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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2018, 10:20:18 PM »
Hi there,

Question for RE-ers... I'm curious about what motivates you to contribute here?

Personally, before joining this forum I would have dismissed FET as complete nonsense without any kind of consideration, but I find it fascinating the extent to which arguments are put forward and rebutted by people on either side.

Now I'm addicted to this forum just for the debate! I'm learning a lot.

How about you?


I have a buddy in Montana (the home of weird) who has a friend that is a FEer.  I was shocked, dismayed and appalled, that can't be possible, can it?  Well, a quick google later and here I am. To me, it's as a thought exercise.   It's interesting to rethink about stuff that you take for granted.  I also found out there are some very interesting people here.  Deep thinkers no matter what you think about what they think (I think?).   Also very entertaining. 

The same buddy got involved in a pyramid scheme maybe 10 years ago and I googled it and found a site full of people arguing over Amway and other multi-level marketing schemes, devil or angel kind of stuff.  Why I bothered I have no idea but to this day I still exchange emails with 3 of those guys.  One in Sweden, one in the UK and one in California.
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2018, 03:44:26 AM »
One day someone came to me and said, "Dude, there are still people who believe the earth is flat!" I said, "No way, that's ridiculous!" Only illiterate fools would believe the earth is flat. He said, "Oh no! They have theories and explanations for all of it! They are actually smart, thoughtful people."

So, I started researching it to find out how it is possible someone could actually believe the earth is flat, and I stumbled onto this site. I've been learning about all kinds of ideas that I've never discussed before, so that has been really great. I am a bit addicted to this site for the time being, but I'm sure it will fizz out after some time. I am starting to notice some disturbing trends in these forums. I would like to see more topics started by FEers, so we can all hopefully have some new/fresh topics to discuss.
"noche te ipsum"

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2018, 12:13:27 AM »
One day someone came to me and said, "Dude, there are still people who believe the earth is flat!" I said, "No way, that's ridiculous!" Only illiterate fools would believe the earth is flat. He said, "Oh no! They have theories and explanations for all of it! They are actually smart, thoughtful people."

So, I started researching it to find out how it is possible someone could actually believe the earth is flat, and I stumbled onto this site. I've been learning about all kinds of ideas that I've never discussed before, so that has been really great. I am a bit addicted to this site for the time being, but I'm sure it will fizz out after some time. I am starting to notice some disturbing trends in these forums. I would like to see more topics started by FEers, so we can all hopefully have some new/fresh topics to discuss.

The disturbing trends of the abundance of demonic forces that post all day and night? FE'ers aren't going to waste our time posting to interact with these entities. We just giggle and know the end score, dungeons and dragons ! Feeling Hot Hot Hot

It's flat, I know it and will help you realize it. Read Genesis for a start.
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2018, 06:16:25 AM »
The Earth being a globe is a concept I have taken for granted my entire life. It's not something I've ever thought to question.

I came across a tv morning chat show interview on YouTube one day, with three flat Earthers, and realizing they weren't joking or punking the show's hosts, thought I might look into this a little bit.

I've since been questioning both the flat Earth concept and the spherical Earth concept. Without talking about anything I've already read or watched, at some point I'll pass on some simple observations I've made with my own eyes.

I plan on being on this forum, one or two weeks tops.


Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2018, 01:09:31 AM »
Hi there,

Question for RE-ers... I'm curious about what motivates you to contribute here?

Personally, before joining this forum I would have dismissed FET as complete nonsense without any kind of consideration, but I find it fascinating the extent to which arguments are put forward and rebutted by people on either side.

Now I'm addicted to this forum just for the debate! I'm learning a lot.

How about you?

I'm just here to talk with flat earthers because I'm interested to hear your opinions and I just have 1 request for every FE-er here: Please don't force your opinions on me, I just want to have friendly, civil conversations where we exchange our opinions! Not a debate though!
PS: My name isn't actually Yuki, I just like that name.


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2018, 08:49:30 PM »
I've been following the flat earth movement for a couple of years and have been lurking here for a while. At first, it was curiosity. I wondered where the ideology came from (not historically as in Robotham but the recent resurgence.)

Was there some recent astronomical discovery that could be interpreted as supporting FET?

Was this the work of Russian troll farms spreading disinformation? After all, it is in Russia's best interest that other nations are so technologically backwards that they are bamboozled by simple things like gravity or the size of the Australian continent.

The more I read, the more fascinating I found it to be. Also, it's very topical now as so many Americans decide to believe 'alternative facts' that have no basis in reality but are so appealing that they will disregard reality in favor of whatever they choose to believe.

I am what the FET community labels 'an evil shill.' That is that I have experienced enough travel and technology that I have first hand knowledge of all the things the FET people claim are fake. I've worked with NASA and NOAA, the Evil Empire of FET thought. Their only answer to people like me is to call me a liar. If people are going to talk trash about me, I want to read about it.

