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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #80 on: July 06, 2021, 04:44:22 PM »
I don't think "your argument is tasteless" holds any water. Its like squealing racist or homophobe to shut down an opposing opinion. If the argument is "Challenger astronauts are actually all still alive" ... saying 'that's a disgusting assertion' isn't a rebuttal. Its just a cheap way to not have to engage it.

And yeah, the French are the most revolting people on earth. There is no nation of people so lowly, from their foul stinking garlic and onion breath to their BO stained unwashed bodies and hairy women. Absolutely vile from start to finish.
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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #81 on: July 06, 2021, 05:18:30 PM »
I don't think "your argument is tasteless" holds any water. Its like squealing racist or homophobe to shut down an opposing opinion. If the argument is "Challenger astronauts are actually all still alive" ... saying 'that's a disgusting assertion' isn't a rebuttal. Its just a cheap way to not have to engage it.

And yeah, the French are the most revolting people on earth. There is no nation of people so lowly, from their foul stinking garlic and onion breath to their BO stained unwashed bodies and hairy women. Absolutely vile from start to finish.

The argument against the conspiracy garbage is not that it's tasteless. The argument is that it's a stupid and outrageous conspiracy theory without evidence. And as a result the silly conspiracy is tasteless , disrespectful and has caused normal humans to be stalked by nutjob conspiracy theorists. Two separate things.

If you really want to engage in the actually Challenger conspiracy go here to see the debunking of it:


And those French have a different word for everything.


Offline AlexandrKushnirtshuk

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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #82 on: July 09, 2021, 08:44:34 PM »
The STEREO spacecraft have two cameras. One is directed to the Sun (frontal), the other - to the space nearby (lateral). On November 16, 2016, the following “anomaly” appeared on the animation of the STEREO A image.
NASA STEREO B (behind) HI2 2007

This is an overlay of the Sun image from the front camera to the side camera. This is the official NASA explanation. Such an overlap could not happen by accident by itself. It is very likely that there is an algorithm for overlaying images, in which programmers mistakenly specified the wrong files. What can be covered next to the Sun in space? Earth, if the ratio of the diameters of the Earth and the Sun is ~ 3-4 to 1.

This is not a UFO, but a shutter on the STEREO side camera. The same as on the frontal one (which covers the Sun due to its strong brightness), but 3-4 times larger in diameter ... Why is there a shutter on the side camera, in the shooting area, where the sun does not get?
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #83 on: July 11, 2021, 10:46:54 PM »
The Moon is attracted to the Sun 2.2 times stronger than to the Earth.
Here are the data for the calculation:
Rls / Rls = 390, (Rls / Rls) ^ 2 = 152000 distance ratio
Ms / Ms = 332000 mass ratio

Now the transformations and the actual calculation:
Fls = Ml * Ms / R ^ 2ls
Fls = Ml * Ms / R ^ 2ls
Fls : Fls = (Ms / Ms) : (Rls / Rls) ^ 2 = 332000 : 152000 = 2.2

The sphere of gravity of the Earth, inside which the gravity of the Earth exceeds the gravity of the Sun, has a radius of 0.260 million km. (counting from the center of the Earth). The Moon, according to official figures, is located far beyond this sphere.
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #84 on: July 30, 2021, 08:33:11 PM »
The Bible is an ambiguous, not very scientific and many times rewritten source.
There is one interesting point in the Bible - the appearance of the rainbow after the flood.
Before the flood, giants, dinosaurs lived on Earth, people supposedly lived for several hundred years, and, most interestingly, there was no rainbow. That is, before the flood, the conditions of life on Earth were very different from the current (post-Flood) ones. This is indicated, among other things, by the absence of a rainbow before the flood, which clearly emerges from the quote below.

I lay My rainbow in the cloud, so that it would be a sign of the covenant between Me and between the earth ... When I bring the cloud to the earth, then a rainbow in the cloud will appear ... and I will remember the eternal covenant between God and between every living soul ... This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and between all flesh that is on the earth. (Genesis 9: 13-17)

Strongly different antediluvian conditions on Earth ... There are quite a few weighty arguments in favor of the fact that before the flood the Earth (and the Universe) looked something like this schematic diagram:

The sun was probably colder, the moon hotter. When the Sun and the Moon separated from Proto-Earth, the smaller Moon quickly cooled down, and on the larger Sun, nuclear processes were activated, which, by the way, are now systematically declining. Solar activity has been declining for the fifth consecutive cycle (50 years). The duration of the solar cycle is about 10 years.

