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Messages - Jura-Glenlivet

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So, you would expect those countries that consumed the most garlic to have the lowest cancer rates?

Hippocrates and other nautopaths had their patients eat a truly massive amount of garlic in their prescriptions. I am not sure that such statistics would tell us anything.

If you actually followed the types of instructions Hippocrates gave you, you would absolutely reek of garlic through every pore of your body. Your breath would smell of it. Your body would smell of it. No one would want to be around you, and you would not even want to be around yourself. You would have to isolate yourself from society until you were cured.

This is actually the reason why in nauturopathic circles solutions such as Vitamin C IVs are more popular for treating cancer these days, despite the cheapness and availability of garlic. The whole heavy powerful herb approach has its social drawbacks. There are no such stigmatizing side effects with the Vitamin C IVs.

So these wonder drugs we should get from the grocers, don't work in low doses, even at 13 times the average, you had better not tell that to the Homoeopaths. 

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Political compass
« on: May 17, 2018, 11:19:11 AM »
Basically I love a different kind of freedom!


So, you would expect those countries that consumed the most garlic to have the lowest cancer rates?

China for instance eats 13.55kg/yr/capita against a global average of 1kg, and they love “traditional” medicine, however, look at the global cancer map ( and China has one of the highest rates of stomach cancer in the world, hey other factors, maybe Rhino horn isn’t that good.

My main problem is the hippyish, plants are our friends new age of Aquarius gibberish you wrap this with.
Tom Quote;
“Natural remedies are the best remedies because humans and their natural food sources are in symbioses. Our fruits and vegetables depend on animals to spread their seeds through their faeces and will never deliberately hurt us.”

I can only assume this is a gigantic joke on your part.

1 potato “The humans are our friends”
2 potato “But the bastards just ate 3 potato 4, I’m going green to make them sick”

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Soliloquies
« on: May 15, 2018, 09:59:44 PM »
Well I am happy to report that the sun has arrived in style, I am wearing shorts much to the amusement of my better half, who maintains that my legs look like threads hanging from my undergarments. If you ever need to confirm the identity of an Englishman, get them to drop their trousers if they look like they're carved from lard sprinkled with cat hair, then God save the queen.

Anyway, I realise that you are all dying to know more about Leicestershire, well it's not that big a deal, we're kind of on the way to other places, so no one stops here much.

We are where the land rises from the coasts and fenlands of East-Anglia and Lincolnshire, so we have an affinity born from holidaying there by dint of proximity.
However, should those areas be inundated by climate change seas, we will happily remember other bonds, draw a line across the high ground between Tilton and Harborough and cast the evacuees back into the flood.

Leicester itself is one of Britain's oldest cities, the Romans settled on the site of former settlements due to its centrality, a stopover (again, see) for troops coming from Colchester and the south heading for Chester and the north. Do not expect however the city to show much of this, industrialisation and the brutalist building regime from the 50's - 70's put paid to that, shit, we built a car-park over the grave of Richard III.

Two of the most famous people to hail from Leicester were Joseph Merrick (AKA the Elephant man) and Daniel Lambert a gaoler/bear wrestler who grew to 50 stone (320kg), the US reader will not be impressed (yo mamma's fatter) but for the late 1700's that was big. So, Leicester had the fattest and ugliest people in the realm, if you visit the clubs of this fair city of a weekend you will see the genes still endure.
Fortunately, the people of the shire are cut from a different cloth, sylph like with a radiant beauty.

Its not all bad, we have gentle rolling hills, cute villages and cheese, Stilton cheese, blue mouldy and just gorgeous. Others may wax lyrical about the Melton Pork-pie, but it's just offal with a crust, avoid.
Other people of note are David Attenborough and;

Steam the founder of the sport Extreme ironing.

Whilst there is increasing interest in high dose Vitamin C injections in the treatment of cancer, and evidence that such high doses can be effective in some cases, the 300-400mg/100g needed to be present in the plasma can never ever, ever, ever, be reached by ingesting oranges or supplement pills, they must be administered by medical professionals observing scientific principles.

Whereas dietary supplements seem to have little effect

To suggest that this line of “scientifically” generated treatment in any way backs the mumbo-jumbo assertion this thread is labelled with, would beggar belief in any other than a Tom one.   

Flat Earth Community / Re: What Makes conspiracy Theorists believe.
« on: May 10, 2018, 11:04:13 AM »
My ability to question all aspects of the world, and your inability or refusal to question, makes me smarter than you. You are promoting ignorance. One of us is open for growth and learning and the other is not.

And in steps the narcissism mentioned in the article, only he (they) see through the veil, the special ones that dare to question, leaving us the sheeple to follow our masters.

That we dare to question the questioners makes us the agents of the deceitful state rather than a more discerning version of what he aspires to be.

