Its not our fault you have failed to make friends within the community.
No, it isn't. But that's not why I signed up here.
Well then you have missed the point of this place. It is an online community. First and foremost. And whether we are telling people the earth is flat, hawking T-shirts or collecting your data to sell to scammers, all of that is secondary to the business of having an online community. No matter how confused you may be about our motives, who believes what and how good our explanations are ... you must have spotted that there are many people here who post all the time, share their interests, tease each other, joke with each other and generally like interacting with each other on this site. So if you enjoy our company, you should make an effort to be friendly and if you don't like anyone ... go to reddit, go to 4chan, go to landoverbaptist, go to david ike's forums .... there are millions of websites, you don't have to keep posting on this one.
I have friends in real life and, yes, I have some people who are more "virtual" friends, I didn't come here looking to make any more.
You came to an online community with no intention of ever becoming a part of that community. And over 1000 posts later you still don't want to be part of that community? Why are you still here? If you think nothing of the people here, what do you care what they think and why are you wasting your time correcting them?
My first response to this thread explained why I came here.
You are here because someone is wrong on the internet. Well you could just follow Donald Trump on Twitter for that. We don't have a monopoly on saying things you disagree with.
How do you think we feel when someone makes a thread wanting to discuss maps again ... for the 5000th time. But when you arrived, we did it all again and let you discuss that. Because we're nice.
That IS nice, but maybe if your FAQ and Wiki were better you wouldn't keep getting the same threads.
It would be too lengthy. People already tl;dr our wiki. I'll bet you only read it after you'd been here a while and asked all the beginner questions first. We can't make the wiki too advanced else we'd create a barrier to entry.
You keep getting the same questions because you don't have any answers. When I came here I expected you guys to have a reasonably coherent FE model or at least working towards one. But you don't and you're not. The reason for the first of those of course is that one isn't possible and the reason for the second is that none of you believe in a FE.
So you are disappointed that we can't do something you deem impossible. Are you a moron or something? It is not possible to do something that is impossible. Or did you think we'd make the impossible possible, possibly exceeding your impossibly high standards?
You have other things on the menu in the same way Chinese Restaurants do [he says, changing your analogy somewhat]. Yes, they might have a few English dishes on the menu for fussy people but I didn't come into what I thought was an authentic Chinese restaurant for chips, I want some kung pao chicken. And now I find that you guys don't know how to cook kung pao chicken and, worse, you're not even Chinese. Forgive me for being a bit disappointed. And no, I'm not going to join in and start pretending I'm Chinese and dishing out the crappy excuse for kung pao which I know isn't any good.
Then stop drinking our Th*rking coffee!

Also Pete Svarrior is Chinese.