They can call me all the names they want. I'm here to read about Moonshrimp, domes and the ice wall. Let's not get started on those penguins!

Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...



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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2018, 10:16:16 PM »
I'm here to read about Moonshrimp, domes and the ice wall. Let's not get started on those penguins!
You must have mistaken us for other similarly-named communities. Ones which are not particularly sincere or serious.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2018, 01:40:15 PM »
I'm here to read about Moonshrimp, domes and the ice wall. Let's not get started on those penguins!
You must have mistaken us for other similarly-named communities. Ones which are not particularly sincere or serious.

Yeah... it is true that this forum doesn't seem as freaky as 'the other forum.' I'll be doing a profile there soon.  It took me a while to understand who's just trolling and who really believes. It turns out there are some people on the edge  of the FET community that are full-on Domed Matrix Moonshrimpers. I think the extreme edges of anything are often the most interesting.

Still, I want to thank the tfes for allowing such acid dissidence in their home. I've seen other FET communities that moderate out any non-FET opinions. TFES shows integrity to let your words stand on their own openly for critique. The FET sites and Youtubers that don't allow free discussion are guilty of the very censorship they accuse NASA of. It is the height of hypocrisy.

Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2018, 04:33:02 PM »
Hi there,

Question for RE-ers... I'm curious about what motivates you to contribute here?

Personally, before joining this forum I would have dismissed FET as complete nonsense without any kind of consideration, but I find it fascinating the extent to which arguments are put forward and rebutted by people on either side.

Now I'm addicted to this forum just for the debate! I'm learning a lot.

How about you?


I was in the other forum, but it was full of weirdos who believed in magic and claimed to be time-travellers.

I came to this forum in the hopes of a real intellectual challenge. So far I have encountered:
* The attitude "if my imagination says one thing and my observation says another thing, then my observation must be wrong."
* People who don't know physics trying to argue physics.


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2018, 04:58:18 PM »
Hi there,

Question for RE-ers... I'm curious about what motivates you to contribute here?

Personally, before joining this forum I would have dismissed FET as complete nonsense without any kind of consideration, but I find it fascinating the extent to which arguments are put forward and rebutted by people on either side.

Now I'm addicted to this forum just for the debate! I'm learning a lot.

How about you?


I was in the other forum, but it was full of weirdos who believed in magic and claimed to be time-travellers.

I came to this forum in the hopes of a real intellectual challenge. So far I have encountered:
* The attitude "if my imagination says one thing and my observation says another thing, then my observation must be wrong."
* People who don't know physics trying to argue physics.

If you want to complain about FE, there is a forum for that. Do not do it in the upper fora. Warned.

Please read the rules if you plan to continue posting in the upper fora.

Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2018, 06:41:23 PM »
I'm a Christian round earther. Born and raised. This is more of an educational pursuit. Like most I was taught the world was round. I didn't know it for myself, I just accepted it. Same as my faith.

I started my journey by not reading the bible... but studying the bible. Blind faith in anything is poor choice.

I saw a video online about flat earth. Like most my first reaction was "serious?"

My second reaction "What proof do I have to say otherwise?"

Ok, but I have pictures! But, for the sake of learning let's assume the pictures are fake.

Now, what proof do I have? Hence I started learning. I've always enjoyed science, but never really spent the time to push deeper. Now I'm reading about angular momentum, astrophysics, biology (human eye, perception, physcology), etc...

I dont want to come off like I'm here to debate. I'm here to see the other side. If I ask a question, it's because I want to understand your point of view.

If you have an understanding of something. But your observation says otherwise... maybe its your understanding that's wrong. So, push forward. Ask questions, keep an open mind and keep learning
Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it’s a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.

Perception is a guess or estimate of what is 'out there' depending on how we read the clues; therefore it can never be absolute and often is unreliable.


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2018, 07:49:24 AM »
I'm a Christian round earther. Born and raised. This is more of an educational pursuit. Like most I was taught the world was round. I didn't know it for myself, I just accepted it. Same as my faith.

I started my journey by not reading the bible... but studying the bible. Blind faith in anything is poor choice.

I saw a video online about flat earth. Like most my first reaction was "serious?"

My second reaction "What proof do I have to say otherwise?"

Ok, but I have pictures! But, for the sake of learning let's assume the pictures are fake.

Now, what proof do I have? Hence I started learning. I've always enjoyed science, but never really spent the time to push deeper. Now I'm reading about angular momentum, astrophysics, biology (human eye, perception, physcology), etc...

I dont want to come off like I'm here to debate. I'm here to see the other side. If I ask a question, it's because I want to understand your point of view.

