »
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Re: Trump
« Reply #5266 on: April 29, 2020, 10:00:42 AM »
Holy shit, can we stop making this thread about totallackey and his incoherent political ideology? We're supposed to be discussing Trump.

On the notion of basically admitting that he's deliberately withholding federal aid from Democrat-run states.

DJT: Why should the people and taxpayers of America be bailing out poorly run states (like Illinois, as example) and cities, in all cases Democrat run and managed, when most of the other states are not looking for bailout help? I am open to discussing anything, but just asking?

Answer: Because many Democratic Blue states like California, Illinois, and New York pay much more in taxes to the federal government than they receive in federal services. By contrast, many GOP Red states like Kentucky and Tennessee take in more money than they give—like welfare states.
The answer you wrote or quoted is just a flat out lie.

California has a net receipt from the federal government.

As always, just you saying something you would like to believe without backing it up. Citation requested for your musing because your musing is the flat out lie. See Lord Dave's summation.
40. California
• Net federal funding: $12 per resident

California has a net federal funding on the ledger.


Offline Roundy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5267 on: April 29, 2020, 03:04:39 PM »
If only we had a thread discussing Vitamin C's effect on coronavirus so this one wouldn't need to be derailed. Oh, wait, we do:



Maybe I'm just an optimist, but the sheer amount of spin this conservative columnist has to use to show that Trump has an edge in the coming election only gives me more hope that he will lose.

I like how the author began the article by dressing it up like it was going to be a neutral, analytical piece, and then halfway through drops the facade and it turns into a torrent of fulsome praise for Trump:

President Trump’s performance hasn’t been perfect. But few voters beyond the Trump-haters, whose minds were made up long ago, are looking for perfection.

Most swing voters, the truly undecided or yet-persuadable voters are much more empathetic to the nation’s leader and the impossible job he’s been handed. They marvel at his energy and resilience. While the Oval Office has taken an obvious physical toll on previous occupants, it’s difficult to see it in Trump’s face.

These are not the words of a sober, reasoned analysis; they are fanboy gushing. And he's out of his mind if he really thinks that the presidency hasn't taken its toll on Trump. Admittedly, a man like him didn't have very far to fall, so to speak, but he's visibly aged, put on quite a bit of weight, and is more and more frequently either saying increasingly deranged things or spazzing out while saying or doing very simple things. Here's him just yesterday:

If Biden had done that, you just know conservative media would have dove on that immediately and even more mainstream publications would be writing "thinkpieces" with titles like "Are we sure Biden is mentally prepared to be President?" But this scene wasn't widely reported, because the media is by now numb to the fact that Trump is an idiot and a shambling physical wreck.

It was the bit about experience that had me rolling my eyes the most. Biden's been wasting his time serving the government for the past 50 years, as a member of the US Senate then as Vice President of the United States, while Trump's been wheeling and dealing in the business world. Advantage: Trump, somehow?  :-\
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline honk

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5268 on: April 29, 2020, 04:56:45 PM »
And for most of his business career, Trump was largely seen as a trashy tabloid figure, far more famous for his outrageous behavior and wild social life than for any perceived business acumen. It wasn't until The Apprentice that Trump's public perception was essentially "retconned" and people began thinking of him as a widely respected titan of business. This article is a great read for anyone wanting to learn more.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 07:09:51 PM by honk »
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Offline Roundy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5269 on: April 29, 2020, 05:48:11 PM »
And for most of his business career, Trump was largely seen as a trashy tabloid figure, far more famous for his outrageous behavior and wild social life than for any perceived business acumen. It wasn't until The Apprentice that Trump's public perception was essentially "retconned" and people began thinking of him as a widely respected titan of business. This article is a great read for anyone wanting to learn more:

I mean, the "dealmaker" let Kim play him like a fiddle and whiffed on the Iran nuclear deal. What an amazing talent he has!
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5270 on: April 29, 2020, 05:56:55 PM »
And for most of his business career, Trump was largely seen as a trashy tabloid figure, far more famous for his outrageous behavior and wild social life than for any perceived business acumen. It wasn't until The Apprentice that Trump's public perception was essentially "retconned" and people began thinking of him as a widely respected titan of business. This article is a great read for anyone wanting to learn more:

I mean, the "dealmaker" let Kim play him like a fiddle and whiffed on the Iran nuclear deal. What an amazing talent he has!

Has NK fired off missiles lately?  No. Thus, win.
Has Iran tested a nuke?  Nope.  Sanctions work!
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Offline BRrollin

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5271 on: April 30, 2020, 05:28:58 PM »
And for most of his business career, Trump was largely seen as a trashy tabloid figure, far more famous for his outrageous behavior and wild social life than for any perceived business acumen. It wasn't until The Apprentice that Trump's public perception was essentially "retconned" and people began thinking of him as a widely respected titan of business. This article is a great read for anyone wanting to learn more:

I mean, the "dealmaker" let Kim play him like a fiddle and whiffed on the Iran nuclear deal. What an amazing talent he has!

Has NK fired off missiles lately?  No. Thus, win.
Has Iran tested a nuke?  Nope.  Sanctions work!

Suppose I tried to sell you bear repellent, but it was just a can of water. Could I use the fact that there are no bears around us at the moment as justification that my “bear repellent” was effective?

Cause brother, do I have some deals for you!
“This just shows that you don't even understand the basic principle of UA...A projectile that goes up and then down again to an observer on Earth is not accelerating, it is the observer on Earth who accelerates.”

