I think he (rightfully) doesn't want to invigorate the extreme left that is just as capable of being violent.
if i hadn't been alive and conscious for the 2016 election cycle, then i could maybe buy that. i think he's just a pathetically amoral coward.
either way, let's not restrain ourselves from criticizing violent nazis because we're afraid of hypothetical future violence by someone else.
plus he could've just addressed that directly while also displaying a modicum of moral courage:
tweet #1: nazism and white nationalism are immoral. fuck off, nazis.
tweet #2: hey "leftists" don't use this as an excuse to be violent. violence is wrong my dudes. you have to let others peacefully protest even if you think they're dicks.
tweet #3: here are the concrete steps we're gonna take to keep things cool and safe.
tweet #4: including free capri suns for both sides.