
Offline Rushy

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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1460 on: October 17, 2016, 02:32:53 AM »
Leading the horde of uneducated mongrels, a man who thinks SnL has singled him out for a "hit job".

Or Trump, you delicious mongrel, you.

The God Emperor is displeased with this humorless attempt at wit. Burn the heretics, the Hillary Heresy will come to an end!


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1461 on: October 17, 2016, 12:31:23 PM »
My safe space is 3.8 million square miles and its currently being invaded by uneducated mongrels. Out out out!
That's funny coming from a country with such a shit education system where 32 million adults are illiterate.


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1462 on: October 17, 2016, 02:18:40 PM »
My safe space is 3.8 million square miles and its currently being invaded by uneducated mongrels. Out out out!
That's funny coming from a country with such a shit education system where 32 million adults are illiterate.

91% of which aren't white. I guess unrestrained immigration from third world nations has drawbacks for years to come.

In other news, the UK just froze Russia Today bank accounts. I guess this is what President Obama meant when he said we need to curate what the media can say.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 02:20:17 PM by Rushy »


Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1463 on: October 17, 2016, 02:33:02 PM »
Leading the horde of uneducated mongrels, a man who thinks SnL has singled him out for a "hit job".

Or Trump, you delicious mongrel, you.

Once again demonstrating how unfit he is for the presidency on a temperamental/psychological level.  Whenever he encounters hostility or opposition, he has to lash out.  He can't backtrack or apologize, he can't sit on a situation for a while to figure out the best way to handle it; he just has to keep charging bullishly ahead, as if his critics will be cowed by his ferocity and fall into line.  Or does he think that if he wins, the media will settle down and accept him at last?  Trump is in a hole, and he can't seem to stop digging.

Also, it was RT's bank NatWest that froze their accounts, not the British government.


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1464 on: October 17, 2016, 02:47:55 PM »
I guess unrestrained immigration from third world nations has drawbacks for years to come.
Yeah, because our school system sucks and apparently can't teach poor people how to read even if they were born in America.


Offline Rushy

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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1465 on: October 17, 2016, 05:59:34 PM »
I guess unrestrained immigration from third world nations has drawbacks for years to come.
Yeah, because our school system sucks and apparently can't teach poor people how to read even if they were born in America.

It's a lot more than just a poverty problem. There are plenty of extremely poor areas in the US that have normal literacy rates.

In many inner cities there exists a culture of anti-intelligence. Where you're actively ostracized for trying to learn in an education environment. That will have to be tackled long before we begin delving into impoverishment.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1466 on: October 17, 2016, 06:45:10 PM »
Leading the horde of uneducated mongrels, a man who thinks SnL has singled him out for a "hit job".

Or Trump, you delicious mongrel, you.

I'm tempted to vote for Trump just so we can all watch him go into melt down every Saturday night then try to send the army to arrest everyone.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1467 on: October 17, 2016, 06:49:09 PM »

I hope everyone is sitting down for this bombshell  ::)

edit* the video details the direct connection betweent he DNC and the violent protests that seem to follow Trump around
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 07:29:32 PM by TheTruthIsOnHere »


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1468 on: October 17, 2016, 08:56:27 PM »
OK... Can someone explain why and how these high up, specially secret campaign guys would talk to a random person and reveal all their secrets?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1469 on: October 17, 2016, 11:05:21 PM »
It's just the latest shenanigans from James O'Keefe.  His pattern is to approach employees of liberal organizations under false pretenses (sometimes multiple times), have long discussions with them, and then very carefully edit the hours of footage he's recorded into a misleading video that seemingly shows his targets saying ominous and incriminating things.  I don't know what the contexts of these conversations are, but given O'Keefe's record, it's a near-certainty that they've been twisted and manipulated into appearing much more sinister than they really are.


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1470 on: October 18, 2016, 01:05:36 AM »
OK... Can someone explain why and how these high up, specially secret campaign guys would talk to a random person and reveal all their secrets?