And this is the forecast for the 25th solar cycle, which is being confirmed more and more every day.

The fall in solar activity for 5 consecutive cycles, this is a regularity - a tendency indicating the extinction of the Sun. The graphs of solar activity before 1950-1960 (before the beginning of the space age) cannot be reliable - this is something like a forecast into the past.

Another small but very interesting fact that indirectly confirms my model of the Universe. On the American continents, there are armadillos in the wild, but no hedgehogs. In Africa and Eurasia, hedgehogs are found, but there are no armadillos.

Arial of armadillos and Arial of hedgehogs.

Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #85 on: July 30, 2021, 08:56:45 PM »
Another small but very interesting fact that indirectly confirms my model of the Universe. On the American continents, there are armadillos in the wild, but no hedgehogs. In Africa and Eurasia, hedgehogs are found, but there are no armadillos.

I gotta ask, how does this fun fact indirectly confirm your model of the universe?


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #86 on: August 05, 2021, 02:01:57 PM »
Google translate from russian (have no time to edit).

And suddenly, after the sorrow of those days, the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. (Gospel of Matthew 24:29)

Each next of the last five solar cycles is weaker than the previous one (one solar cycle lasts about 10 years). The fall in solar activity for 5 consecutive cycles, this is a regularity - a trend indicating the extinction of the Sun. The graphs of solar activity before 1950-1960 (before the beginning of the space era) cannot be reliable (the accuracy of observations was incomparably lower) - this is something like a forecast into the past.

The coronavirus pandemic is caused by solar activity. In 2009, there was a solar minimum and there was an epidemic (on the verge of a pandemic) of swine flu. In 2019, the solar minimum and the coronavirus pandemic began. At the same time, the ecology has significantly deteriorated over 10 years. And the current solar minimum is probably more extreme than the previous one.

I think over the course of several years the Universe will collapse to the limit of matter density into a sphere of a certain diameter ~ 20 thousand km. (all space objects will fly to the center of mass common between the Earth and the Sun along a spiral trajectory). The solar wind creates pressure from within the universe. The sun is dying out. When a certain critical minimum level of solar activity is reached, the process of folding the Universe into a "biblical scroll" will begin.

The stars in the sky will decay, and the sky will roll up like a scroll; the entire host of stars will fall like withered leaves from a vine, like dried fruit from a fig. (Isaiah 34: 4)

And suddenly, after the sorrow of those days, the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. (Gospel of Matthew 24:29)
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #87 on: August 06, 2021, 02:25:01 PM »
The NASA satellite has recorded an unprecedented cluster of pulsating red giant stars. "NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Research Satellite (TESS) has photographed about 75% of the sky during its two-year main mission."

1) Have an unprecedented number of stars suddenly turned into red giants? (2 years by cosmic standards is sudden)

2) Two years ago, the solar minimum began and the objects of the Oort Cloud reflecting sunlight (the official "stars") dimmed due to a decrease in solar activity.
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #88 on: August 06, 2021, 11:01:23 PM »

The Unsolved Mystery of the Earth Blobs

There are even traces of the Sun and Moon on the surface of the Earth. Both are eastbound, both eastward from Pro-Ameria and Pra-Eurasia, both eastward from Earth Blobs, which are also eastbound, and chunks of the two PraContinents (the current 6 continents, clearly grouped by 3) are also eastbound from Earth Blobs.

There was a spiral displacement of the Proto-Earth axis of rotation from conditional 0 degrees to the current 23.5 degrees, with the simultaneous separation of the Sun and the Moon from the poles of Proto-Earth, splitting and displacement of two Pra-Continents.

Judging by the tracks, the diameter of the Sun is 2,500 - 3,000 km.
The official diameter of the Sun is 1,392,700 km.
The official diameter of Mars is 6,779 km.

Actual diameter of Mars:
1) 2,500 / 1,400,000 * 6,800 = 12 km.
2) 3,000 / 1,400,000 * 6,800 = 14 km.
+- errors and unaccounted for factors, approximately, but much closer to reality than the official one, the diameter of Mars is 15 - 20 km.

