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Topics - Wesley Ooms

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Flat Earth Investigations / Cavendish experiment
« on: April 26, 2021, 01:44:18 PM »
Hi All,

I'm new here. Thanks for letting me join! And thanks for this central point of information.

I came here after my own journey. I believe the earth is not a spinning sphere. I have some arguments against it, that I thought of myself, that I didn't find yet in the main page.
I thought I'd share them with you so that maybe you hear something interesting new.

One is the false cavendish experiment where they conveniently forgot diamagnetism and the experiment calculations never give a conclusive answer. They do the experiment a hundred times and pick the one that gives the desired outcome.

Now the second argument is about kinetic energy ((1/2)mv^2, m being mass, and v being velocity). If you are 200 kg and go 10m/s steady state together with your environment (this is just an example to make calculation easy), then, to change speed with 1 m/s in one direction would take 2100 joules whereas changing speed by 1 m/s in the other direction would take 1900 joules. (Huh? nobody ever could explain me this. If you're a physicists reading this, please explain).

Third, Earths precession is another scam. It is told to be around 20.000 years. But due to the well known Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, it is impossible to state with any finite accuracy, the period of a harmonic of which less than half the period has been measured. We haven't measured even close to 10.000 years.

If I can help in any way, please let me know.

I studied science and know (and have worked with the equations) quite a lot about Newton, Euler-lagrange equations of motion. Lorentz contraction and special relativity. And from linear dynamics (fourier transform), to nonlinear dynamics to chaos theory and finally quantum dynamics with Maxwells equations. I went deep into the rabit hole and since I have used it for my profession, I dare to say I know pretty much the ins and outs, and problems with all these theories.

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