[07:50.01] <George> You want an explanation? Here's one
[07:50.30] <George> The two of them were planning a novel they were going to write together about a corrupt campaign


Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1471 on: October 18, 2016, 01:36:48 AM »
And now you're the one taking important context away!  This is the full discussion:

<Rushy> Ahahahaahah
<George> As I said on the forum, this is most likely bullshit
<George> Be careful what kind of credibility you want to assume a notorious hoaxster like O'Keefe has
<Rushy> so the heads of Hillary's SuperPACs actively said this stuff just as a joke?
<George> I don't know what the context was
<Rushy> ...
<George> But it's a good bet this wasn't any kind of candid admission at all
<George> O'Keefe is a liar, and when his targets don't say what he wants them to say, he distorts his videos to make it seem like they are
<Rushy> the videos make it clear they were giving advice to people on how to harass supporters and set up events to cause incidents
<George> No, the videos do not make anything clear
<Rushy> these are the same people who helped crush bernie
<George> You're seeing what O'Keefe wants you to see, nothing more, nothing less
<Rushy> what context makes this advice okay
<George> I don't know, nor should I have to know given his reputation
<Rushy> at any time, when is it okay to have a PAC advise its employees to harass people at events?
<Rushy> this is the worst case of cognitive dissonance I've ever seen
<George> If I see a magician perform a spectacular magic trick, I don't have to know exactly how it was done to reason that it was nothing more than illusion
<George> Again, this guy has a history of distorting videos so that they appear like this
<Rushy> you realize you can admit Hillary and her campaign are corrupt without liking trump, right?
<Rushy> there is solid proof she stole the election from the person you voted for
<Rushy> she smashed democracy
<Rushy> people like you are the reason people like her keep getting away with this shit
<Rushy> because you don't care
<George> Not accepting evidence from an extremely tainted source is hardly indicative of not caring
<Rushy> they're videos you dumbass
<Rushy> have you even watched them
<Rushy> or have you just determined its all part of a vast right wing conspiracy
<Rushy> how deep does it go?
<Rushy> is wikileaks all just fake now, too?
<George> Yes, I watched them
<George> This is what O'Keefe does, he makes videos
<Rushy> under what context is it okay to say what they said?
<Rushy> when is it okay to say things like this saddam
<George> I don't know any more than I know how a magician does a magic trick
<Rushy> ffs
<Rushy> so you can't explain the videos away
<Rushy> you've just convinced yourself they must somehow magically be fake
<Rushy> you're literally resorting to a magic analogy
<George> But don't worry, there will be an investigation, because Congress is gullible and they keep falling for O'Keefe's stunts
<Rushy> this makes no sense at all
<Rushy> I've never seen you so extremely defeated by a set of evidene but still persist in defending someone who has wronged you on every level imaginable
<George> And I'm almost certain that the end result will be that, once again, O'Keefe twisted and distorted the footage to push a narrative not supported by the actual events
<George> Okay, fine
<George> You want an explanation? Here's one
<George> The two of them were planning a novel they were going to write together about a corrupt campaign
<George> Or at least O'Keefe told him he wanted to plan a novel with him
<Rushy> my god saddam
<Rushy> This is too much
<Rushy> nice trolling
<George> Okay, I can do a better context
<George> The target realized what O'Keefe was doing, began winding him up by candidly admitting to this level of theatrics, only to end with whatever the middle-aged white guy equivalent of Bel-Airing a paragraph is
<George> As in, he told him he was full of shit and to get lost
<Rushy> so the target was smart enough to realize he was being filmed but dumb enough to say things that would be wrong to say in any context
<George> Maybe he didn't know he was being filmed
<George> Or even if he did, that O'Keefe would be so shameless as to cut off the end
<George> I'll admit, I could be wrong
<George> This could be the one time that O'Keefe really did stumble upon a genuine scandal
<George> But if it is, then it'll be his first
<George> It's basically the boy who cried wolf as far as I'm concerned
<Rushy> The problem you're facing here is attacking the source instead of the argument
<Rushy> the videos are there, that's plain to see
<George> Yes, because the source taints the argument
<Rushy> and without resorting to some very extreme and nonsensical contexts, the evidence is damning
<George> And all we have are a few out-of-context snippets
<Rushy> but many of the videos are 30-40 seconds long
<Rushy> and none of your context examples make any sense
<George> Okay
<George> But this guy has done this before
<Rushy> yet that doesn't explain away the videos
<George> He manipulates video footage to make innocent groups/people look bad for a living
<George> I'm not going to just trust that this latest one hasn't been similarly doctored
<Rushy> but this matches exactly what wikileaks says
<Rushy> this is simply video evidence supporting an argument that's already been around for a while
<George> Sure, sure
<George> This'll be the one time a notorious liar is telling the truth
<George> Never heard all this before
<Parsifal> How is Saddam this much of a retard no offence
<George> When the investigation inevitably clears the people involved, I'll gloat about this exchange
<Parsifal> hmm
<Parsifal> Except having a correct conclusion doesn't make your argument sensible
<Rushy> the only thing I'll say is that O'Keefe should release the full videos
<Rushy> but unfortunately that's thousands of gigabytes of data
<Parsifal> Rushy I think you mean terabytes
<Rushy> actually I just mean bytes
<Rushy> just a lot of them
<George> And even more unfortunately, it would reveal far too much context