- Parsifal

“I hang out with sane people.”

- totallackey


Offline Roundy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5272 on: April 30, 2020, 06:42:45 PM »

Well, this is interesting. Apparently there's an argument to be made that a former Republican running as a libertarian could leach some of the "Never Trump" vote away from Biden and actually help Trump win, but I just don't see more people who would have otherwise voted for Biden voting for Amash than people who would otherwise have voted for Trump. I think he's doing Biden an enormous favor by running.

He seems incredibly optimistic that this could be the year a 3rd party candidate finally wins. I doubt it, but I do agree with him (and even lackey to a degree) that our binary two-party system blows.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline JSS

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5273 on: April 30, 2020, 07:01:48 PM »
He seems incredibly optimistic that this could be the year a 3rd party candidate finally wins. I doubt it, but I do agree with him (and even lackey to a degree) that our binary two-party system blows.

Sadly a 3rd party is never going to win under our current system.

I really miss living in California and voting there.  Ranked Choice Voting was an absolute joy.  I could vote for who I wanted and not throw my vote away.  I counted for more than just a "which of the two crappy choices is the least crappy" voter.

If we had this for national elections it would be a literal revolution. Need to get more states to follow their lead.


Offline AATW

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5274 on: May 01, 2020, 06:49:30 AM »
Suppose I tried to sell you bear repellent, but it was just a can of water. Could I use the fact that there are no bears around us at the moment as justification that my “bear repellent” was effective?

Cause brother, do I have some deals for you!

As always, The Simpsons shows us the way

Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5275 on: May 01, 2020, 07:07:53 AM »
And for most of his business career, Trump was largely seen as a trashy tabloid figure, far more famous for his outrageous behavior and wild social life than for any perceived business acumen. It wasn't until The Apprentice that Trump's public perception was essentially "retconned" and people began thinking of him as a widely respected titan of business. This article is a great read for anyone wanting to learn more:

I mean, the "dealmaker" let Kim play him like a fiddle and whiffed on the Iran nuclear deal. What an amazing talent he has!

Has NK fired off missiles lately?  No. Thus, win.
Has Iran tested a nuke?  Nope.  Sanctions work!

Suppose I tried to sell you bear repellent, but it was just a can of water. Could I use the fact that there are no bears around us at the moment as justification that my “bear repellent” was effective?

Cause brother, do I have some deals for you!

But the analogy doesn't work.  NK and Iran are still here and present. And they were doing it.
I mean, if bears were around then you give me the repellent and now they're not, what else should I think?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Offline BRrollin

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5276 on: May 01, 2020, 01:38:45 PM »
And for most of his business career, Trump was largely seen as a trashy tabloid figure, far more famous for his outrageous behavior and wild social life than for any perceived business acumen. It wasn't until The Apprentice that Trump's public perception was essentially "retconned" and people began thinking of him as a widely respected titan of business. This article is a great read for anyone wanting to learn more:

I mean, the "dealmaker" let Kim play him like a fiddle and whiffed on the Iran nuclear deal. What an amazing talent he has!

Has NK fired off missiles lately?  No. Thus, win.
Has Iran tested a nuke?  Nope.  Sanctions work!

Suppose I tried to sell you bear repellent, but it was just a can of water. Could I use the fact that there are no bears around us at the moment as justification that my “bear repellent” was effective?

Cause brother, do I have some deals for you!

But the analogy doesn't work.  NK and Iran are still here and present. And they were doing it.
I mean, if bears were around then you give me the repellent and now they're not, what else should I think?

What? No, I’m not trying to say that NK and Iran are bears...

The analogy is an example of how correlation doesn’t imply causation.

You are proposing a causal relation from a correlational observation without justifying the causal link. If this is allowed, bear with me, then any correlation is fair game.

Causal evidence is required, and the link cannot just be assumed.
“This just shows that you don't even understand the basic principle of UA...A projectile that goes up and then down again to an observer on Earth is not accelerating, it is the observer on Earth who accelerates.”

- Parsifal

“I hang out with sane people.”

- totallackey

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #5277 on: May 01, 2020, 01:42:45 PM »
You totally missed that he was being sarcastic too. This is the problem of jumping in to the middle of a thread without reading it first.

Offline BRrollin

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Re: Trump
« Reply #5278 on: May 01, 2020, 01:51:57 PM »
You totally missed that he was being sarcastic too. This is the problem of jumping in to the middle of a thread without reading it first.

Sigh, I did not miss it, Rama...I do not think he meant NK is actually a bear.

My reply returned his sarcasm and added an educational benefit for other readers.

Try to keep up ;)
“This just shows that you don't even understand the basic principle of UA...A projectile that goes up and then down again to an observer on Earth is not accelerating, it is the observer on Earth who accelerates.”

- Parsifal

“I hang out with sane people.”

- totallackey

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #5279 on: May 01, 2020, 03:09:01 PM »
You totally missed that he was being sarcastic too. This is the problem of jumping in to the middle of a thread without reading it first.

Sigh, I did not miss it, Rama...I do not think he meant NK is actually a bear.

No shit. But you missed he was being sarcastic in his initial comment about Iran and NK.

My reply returned his sarcasm and added an educational benefit for other readers.

That’s some imagination you have there.

Try to keep up ;)

Imagine being last in a race and asking people to keep up with you.