Flat Earth Community / Re: What Makes conspiracy Theorists believe.
« on: May 09, 2018, 10:57:18 AM »
No, it doesn't say any of that. You appear to confuse the message of "don't automatically trust something just because it's on the Internet" with "please automatically distrust everything on the Internet". The two are not synonymous.

Likewise, with Benny’s list.
I don’t think any sane person would believe all that is put before them, especially by people whose wish is to rule them, but to then extrapolate by insinuation that ergo, we are right in our delusion, frankly against both the run of probability (See Tonto’s post) and evidence to the contrary, is perverse. Indeed, it is this sort of correlation that conspiracies thrive on.


Okay I’m calling a halt to this, now.

This non -argument was pretty much wrapped at the end of the first page, Tumeni doing much of the lifting work, by the time GG, Macarios, the tree Rat, AATW and others had weighed in it was finished.

Since then you’ve all been running around like cats chasing a laser pointer.

Either Bish’ doesn’t understand that the day is the night and day cycle, and the year isn’t linked, and we have been trying with leap years/seconds to reconcile the two with increasingly complex tweaks/success, in which case he is an idiot and needs to look at all the other planets and point to a precedent for his premiss, or he is fucking with you.

I know it is hard to walk away as he (they) will no doubt chalk it up to a victory, but anyone else will see that you won this early on and he (they) are just trying to bury the fact in heaps of repetition.

Do a wind-up statement as concise as possible and leave him, and for your own sanity as well as mine resist all enticements to return.

Jura has spoken! 

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Another big Mass Shooting
« on: April 24, 2018, 07:42:14 PM »
Meanwhile in Canada, a perpetrator who had just finished running over 20 or so people was taken down without a shot being fired.

Impressive as the cop, puts his gun away and pulls his batton, in Luke-world he would have been dead, Americans seem to have forgotten the protect and serve mantra, in favour of look after number one.


Turns out that the other planets days and years don't throw up integers either, what is going on?

Arts & Entertainment / Re: The Official Football/Soccer Thread
« on: April 19, 2018, 07:58:49 PM »

They have been a joy to watch, and it has been fun to taunt the Man U fans that infest my work place.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Soliloquies
« on: April 11, 2018, 08:22:17 PM »

An admirable intention, make me one promise, do not wear Lycra. Nobody who drives a car to work wears racing leathers and a helmet, so what on earth possesses cyclists to dress like Lance Armstrong? There are only two kinds of people that can in anyway pull this off without looking stupid, they are athletes and nubiles. 

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Soliloquies
« on: April 11, 2018, 02:16:56 PM »

Not only have I neglected this thread (and indeed FES in general) but I left it with Thork in colonial mode waving his twatting flag, sorry, but Molette should have stepped up with her musket and shot him in the face, it’s the American way and would have been fitting.

So, spring is here in merry England, actually it isn’t, the dates say it is, there is green in the hedgerows, the dawn chorus is growing day on day and my Camellias are blooming but spring is not here. It has rained since November, Leicestershire is a shallow lake, my disposition is bleak, and I would burn god and kill your children for some sun.
Before any of you lightweight desk jockeys decide now is the time to capitalise on Jura’s mood, or point out that Rain defines the UK, I would like you to consider a few things; I am outside a lot, I have big dogs that need big walks and I cycle to work, consequently I have lots of wet weather gear and the elements are not usually a problem, but my soul is sodden now and I need respite, it will come soon and I shall be reborn, in the meantime avoid me and remember the dogs.

On the subject of rebirth, Easter has passed but I would like to mention a curious incident pertaining. My partner, bless her forbearance, was walking past one of the churches of our community when she was accosted politely by a man with a bag lurking in its portico, he gave her a box as a present and requested only that she should read the message contained and reflect on its meaning. The gift was an Easter egg, the communication therein, “The true meaning of Easter” a badly drawn cartoon of the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection. She offered it to me with a smile that not only conveyed her beauty but also her endearing inner cruelty.

I know Christianity has successfully wiped its collective memory of all the pagan roots of its high days but to blithely pass out the true meaning of Easter pamphlets is just abusing the privilege to be stupid. To her credit she vetoed my plan to go and smash the egg on the aforementioned mans forehead whilst screaming “look up the fucking origin of the word Easter shit-for-brains” lest I break the conditions of my injunction, and she listened with admirable tolerance to me ranting on about how could they reconcile eggs and bunnies with the zombie Jesus story without question (some nonsense about the egg representing the empty tomb), what can I say, she keeps me sane.

Anyway, spring is here, rebirth of the year with eggs being laid and bunnies being born, I just wish it would stop fucking raining.       

