Yaakov ben Avraham

For the lovers of literature out there in English and Spanish, Happy Birthday to Mr. Shakespeare, and RIP to both Mr. Shakespeare (who died on his birthday), and RIP Senor Cervantes.

On a strange note, although they both died on 23 April, they did not die on the same day. Spain used the Gregorian Calendar in 1616, whereas England still used the Old Style (Julian) Calendar in that same year, so they actually died about 11 days apart. Incidentally, there is some debate about whether Cervantes died on the 22nd or the 23rd.

To add to it, Shakespeare was BAPTISED on 26 April, so his birthday is conjectured as 23 April, but not certain. In any case, whatever the odd conjectures, and calendar problems, we are very near to their death dates, and Shakespeare's birthdate. So again, Happy Birthday to him, and may they both rest in peace. G-d be thanked for both of their wonderful lives.


Offline spoon

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What the fuck is "G-d"?
inb4 Blanko spoons a literally pizza


Offline Rushy

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sounds like shorthand for god damn, weird for him to use it in this context but hey, whatever I guess.

Yaakov ben Avraham

sounds like shorthand for god damn, weird for him to use it in this context but hey, whatever I guess.

No, G-d is how Jews write the name of the Deity. We avoid using the "o" letter, because these words may be eliminated in some way later, which would be erasing the Divine Name, which would be blasphemous. So we avoid writing it out.


Offline Particle Person

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But you're intentionally erasing part of the divine name yourself.
Your mom is when your mom and you arent your mom.


Offline Shane

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Omitting is not erasing.
Quote from: Rushy
How do you know you weren't literally given metaphorical wings?