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1472 on: October 18, 2016, 02:27:47 AM »
Thanks to context, everyone can see that you were actually trying to be serious. In other news:

Quick, fire him and pretend it was just all his idea! Scapegoats! Scapegoats everywhere!
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 02:36:05 AM by Rushy »


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1473 on: October 18, 2016, 05:25:19 AM »
I agree that it is fishy.  Mosty because the video starts mid conversation.

But I would not be shocked either.  This election isn't about ethical vs not, its about a career politician (who has way more evidence coming out than nixon for some reason) against a man who is unfit to be president by temperment alone.

This is America and if you aren't playing dirty, you won't win.  Its also why I think Trump is running for Hillary, running to lose.  The motivation just doesn't make sense otherwise.

Of course, all these videos could be fake as fuck so who the fuck knows. 
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1474 on: October 18, 2016, 07:24:07 AM »
I think it's funny how even Hillary's Facebook page is getting blown the fuck up with anti-Hillary comments.


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1475 on: October 18, 2016, 10:34:21 AM »
What surprises me is how innocuous and predictable most of these Hillary leaks are. They're the evidence of a woman who's climbed the greasy pole and been near the top of politics for years. Surely the only people surprised or outraged by them are people who just don't know how politics works? She's not a perfect candidate for liberals by any stretch of the imagination - in the UK she'd be a left-ish Conservative or a middle-of-the-road Labour candidate, but compared to the opposition? She's so radically more suited to the role it's ridiculous.


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1476 on: October 18, 2016, 12:27:01 PM »
It's a lot more than just a poverty problem. There are plenty of extremely poor areas in the US that have normal literacy rates.

In many inner cities there exists a culture of anti-intelligence. Where you're actively ostracized for trying to learn in an education environment. That will have to be tackled long before we begin delving into impoverishment.
Anti-intellectualism in inner cities? Isn't that a rural problem?

What are your sources, sir? For poor places that have normal literacy and poor places that are anti-intellectualism.


Offline Rushy

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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1477 on: October 18, 2016, 12:55:35 PM »
Anti-intellectualism in inner cities? Isn't that a rural problem?

What are your sources, sir? For poor places that have normal literacy and poor places that are anti-intellectualism.

It's a problem for rural areas, yes, but an even larger problem for cities, especially those with large minority populations. Notice the most rural states in the US have better literacy rates than the most urbanized.

The anti-intellectualism is simply my experience in a city school. If there are papers on it, I haven't seen them.   

I've already shown that 91% of the illiterates are non-whites. There must be something other than "they're poor" driving that anomaly because poor rural states in the Midwest have relatively high literacy rates.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 12:58:43 PM by Rushy »

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1478 on: October 18, 2016, 01:34:23 PM »
even if i take everything in that video at face value (lol), then i still don't see what the big reveal is.  a political operative is talking about how they get people to go to rallies and call trump a nazi until some trump supporters get mad and throw punches.

i didn't need to see a video to surmise that that probably occurs on both sides of every political rally that has ever happened since like infinity thousand years ago.
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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1479 on: October 18, 2016, 01:38:02 PM »
Anti-intellectualism in inner cities? Isn't that a rural problem?

What are your sources, sir? For poor places that have normal literacy and poor places that are anti-intellectualism.

It's a problem for rural areas, yes, but an even larger problem for cities, especially those with large minority populations. Notice the most rural states in the US have better literacy rates than the most urbanized.

The anti-intellectualism is simply my experience in a city school. If there are papers on it, I haven't seen them.   

I've already shown that 91% of the illiterates are non-whites. There must be something other than "they're poor" driving that anomaly because poor rural states in the Midwest have relatively high literacy rates.
Right, I'm speaking of ghetto inner city areas that can sometimes even be food deserts. Places like the Bronx or something. So.. black people. They're usually not anti-intellectualism, they just don't have good encouraging family environments. Schools struggle to all be the same standard which is not what they need and inner city schools are usually way overcrowded and lack funding. Because America doesn't seem to care too much about education. So yeah, if you have a stable family and own books (which is a luxury to poor people), you'll probably be able to read.