Cordillera - Andes, Iranian highlands - Himalayas - the highest and largest mountain formations, identical in shape, diametrically opposite location on the surface of the Earth. The lesser Pro-America split further and moved further away from its Earth Blobs under the Pacific Ocean. Greater PraEurasia split less, shifted not so far from its Earth Blobs under Africa, but turned more northward.

Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #89 on: August 07, 2021, 11:42:52 PM »

Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #90 on: August 13, 2021, 10:37:52 AM »
Oblivion is inevitable, otherwise we would reliably know the entire history (the origin of life) "from beginning to end." The point is that there is no beginning or end. The end of one is the beginning of another. Time is the only infinite parameter in the full sense of the word. Time may slow down or speed up, but it never stops. Time is a characteristic of the intensity of spatial changes.
Matter, energy, consciousness - all this is divisible, limited and indestructible (“immortal”). Nothing appears out of nowhere and disappears into nowhere, but only redistributes and / or transforms from one state to another (the Law of Conservation of Energy is one of the fundamental properties of the Universe).
How does reincarnation (reincarnation) take place?
Most likely instantly. Posthumous existence is the consciousness of the embryo of a biological organism. Moreover, the rebirth takes place in a biological organism that best corresponds to the level of consciousness. The low consciousness of a person can be reborn into an animal, the high consciousness of an animal can be embodied in a person. Throughout life, the level of consciousness fluctuates under the influence of many external and internal factors.
Sleep is a short death, death is a long sleep.
For a long time I could not understand what would happen to the consciousness of biological organisms, when “the Universe is curled up with a biblical scroll”, that is, Armageddon (the End of the World) comes, that is, when there are no biological organisms, there will be no one to reincarnate. The answer is based on the principle of exact analogy with the cycle of existence (life and reincarnation) of a biological organism. The Universe will die and instantly be reborn - it will go into the state of an embryo - the embryo of a new Universe. Posthumous existence is the consciousness of the embryo of a biological organism (reincarnation occurs instantly).
Additional conclusions on the fundamental aspects of the Universe.
1) https://forum.tfes.org/index.php?topic=17702.msg239335#msg239335
2) https://forum.tfes.org/index.php?topic=17702.msg240771#msg240771
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #91 on: August 13, 2021, 12:47:23 PM »
Fundamental aspects of the Universe (complete and final version).

1) The structure of the Universe is the key to understanding the origin of life, its nature, as well as the essence of paranormal phenomena, the nature of UFOs, aliens, and the key to the correct worldview.

2) Aliens do not exist (in the sense that they are not from other planets - not alien planets). Earth is the only planet in the universe. The sun is the only star in the universe. “Aliens” (all their alliances and races) are, roughly speaking, angels / demons. Entities that somehow manage to avoid incarnation for some time. Their influence on humanity is scanty on the physical plane (paranormal or subtle phenomena interact very weakly with matter), but colossal in the mental plane (religion, worldview). Most of all, they affect the mind through the fear of death and ignorance. “Aliens” are a psychophysical, subtle, noospheric phenomenon.

3) Is the Universe local?
Yes. Moreover, it is absolutely local. This comes out of the name itself. If besides the Universe there is something else, then without this something it is no longer the Universe. Within the framework of the Universe, the existence of something local is impossible, that is, absolutely without any interaction with the rest of the Universe. In short, this supposedly difficult question is actually a priori very unambiguous: the Universe is absolutely local, within the Universe, conditionally (relatively) local phenomena or regions (space) can exist, for example: a soundproof room, a sealed container, water-air, etc. .NS. impermeable containers. But absolutely nothing impenetrable space within the framework of the Universe itself cannot be created. In short, the Universe is an absolutely local space, within which the existence of any other absolutely local space is impossible.

4) Is it possible to know the future?
No. Knowledge of the future itself influences (changes) this future. Example. You find out that something bad is about to happen, even if you try to do nothing to fix it or avoid it, then at least your behavior and thinking will change. ... ... In short, it is impossible to know the future, because knowledge of the future itself affects the future, that is, changes it. ... ... There are certain trends and expectations of the future, but nobody knows 100% of it, although it is likely that it can be 100% predetermined.

5) The only infinite parameter in the Universe is time. Energy and matter, like consciousness and space, are limited, but indestructible. ... ... In short, here you need to understand well the Law of Conservation of Energy and its consequences, because this is essentially one of the fundamental properties of the Universe: Nothing appears from nowhere, and does not disappear into anywhere, but only redistributes and / or transforms from one state to another.

