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Messages - AATW

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Once again, dumbocrats eschew the entire primary process and say, "Here is your candidate!"

Which party supports free and fair elections?
The primary process is about picking delegates. Those delegates choose the nominee for president. If Biden drops out the delegates have to pick someone else.

So what are you actually talking about? Part of “free and fair” elections is the parties accepting the results after the election. Remind me which party failed to do that after the last one?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 24, 2024, 08:13:13 AM »
You did see I was responding to Rushy right
Clearly not.

I don't get a vote, but if I did then it would be Harris every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
I'm starting to believe she's got a chance. They say a week is a long time in politics, by that metric she has ages to get things back on track.
She's going to be far more able to call Trump out on all his bullshit than Biden was.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 24, 2024, 08:10:18 AM »
That's certainly an opinion. If the DNC starts polling for Harris and realizes she has some absolutely horrific numbers, they'll bench her alongside ol' Joe.

I see.
Here's how anyone but Harris could be the Democrat nominee:

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 23, 2024, 03:34:33 PM »
Are any of you seriously saying it won't be Trump vs Harris in November?
Because it will be Trump vs Harris in November.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 23, 2024, 02:49:08 PM »
Well, now that there's definitively only one senile old pedophile in the race, who are YOU voting for?

Pretty tough for a lot of people to answer when one of the parties hasn't chosen a candidate to be voted for yet.

You really should pay attention to the news.
I did

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 23, 2024, 01:58:05 PM »
Well, now that there's definitively only one senile old pedophile in the race, who are YOU voting for?

Pretty tough for a lot of people to answer when one of the parties hasn't chosen a candidate to be voted for yet.
Yeah, we really have no idea who it will be do we? Such a mystery.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 23, 2024, 08:08:56 AM »
i've heard a lot about how he sounds old and tired, but i have yet to hear of anything in the realm of actual public policy that should make me think he couldn't handle the job. if anything, his presidency has been remarkably active.
Yea, but bitches love appearances and platitudes. We can agree it's dumb, but Joe's "haha funny old grandpa" reputation was torpedoing his chances
Gary does have a point, I'm not a fan of "style over substance". BoJo is a textbook example of that, he's very personable and funny and when he's on something like HIGNFY I find him entertaining. But holy shit don't let him anywhere near any position of power, we've seen how that worked out. The issue with Biden is he does come across as "funny old grandpa" and that does matter. Maybe it shouldn't, but being president isn't just about policy. He has to inspire confidence both within the country and to the world and he just doesn't. I mean, he's 81 ffs. Why the hell would you ever want an 81 year old running a country? And that's his age now, his abilities both physical and cognitive are only going to go in one direction as they have over the last 4 years. Trump being in charge was a shit-show too of course, and will be again. He's openly laughed at around the world. But if he shouts U-S-A loudly enough no-one seems to care. I do see a glimmer of hope in Harris, but only a glimmer.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 22, 2024, 03:02:08 PM »
I guess the argument is at least with her it could get better, with Biden it definitely won't. It does feel like a desperate last throw of the dice but I think it's one they had to do.

I don't think it was guaranteed that it would not get better with Biden.
The only way I could see it getting better is if Biden stopped looking so completely incapable of holding office. And that didn't seem likely.

I suspect the assassination attempt will continue to galvanise support. They say for musicians that dying is a good career move, it seems like for politicians surviving an assassination attempt is pretty good too.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 22, 2024, 08:20:12 AM »
Harris doesn't poll any better than Biden does. Now, that could change. It could get better... but looking back on her 2020 primary performance, the chances aren't looking good. The voters didn't like her at all and her primary run ended quickly.
I guess the argument is at least with her it could get better, with Biden it definitely won't. It does feel like a desperate last throw of the dice but I think it's one they had to do.

I think the key take-away here is that all of the DNC's options are bad options
No argument there.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 21, 2024, 10:11:14 PM »
I think this was the dumbest possible decision the DNC could make. Time will tell if that's true.
Why? Biden had zero chance of winning. Maybe you think Harris has too, but even if that's true it's not possible for anyone else to have less chance than Biden did. Him dropping out was the only possible chance the Democrats have of winning this election. There's a good chance they won't anyway, but there was nothing to lose.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 21, 2024, 06:22:50 PM »
Here's how Biden can still be replaced.
By him stepping aside.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: July 19, 2024, 11:11:25 AM »
Holy shit...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 18, 2024, 07:37:04 AM »
Come on, Covid, you know what to do...

And yeah, why does anyone still test for Covid? I still here people say they've got/had it occasionally, I don't get it. A friend literally had to cancel a cruise recently because she tested positive. They literally said to her had she not tested she'd have been fine to go as there aren't any rules about testing, but once they knew she had it...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 14, 2024, 04:24:00 PM »
Yeah, those are related. Verbal slips create embarrassing headlines, so it's rather odd if you don't care about the verbal slips but care about the headlines.
I don't care about verbal slips in the sense that they don't particularly concern me - it's not that makes me think he's not for for office. That was all very clear from my full post.
The only reason these slips cause these headlines is because of the wider concerns around Biden's cognitive abilities - there are other more concerning symptoms which I also covered in my post. I also said that I don't believe either candidate would pass the cognitive tests the man mentions in the video you posted. And in that video he says that both candidates should undergo them.
The whole world is looking on in complete bemusement that these are the two options to be President for the next 4 years. My hope is that Biden is forced to see sense and step aside.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 14, 2024, 02:30:18 PM »
That's weird, because a lot of other people do care about the embarrassing headlines.
You deliberately missed out the entire context to misrepresent me. How typically dishonest of you.

I was talking about his verbal slips, you are talking about the resulting headlines which I didn’t even mention.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 13, 2024, 10:58:59 AM »
I don’t care about the word slips. Most people do that sort of thing and as embarrassing as the Putin thing was, he immediately corrected himself. The press leapt on it of course but the correction shows there was no genuine confusion about who he was introducing. It was a verbal slip, nothing more.
It’s the losing his thread and trailing off we saw in the debate which is of more concern.
I note in the video above the guy says that he thinks both candidates should do a more extended neurological test. My feeling is they’d probably both fail. Trump also rambles and is incoherent at times. He delivers it all with more energy and confidence, but that doesn’t mean he’s making sense.

They’re two old guys, of course they’re slowing down. Why would you want either of them running the country?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: UK General Election, 4 July 2024
« on: July 07, 2024, 08:21:08 PM »
It's a Catch-22, the only way to get rid of the big parties is through PR, the only way to get PR is to get rid of the big parties.
I mean, we could have a referen—
wait no
let's not do that
The AV Referendum was the first of Cameron's Referendum trilogy which, like many trilogies, got worse as it went on culminating in the absolute Matrix: Revolutions of the Brexit one.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 07, 2024, 08:10:52 AM »
He is often incoherent and makes embarrassing statements.
This is true.
What you cult members refuse to acknowledge is you could say the exact same thing about Trump. The US was a global laughing stock under him too and will be again.
The fact he delivers his rambling nonsense more confidently doesn’t make it coherent.
And the endless provable lies make him look like he has no grasp of reality.
The whole world can’t believe that one of those men is going to be your next president.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: UK General Election, 4 July 2024
« on: July 06, 2024, 07:10:32 AM »
By the way, this election showed up once again how poor our FPTP system is.
Reform got 14.3% of the vote...5 MPs
The Lib Dems got less, 12.2%, and because of how that was distributed they got 71 MPs.

I have no time for Farage or Reform so I am quite pleased about the above, but it's clearly a poor system. It disenfranchises too many people and means you all but have to vote tactically if you want your vote to count.

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