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Vale Professor Stephen Hawking.
« on: March 14, 2018, 09:24:18 PM »

Can't imagine his reaction to this place.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Soliloquies
« on: February 16, 2018, 04:23:30 PM »
So Murica is broken, its children have realised the futility of existence under the guidance of grown-ups, who from the comfort of their armoured bariatric buggies, saw fit to swap a lean erudite capable leader for an orange amphibian who had realised the path to godhood was as easy as letting dumb people vent their hatred for the world, for well, changing.
So, they take their parents guns to school and swap a life of perceived despair for a spike in fakebook traffic, in droves.

Now before ya’ll rise out of your corn syrup filled baths to point out the obvious fallacies and downright lack of empathy in the above, I was being a tit for a purpose, as my sympathies lie to the left it does echo the gut reactions I felt listening to responses from certain parties, to the recent school killings, especially those that didn’t fit into my view of the world, and here lies a problem.

These weekly (daily, hourly – pick according to how far in the future you are reading this) atrocities are invariably attended by the venality of the media willing to encourage and interview just about anyone to bump their ratings so adding to the circus.
The roots and reasons for the actions of the perpetrators range, according to your bias, and include guns/not enough guns, liberals, homosexuality/gods wrath, Nazi’s, atheism, video games, heavy metal, the internet and girls who won’t fuck nerds, so spanning the gamut of available experts/crazies.

Something needs to be done, is it a case of restrictive gun laws and a redress of balance between the rich and the poor or arm the teachers/janitors/kids and reinstate classroom prayer. When I hear some of the remarks by the gun apologists, I want to shoot them in the face, thus proving that though I would undoubtedly pass any psychological test you could throw at me, I shouldn’t be allowed a gun. I would argue that (like joining the police) as soon as you express the wish you should be barred, especially AR15’s which seems to be the weapon of choice for the cowardly self-promoting suicide shooter.

Reconciliation of the opposing views with respect of hammering out a credible response is not going to fucking happen..soo..get packing, either in the sense of an arsenal or do a Dave and head off to a sane country.

Or, third option, split the country along the meme line, pacific states, north-eastern and great lakes states fusing with the Canucks as the United States of Canada, thereby joining a country that can handle guns without going batshit. The rest becomes Jesusland, Cornacopia or Dumbfuckistan, and walls itself off to await the rapture clutching its guns/cousins.         

Flat Earth Theory / Re: I have some questions about distances
« on: February 15, 2018, 10:56:30 AM »

Pretty low-grade research if it rests on canvassing random strangers on the internet, small wonder guardians like John (above) are necessary to keep the truth alive.

You should learn the trigonometry necessary to work out why there is the possibility of options here, and see which side is more rigorous in their approach, that kind of research may impress your tutors, unless you come from Jesusland, in which case it was the sky fairy.

Technology & Information / Re: Problem connecting to database?
« on: February 08, 2018, 05:05:19 PM »

Couldn't get on from lunch onward, actually got some drawings done at work.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Disproof: Clouds lit from below at sunset.
« on: January 29, 2018, 08:30:40 PM »
Mine does Tom, see further up.

The perspective lines are truncated at the edge of a world twice the size it should be but none of the lines he talks about dip below the horizon.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Disproof: Clouds lit from below at sunset.
« on: January 29, 2018, 12:30:06 PM »
So, a quick drawing to dispel this “perspective” nonsense (cos’ Tom’s dun seen another video).

I think it has been worked out that the flat earth is some 25000 miles in diameter, when drawing this I made the mistake of clicking radius instead of diameter, but I went with it, so the attached illustration has the world twice as big (and still the sun doesn’t set).

The sun is 32 units in diameter, 2500 high and the parallel lines that give the perspective are that high and half way and run out to level with the edge, but on perspective view (top right), guess what, when we put the camera out to one edge and look towards the other the lines don’t reach the horizon (on an earth twice as big).
Remembering that it's the top three lines we are looking at, the others are there for "perspective".

Now if we could just get his carers to taser him if he goes on U-tube.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Was the sandy hook shooting a hoax
« on: January 17, 2018, 10:42:42 AM »

Notwithstanding the copious amount of evidence to the contrary, I still maintain there is an element of tongue in cheek in your proposal, that or the ability for joined up thinking has deserted you.

That any government would consider sanctioning a massacre of 20 children (plus the others) as a method of getting rid of weapons, that a sizable proportion of the country are convinced would have been prevented had the teachers, janitors and kids been carrying, (as god intended), then in the wake, only propose some restrictions on magazine sizes and background checks. All in a country that is that’s so obsessed with the right to blow each other away that civil war between coastal states and Jesusland would be inevitable the moment the job description went out for gun collectors?
No, it doesn’t fly, hold water, stand on its own feet, have even the semblance of truth or validity, and frankly you can do better.

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