6) Religious worldviews.
The first and most important thing to understand is that the existence of 100% truth, or 100% falsehood is impossible.
Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism...) - sinners in hell, righteous in heaven - game over - stupidity, the impossibility of which has already been explained in detail somewhere. But this does not mean that these religions are completely false.
Hinduism and Buddhism, like Taoism and Shintoism with the concepts of karma and rebirth, in general, are closer to reality. But this does not mean that these religions are absolutely true.
That is, with regard to religion and worldview, it is important to understand how this or that issue or phenomenon corresponds to reality, logical, plausible, viable.

An important addition to the worldview.

Knowledge, understanding, awareness - three levels of comprehension of the meaning of something. Dynamic balance of opposites: + - at a specific moment in time, and strictly 50/50 at infinity (in time). A very important criterion for the truth of many things and phenomena, one of the fundamental properties of the Universe, the realization of which is the key to understanding a lot of things - the Law of Conservation of Energy - it's some kind of (like the third) Law of Thermodynamics. In my interpretation it looks like this: Nothing appears out of nowhere, and does not disappear into anywhere, but only redistributes and / or transforms from one state to another.

A very important consequence of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Destruction, preservation and creation are types of transformation. Something can be “created” only from something, it means not to create in the full sense of the word, but to transform something into something. Briefly speaking. Nobody created the universe, and there are no creators as such, in principle, there are transformers of different levels, orders, opportunities and responsibilities.

Nobody has ever created anything.

Creation, preservation and destruction are varieties of transformation. In Hinduism, Rama (creator), Vishnu (keeper), Shiva (destroyer) is the personalization of the transformation varieties. The Christian “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” is simply a collection of masculine words, a slogan of the patriarchal era. You can add meaning and weight to anything by attracting attention. Energy rushes after attention (Huna, Hawaiian wisdom).

Cyclicity of the Universe. Infinity of time. Immortality of consciousness.

Oblivion is inevitable, otherwise we would reliably know the entire history (the origin of life) "from beginning to end." The point is that there is no beginning or end. The end of one is the beginning of another. Time is the only infinite parameter in the full sense of the word. Time may slow down or speed up, but it never stops. Time is a characteristic of the intensity of spatial changes.

Matter, energy, consciousness - all this is divisible, limited and indestructible (“immortal”). Nothing appears out of nowhere and disappears into nowhere, but only redistributes and / or transforms from one state to another (the Law of Conservation of Energy is one of the fundamental properties of the Universe).

How does reincarnation (reincarnation) take place?
Most likely instantly. Posthumous existence is the consciousness of the embryo of a biological organism. Moreover, the rebirth takes place in a biological organism that best corresponds to the level of consciousness. The low consciousness of a person can be reborn into an animal, the high consciousness of an animal can be embodied in a person. Throughout life, the level of consciousness fluctuates under the influence of many external and internal factors.

Sleep is a short death, death is a long sleep.
For a long time I could not understand what would happen to the consciousness of biological organisms, when “the Universe is curled up with a biblical scroll”, that is, Armageddon (the End of the World) comes, that is, when there are no biological organisms, there will be no one to reincarnate. The answer is based on the principle of exact analogy with the cycle of existence (life and reincarnation) of a biological organism. The Universe will die and instantly be reborn - it will go into the state of an embryo - the embryo of a new Universe. Posthumous existence is the consciousness of the embryo of a biological organism (reincarnation occurs instantly).


Ordinary waves have a medium - water.
Sound waves have a medium - a gas (atmosphere).
Do light and radio waves have a medium? The ether has not yet been allegedly proven.

The aquatic environment is inhabited.
The gaseous environment (atmosphere) is inhabited.
Is the ether inhabited? Where do UFOs come from? Where do the “aliens” (angels / demons) live?

Fortune telling, roulette, excitement, random. ... ... Fate or freedom of choice?
Everyone has only one choice - the best option available in his opinion (based on his experience). Nobody will choose another option. Crazy people act unconsciously - that is, in essence, randomly (unpredictably), that is, they do not make a choice as such.

Over time, a good decision (choice) can turn out to be bad, both under the influence of independent factors and because of the mistakes of the one who made this decision (made the choice).

