Again, we are talking about institutionalised racism. Social attitudes are skewed - I already acknowledged that, but it's entirely irrelevant to this conversation.
Because the beliefs of the people who make up institutions have no impact on the institutions themselves, right? All ignorance and bias disappears and you become a by-the-book automaton devoid of any personal flaws which might impact how you and those around you perform your jobs.
No, see, societal racism is not actually separate from institutional racism. You call 'irrelevant' just because some overlap happens, but there's no such thing as institutional racism without overlap because institutions operate within society. If that wasn't the case, then institutional racism would just up and spring out of nowhere, which isn't exactly cool with the laws of cause and effect. The forms of racism are connected, and that is not grounds for dismissing them -- it's grounds for looking at the subject more complexly.
Correct. That's why I called the notion an unfalsifiable hypothesis. Because it's a hypothesis that's not falsifiable. Do you recall the reason why I said that? Oh, that's right - it's the exact same reason which you now seem to think somehow invalidates my statement.
Just because there are
currently limited statistics, that doesn't mean it's impossible to falsify. It means that the statistics are one-sided
which is the point I'm making in the first place. If somebody has a monopoly on information, then you can't beat them with the information they have a monopoly on because they have a monopoly on it. However, in the Darren Wilson case, these same people fudged their numbers multiple times. First, he said he got punched twice. Then he said it was ten times. Somehow after ten punches from 'demon Hulk Hogan,' his face was just a little rosy. First, Brown was 35 feet from the car when he died.
Then it comes out they were about 100 feet off. During the trial, they
appealed to a statute 29 years dead to excuse Wilson's behavior. They can't keep up with their own laws, yet they're going to put this down in official statistics as a justified shooting, so the sources will support him in spite of all these flaws and more.
That's why I say statistics are a rigged game. You can get away with referencing a law from the 70s, since removed, and nobody even bats an eye.
In light of this,
the deaths of black people at police hands (a statistic thought to be flawed -- due to
underreporting) seem much less infallible. Maybe Mike Brown was a one-off case.
Or maybe Aiyana Jones got the exact same treatment. Same for
Cameron Tillman (who, notice, they write off as a 'freak accident.' Characterizing it as 'just one instance,' just like I said). Despite the open-carry laws in Cleveland, an officer got out of his car and immediately shot
Tamir Rice for waving around a BB gun.
John Crawford III died under similar circumstances. Hell,
Omar Edwards was mistaken as a criminal by a fellow cop and killed without a chance to diffuse the situation. To compare,
twice as many white people are killed through legal intervention -- even though there's five times as many of us in the country.And shit, these statistics are just referring to the people they've
Dymond Milburn, a middle-schooler, was mistaken for a prostitute and beaten; actress
Daniele Watts was given a lighter version of the same treatment. Have any of you ever been mistaken for a sex worker and taken into police custody? Me either. Black people who are still alive continue to speak about their lived experiences, but they get shut down because these 'freak accidents' aren't recorded statistically as failures on the part of the police force. The officers are rarely given more than a slap on the wrist unless they shoot a
white family's dog. The same prosecutor who pardoned Darren Wilson's fatal shooting
felt the need to bring a black cop up on felony charges for using his baton. The amount of ass-covering the institution grants cops seems to change based on the race of the officers and/or the victims.
Meantime, James Holmes, the Dark Knight shooter? Taken alive. Eric Frein?
Taken alive. You see a
white guy waving a gun around in public like Tamir Rice was doing -- with the exception that it was a real gun -- and after trying to talk him down, they shoot
just once and take him alive. What did any of these openly violent people do right that Tamir Rice and John Crawford did wrong to get so enthusiastically gunned down by our famously objective police force?
That was really long but it addresses multiple points of yours, so don't freak out when you see there's blocks I'm not directly replying to.
Please explain why you hold this belief. You assume that police officers are incapable of admitting to having made mistakes despite ample evidence to the contrary.
lol 'ew huffington post is gross i won't even waste my time with it
/links a search where the most prominent hits are HuffPo and others
accusing police of making mistakes, rather than police directly saying they fucked up'
Of course. That's true by definition. They have had an impact on people's equality of opportunity in the past. Nowadays, it's an equality of outcomes thing.
Another dismissal based in false dichotomy. Inequality of one generation's outcomes limits the equality of the next generation's opportunities. Separating them is logically self-defeating. The line between the two types of equality doesn't exist as much as capitalists like to pretend for exactly this reason.
Again: not something I denied and not the subject of this discussion. Making true statements about things which are irrelevant doesn't make your case any more convincing.
"Brown people are systematically cheated by the system but lol that's not racism."
No - you're just either dishonest or misinformed and act as if we're talking about "racism", when we're talking about institutionalised racism - specifically, Tausami's claim that institutionalised racism is statistically provable. If you'd like to start a discussion about social attitudes, historical factors, or anything other than institutional racism and the statistic provability/falsifiability thereof, feel free to. However, these points are completely irrelevant to this specific discussion.
Again implying that none of those things are connected to the racist way the system has shaken out. I know I'm addressing this twice but I wanna make sure to highlight that this is what I'm talking about in the first paragraph of this post too.