If you have an understanding of something. But your observation says otherwise... maybe its your understanding that's wrong. So, push forward. Ask questions, keep an open mind and keep learning

You sound like me when I first heard of the "theory". My journey started with "you can't be serious, I have better things to do than to listen to this nonsense" to "YouTube keeps putting flat earth videos in my recommended feed. Fine, I'll see what this is all about and watch a couple of videos" to "none of this makes any sense. Either the videos are either too long or the short videos hardly have any definitive evidence." To "I'm giving the theory the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I can find more info on this." To eventually now I just look for a funny post to comment on as I pretty much concluded that the round is indeed round.
Isaiah 40:22 "It is he that sitteth upon the CIRCLE of the earth"

Scripture, science, facts, stats, and logic is how I argue

Evolutionism is a religion. Can dumb luck create a smart brain?

Please PM me to explain sunsets.


Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2018, 07:30:05 PM »
I came as I find the debate enlightening.
I know the earth is round, but am enraptured by how difficult it is to prove this to someone who relies upon personal perspective, religious belief or something I cannot recall (apologies).
I aim to try and think of the stupid truths that are not covered by the wiki and are overlooked by the intelligentsia.
I may also help out with the wiki, if permitted. It has poor English and that makes me worry that its message is being undermined.

TL;DR Healthy skepticism of something I know to be true


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2018, 04:53:39 PM »
It should be possible for anyone to do a simple experiment with a cheap laser pointer, table, and a basketball.  You could simulate what happens when the sun shines on a flat surface(table) and a spherical surface (basketball).  Play around with these items a bit and then compare what you see with what you actually experience while on the planet we call earth.  There are some other things that can be seen, but those things are not usually experienced by most people and takes and engineering background to understand.  I've seen many things that would actually be better if the earth were flat, but the engineering of those expensive things were all done with the global earth paradigm in mind.  If the earth were actually flat many business men have sure spent countless millions on equipment they don't need.  A really good flat earth engineer could make a fortune if he could show how his inventions using the simplified technology could save those millions.   
You can lead flat earthers to the curve but you can't make them think!


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2018, 03:18:29 PM »
It should be possible for anyone to do a simple experiment with a cheap laser pointer, table, and a basketball.  You could simulate what happens when the sun shines on a flat surface(table) and a spherical surface (basketball).  Play around with these items a bit and then compare what you see with what you actually experience while on the planet we call earth.  There are some other things that can be seen, but those things are not usually experienced by most people and takes and engineering background to understand.  I've seen many things that would actually be better if the earth were flat, but the engineering of those expensive things were all done with the global earth paradigm in mind.  If the earth were actually flat many business men have sure spent countless millions on equipment they don't need.  A really good flat earth engineer could make a fortune if he could show how his inventions using the simplified technology could save those millions.

Your experiment is bogus, it's proven the firmament projects its own light. No flashlight BS.
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2018, 03:49:12 PM »
My simple experiment also would show why the local business men spent millions more than necessary to build tall radio and TV towers to enhance coverage area.  Why not just save a bunch, build a smaller tower and get the same coverage using the flat earth model?  Even better, use a much smaller transmitter and antenna system, and bounce the signals off the firmament.  Wait,  In the last 50 years none of them have been able to get a system that would work like that.  They all think that the earth is a sphere and the higher that they can make their tower (spending millions) the larger their service area will be.  Every measurement I ever made with a field strength meter shows that.  Please help me figure out how to use a much smaller antenna, use a lower power transmitter, and just bounce the signals off the firmament to all the TVs in the local area.  Additionally, you would be helping the 'global warming' cause because the TV transmitters wouldn't have to use nearly as much electricity.     
You can lead flat earthers to the curve but you can't make them think!

Curiosity File

Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2018, 05:48:58 PM »
Curiosity is a strong motivator.
Fascination and amazement is sticky.
Learning new things files the empty spots.
Questions lead to research.
Confirmation is gratifying.
Hope that something will change somebody's mind, or my own, keeps me coming back.   

Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2018, 01:40:58 AM »
To kill this nonsense once and for all before we lose an entire generation of scientists, engineers and geologists.


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Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2018, 02:51:41 AM »
To kill this nonsense once and for all before we lose an entire generation of scientists, engineers and geologists.

I highly suggest you familiarize yourself with the rules if you plan on posting in the upper fora. Not going to give another warning just yet since you already received one for similar behavior.

Curiosity File

Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2018, 03:43:47 AM »
To kill this nonsense once and for all before we lose an entire generation of scientists, engineers and geologists.

Not sure how to respond to this comment?  I see you got a warning. But here's what's wrong with your idea, or goal. But before I say I'll add a very important, possibly the most important category of science you missed, 'astrology or astrophysics.
Problem #1 We wont lose any category of science to FET because the science community does NOT recognize or acknowledge any FE theory or hypothesis.
#2 FET has some very interesting and methodical experiments  and calculations that work for a FE model.
Curiosity and the need to know the truth along with  simple fun of debunking things and learning from what you find through research that everybody brings to the table here is beneficiary to all.
#3 You will never kill conspiracy theories. We need them because they not only are a great source of learning but a good percentage of conspiracy theories end up being true and without them being brought to light we'd have never know of them.
Problem with FET, though, just like many other conspiracy theories, once proven nothing will ever become of it and nothing will change. .