1) The universe is the totality of everything that is. This is a limited collection (not an infinite number). Only time is infinite. Consequence of the Law of Conservation of Energy. I will not detail.
2) Everything in the Universe is interconnected and interdependent. A huge variety of external and internal factors affect you. At the same time, it is difficult to define who you yourself are. Your body, your mind, your thoughts ... and who are you?

With this in mind, are we choosing something, or just thinking we are choosing. Is there a choice as such, or is it just an illusion?

The point is, it doesn't matter (doesn't matter). See why.
Because it is impossible to know the future 100%.
Knowing the future would affect the result (would change the future), and it would not be the future that you supposedly knew about. It's like geometry. Proof from the opposite, or “we have come to a contradiction - the theorem (assumption) is proved”.

To calculate with 100% accuracy the mutual influence of all factors (particles, atoms) in the Universe, another Universe is needed, and more and more powerful. But the Universe is one - this emerges from the very name “all that is”. Let quantum physicists use fantasies about the Multiverse.


It is very likely that we are not making any choice.
Our decisions and choices are an illusion of a complex, multifactorial, 100% unpredictable Universe.
Why is it important that it is impossible to predict, to predict an event exactly 100%? Because in any other case, there is a minimum, but still non-zero probability of unpredictability, which can work (be realized) at any time and reduce the reliability of the forecast from 99% to 1% (spoil the forecast to a certain extent).

Congratulations to everyone who understood something of this.

Everything is completely (100%) interdependent (interconnected and interdependent). But knowing the future reliably (100%) is impossible in principle.


1) “Aliens” (all their alliances and races) are, roughly speaking, angels / demons. Entities that somehow manage to avoid incarnation for some time.
2) Posthumous existence is the consciousness of the embryo of a biological organism (reincarnation occurs instantly).


The specificity of the ether as a habitat (along with water and gas (atmosphere)) is that the souls / consciousness of biological organisms are “registered” in the ether. UFOs, “aliens”, angels / demons and other paranormal phenomena are such elusive phenomena that there is still not a single factual proof of their existence. But some processes are taking place in the ether (instant reincarnation), which we most likely perceive as UFOs, "aliens", angels / demons and other paranormalism. So most likely the first statement is false, and the second is true.
2) Posthumous existence is the consciousness of the embryo of a biological organism (reincarnation occurs instantly).
« Last Edit: August 13, 2021, 12:52:58 PM by AlexandrKushnirtshuk »
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #92 on: August 14, 2021, 06:15:13 AM »
They look like lightning, they are registered as flashes - very unusual, they fly not perpendicular to the surface, but in parallel, and for some reason mainly in the southern direction. As if along the lines of magnetic field strength.

Green filter - August 8, 9. Red Filter - August 12th. Bronze Filter - August 13th.

From a spot in front of the Earth, lightning strikes parallel to the surface of the Sun. Solar flares come from a spot on the opposite side of the Sun. The Earth's magnetosphere suppresses (presses) the activity of the sunspots closest to it.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2021, 06:16:53 AM by AlexandrKushnirtshuk »
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #93 on: August 15, 2021, 12:21:50 PM »
The third flare from the opposite side of the Sun.

Okay, so I found one powerful solar flare in the direction of the Earth (October 28, 2003, SOHO Lasco C3). Which may well be just an exception to the rule.

But here another question arises. Where is the SOHO spacecraft located? The flare started around 09:00. Coronary matter reached the SOHO spacecraft at about 12:00 - these are white ripples in photographs (animations). If the coronal matter of a solar flare reaches the Earth in 2-3 days, then why did it reach the SOHO spacecraft in just 3 hours?

The solar wind is a stream of ionized particles (mainly helium-hydrogen plasma) flowing out of the solar corona at a speed of 300-1200 km/s into the surrounding space.

I think this is because the SOHO spacecraft is located at the point of the common center of mass between the Earth and the Sun (1/3-1/4 of the distance from the Earth to the Sun). At the same time, the speed of the coronal matter decreases strongly (slows down exponentially) as the distance is covered (distance from the Sun - the source of the flare).

Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #94 on: August 15, 2021, 08:32:04 PM »
Another small, but very interesting fact indirectly confirms my model of the Universe. On the American continents, there are armadillos in the wild, but no hedgehogs. In Africa and Eurasia, there are hedgehogs in the wild, but no armadillos.

