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Topics - Iactuallycanthink

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Flat Earth Theory / The Math for universal Acceleration IS INCORRECT
« on: March 30, 2020, 12:38:35 PM »
STATEMENTS MADE by Flat Earth Theory Wiki
Gravity does not exist ... that Equivalancy can produce the same effect
That Universal acceleration of the earth does not mean the earth will accelerate past the speed of light

I have shown simply below that  Universal acceleration using the equations that were use to prove that  the earth would not accelerate past the speed of light would mean this  acceleration MUST  reach near 0 making it impossible for  euqivalancy to be a possible explanation for  gravitational effect after  the speed of the earth reachs speeds near speed of light


c )i AM NOT STUPID  ..  MY TOTAL  ARGUEMENT IS YOU  cannot have a constant acceleration  greater than 0 of the frame of the EARTH  with  NO SPEED CHANGE AND NO DIRECTION CHANGE .. THIS IS BASIC  DEFINITION OF  ACCELERATION..

UNFORTUNATELY   ALL THE PEOPLE GO ON AND ON ABOUT FRAME OF REFERENCE  sorry you dont know  what that means and i am not going into detail about it .. with you as  just the SIMPLE  TOPIC  THAT AN EQUATION  GIVEN AS PROOF  that the earth would  not  go above   the speed of light   cant be comprehended  by  closed minded people

some tenants of  RELATIVITY  for those who THINK  they can tell me they have to teach me things
The maximum speed of anything  with mass is the just under the speed of light  ..this is a given
with this as a given it means that  the object that was accelerating  when it reaches near c MUST be slowing  its acceleration  to 0 WHEN IT  reaches the maximum speed  TheREALDAVE  said there was nothing in relativity that said something cannot accelerate forever    HAVING A MAX SPEED  means you cannot exceed said speed and therefore your acceleration MUST drop to 0

for all those fixated on picking a FRAME OF REFERENCE TELL ME WHAT FRAME  of reference allows the earth TO   accelerate  and have constant speed at the  SAME TIME

simply put 

as i stated before  FET  equation for   acceleration is     UA  = g / L^3

where L = sqrt (1 - v^2/c^2)  being the lorentz equation  .. im sorry you cant understand  .. that  there is no need to reference frames   

this equation cant be simplified  to  UA = g * (1 - v^2/c^2)^(3/2)

the  FET  stipulated on this website says  that    the max velocity of the earth  is  c   and that  if the earth is accelerating at  1 g for  a limited time  will eventually  reach   the speed of  c

just before  it reaches c  say    c - 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

the UA will be   = g * (1 - (c - 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001)^2/c^2)^(3/2)

which  you can see will be  approx  by   g* (1 - c^2/c^2)^(3/2) with any  normal accuracy

notice how   UA = g* 0^(3/2)

notice HOW   UA = 0 actually so close it wont even matter it will be like   UA = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001

WHEN  the  speed  reaches near to  c

I appologize if you dont get math ..its   not my job to   teach everyone when something applies  and when it doesnt..

there is  NO FRAME OF REFERENCE VARIATION   that you can come up with where there can be  a  MEASURED ACCELERATION OF  NEAR   g

or even  1/10 g  .. when the  velocity is NEAR  C   of any object    period  thank you for  your  endliess  bs  about  FOR  = frames of reference 

they do not apply to this   

ps  SAYING   frames of reference  affects it and NOT GIVING A SINGLE EXAMPLE    .. of course i am ignoring  TheRealDaves .. bogus  example where   the earth  can miraculously  accelerate   while it keeps a  velocity of  0 as FICTION  not fact

The purpose of this post is to show the lack of knowledge regarding  acceleration and velocity

FET on this webpage asserts that  an object can accelerate forever because the limit in speed is  c the speed of light

this is INCORRECT .. because as it gets closer to the speed of light the acceleration SLOWS and thus  eventually in the limit as I have shown in the equations below drops to 0 if UA drops to 0 when  the speed of the earth is  near C then universal accleration cant be a reason for the feeling of gravity

one thing follows another

unlike  DAVE the Donkey   I know about frames of reference ..i know that if an object is travelling at the maximum speed it can its acceleration is 0 and that  any  AND I DO MEAN  ANY ...

AFFECTS of that acceleration  like the feeling of being pulled down  disappear

any OBJECT moving at a constant speed in space   without some other force acting on it  the person inside that object or on that object will experience 0 effects

It would be nice if the website  runners actually  fix the FALSE math  regarding  UA but that is  wishful thinking as  they have defenders LIKE  DAVE THE DONKEY ..  who has provided  0   ACTUAL work  ... he just says  my assertion is incorrect

damn    but he wants me to show my WORK WHICH I DID  AT LEAST THREE TIMES

DAVE SAYS without actually showing proof that the earth can accelerate in its own frame of reference

a BOX ..  can move with respect to itself

thats is what MOTION IS

IF   E is here

then   later  E is here

with respect to itself  it has not MOVED SO ITS ACCELERATION IS 0

WASNT IT  you DAVE  the DONKEY who said with respect to what  trying to discredit me  with your astute statement

dv/dt = acceleration

your explanation that  with relativity you are limited to a speed of  c  is  very simple minded

if the velocity at one moment is  c and the velocity a second later is  c

dv/dt = (c - c)/1 =  0/1 = 0

this means that when the object gets close to c it starts to not ACCELERATE SO FAST

and eventually STOPS  accelerating..
this can be shown by your equation 

dv/dt = g/L^3

where  L is lorentz factor

the reciprical of the lorentz factor   gets closer and closer to 0

since 1/L gets close to 0

1/L^3 must get really close to 0

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