Arial of armadillos and Arial of hedgehogs.
Hedgehogs and the Sun have thorns.
The armadillos and the Moon have no thorns.

1) Self-organization
2) Fundamental aspects of the Universe.

Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk

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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #95 on: August 16, 2021, 07:12:42 AM »
What do you mean when you say that the sun has thorns?
And how do the armadillos and the hedgehogs confirm your model of the universe?
What is so significant about these two animals in particular?


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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #96 on: August 21, 2021, 11:31:54 AM »
Of all the objects in the celestial sphere, all "stars" and "planets" for some reason are one to one + - brightness. Only the Sun and the Moon stand out with the same angular dimensions (the sizes are proportional to the distances to the Earth) and the same axial rotation periods - 27 days.

It would be very difficult to hide such a global deception. A lot of people are engaged in this ... both professionals and amateurs ... Long ago the truth would come out ... And there is no big sense in such a deception. Something doesn't add up ...

1) Levels of access (secrecy).

2) There are several dozen spacecraft (not counting earth satellites). Several hundred well-paid people are engaged in non-dusty and not difficult direct service.

3) Lunar scam. 50 years ago, people allegedly flew to the Moon, and after 50 years of progress, both technologies are lost, and the spacesuits are not the same (NASA is postponing the flight to the Moon until 2025 due to problems with the development of spacesuits and ... lack of funding).

4) This is all richly seasoned with a 300-year history of theoretical astronomy with its black holes and distant, distant galaxies. Plus erroneous interpretations of astronomical observations. Of all the objects in the celestial sphere, all "stars" and "planets" for some reason are one to one + - brightness. Only the Sun and the Moon stand out with the same angular dimensions (the sizes are proportional to the distances to the Earth) and the same axial rotation periods - 27 days.

The official model of the universe is not true. The official model of the Universe is a global deception, conspiracy, distortion. The actual structure of the Universe is the key to understanding very many important things (aspects of the Universe). Distortion of an important aspect of the Universe leads to a distortion of the Worldview.


Space exploration is useless and pointless. 90% of the global space industry budget is focused on space exploration. This is probably equal to the sum of all other spheres of human criminal activity. Money laundering requires the appearance of a socially beneficial activity. A striking example is money laundering through charitable (humanitarian) organizations.

Assumptions about distortions of official space calculations.

All celestial, orbital, trigonometric, mathematical calculations can have (and it seems to be so) one feature. They are all relatively correct. Take a close look at what I mean. Basic parameters such as distance, size and speed are highly interdependent and directly interdependent. Only one coefficient in the calculations directly affects the change in these three parameters in one direction or another. The mathematical concept may be correct, but the scale of the official model of the Universe is greatly overestimated, that is, cosmic velocities, distances and sizes are greatly overestimated. But this does not affect the proportions of the orbits. Hence, even though the scale is significantly overestimated, spaceships can (and they do) fly in the space of the solar system. The proportions are correct, the scale is incorrect, the calculations are relatively correct (only because of one incorrect coefficient * in the calculations, which directly affects the main cosmic parameters: distances, sizes and speeds).

* this incorrect coefficient may be the gravitational constant.

"The gravitational constant is a physical constant that is difficult to measure with high precision." (Wikipedia)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2021, 11:38:49 AM by AlexandrKushnirtshuk »
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


Offline AlexandrKushnirtshuk

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  • Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk
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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #97 on: August 22, 2021, 11:15:28 AM »
New model of the Universe.
(link to LiveJournal article)
Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk


Offline Tron

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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #98 on: August 22, 2021, 04:31:07 PM »
Nice post...  Any thoughts on the "thickness" of space?  I've considered lately that Space is a like a thick liquid which limits Radiation exposure to people in space but also slows some space travel to a stand still, which gives people the false impression of distance covered, speed, and object size. 
From the surface Earth looks flat.  From space Earth looks round.  Now what?


Offline AlexandrKushnirtshuk

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  • Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk
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Re: New model of the Universe.
« Reply #99 on: August 25, 2021, 05:22:15 AM »
Powerful flares come only from sunspots on the far side of the Sun. Which is another confirmation of my model of the Universe, and a new pattern for predicting solar activity. The Earth's magnetosphere suppresses (reduces) the activity of the nearest sunspots, which is impossible in the official model of the Universe.


Alexandr Kushnirtshuk (1984.12.04), Ukraine, Lutsk