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Messages - Pongo

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« on: October 25, 2024, 03:54:38 PM »
I think I asked for reasonable evidence for whether Kamala worked at McDonald's.
Which we all know you're immediately going to call fake or lies.

“If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.”

-Oma Desala

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« on: October 24, 2024, 08:13:30 PM »
Since everyone is interested in evidence...
I mean, I'm not interested in evidence that Harris worked a menial job 40 years ago…

I like to know as many true things as possible and as few false things as possible. If someone makes a claim, I — and people who care about truth — would like them to be able to back their assertions up with evidence.

For example, if someone said in a job interview that they had certain skills or went to school, I think it’s reasonable to be able to back that up with facts. Harris is interviewing for a job right now and some of us would like to know if what she is saying is true.

If you don’t care if what she says is true, or if knowingly knowing false things is not a problem for you then I have no beef with that. You do you my man. But don’t come around here asserting that your Roundy-tinted life view should apply to anyone else.

We care about facts and truth. Sometimes that means verifying a person’s claims.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« on: October 24, 2024, 02:13:49 PM »
Why did you mash two sides of the argument?

You know, I thought about this before I hit post but I thought to myself, “nah, surely they won’t misconstrue what I’m saying and see it for what it is; a critique of the argument.”

The fault is mine, I expected too much. My bee.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« on: October 24, 2024, 11:57:11 AM »
Firstly, it's extremely unlikely that the IRS is hanging onto records of the income tax that a fast-food worker paid forty years ago; secondly, there's no good reason (both in the sense of Kamala's political interests and the public interest) to ask them to try to verify Kamala's McDonald's employment; thirdly, that's not a thing the IRS would do even if there was a good reason to verify Kamala's McDonald's employment; and fourthly, Trump and his supporters would immediately label any evidence the IRS produced as fabricated, so what would even be the point? Nobody who isn't already a ride-or-die Trump fan doubts that Kamala worked at McDonald's when she was younger, because it's entirely believable and would be an utterly pointless thing to lie about.

Wow, what a convent slew of semi-plausible excuses.

“IRS doesn’t have it”
“If they do have it, it doesn’t matter”
“If it does matter, they won’t release it”
“If they do release it, then it’s fabricated”
“If it isn’t fabricated, then it’s not relevant”

It reminds me of the narcissist’s prayer. Which I guess is fitting for Kamala.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« on: October 24, 2024, 02:00:43 AM »
Do you really expect a fast food franchise with a high employee turnover rate to keep employee records from 40 years ago?

The IRS will have records assuming Kamala paid taxes. But, I’ll bet you a shiny nickel that the current administration won’t have the IRS verify these claims. Spoilers: it’s because they don’t exist.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« on: October 23, 2024, 04:29:31 PM »

Harris isn't necessarily a liar. Maybe she really does believe she worked at McDonald's, despite having never worked there.
How did you come by this assertion?

Imagine falling so hard for the propaganda that you think Kamala Hussain Harris ever worked a minimum wage job in her life.

Um, imagine falling for the propaganda so hard that you reject without reason just the notion that Kamala Harris might have ever worked a minimum wage job in her life?

I see what you did here. You said exactly what I said but you stapled an Uno reverse card to it. How did you come up with this novel rhetorical tactic? It’s so simple a child could use it. Like, a very small child.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: US Presidential Election 2024
« on: October 23, 2024, 03:34:38 PM »

Harris isn't necessarily a liar. Maybe she really does believe she worked at McDonald's, despite having never worked there.
How did you come by this assertion?

Imagine falling so hard for the propaganda that you think Kamala Hussain Harris ever worked a minimum wage job in her life.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Is the UK okay?
« on: August 15, 2024, 05:38:54 PM »
So many that you couldn’t name one.

Did you think that was a checkmate? There are so many laws that grant freedoms that it felt silly listing a few. If you had taken even the smallest bit of time to look you could have saved yourself this embarrassment:

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Is the UK okay?
« on: August 15, 2024, 01:11:28 PM »
Laws pretty much by definition restrict your freedom. They dictate what you must or must not do.

No, many laws grant freedoms. In the States there are multiple amendments that grant freedoms as well other Federal and State laws. The fact that you think laws "by definition restrict your freedom" speaks volumes about the views you've developed under an oppressive regime.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Is the UK okay?
« on: August 14, 2024, 12:06:14 PM »
Y'all, the Brits don't even know what freedom is.
Yeah. You just keep on standing on the side of the road waiting till a little man tells you that you can cross, lest you get fined, while congratulating yourselves on how free you are.

Tell me you’ve never been to America without telling me you’ve never been to America.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Is the UK okay?
« on: August 13, 2024, 02:49:17 PM »
Y'all, the Brits don't even know what freedom is. It's like listening to a border collie's opinions on language theory. Sure they can learn a few words and some of them can even understand a full sentence, but any complexity is completely lost on them. Sadly, this is where the comparison breaks down. You see, it's not the dogs fault they they cannot understand language, but it is the Brit's fault that they continue to live in willful ignorance of freedom.

At some point in every Brit's life they have to look across the pond and say, "No sir, that's not for me. I'll just take another scoop of beans for breakfast and continue to kowtow to my imperial overlords." The Torres are making a good run at waking up the masses but at the end of the day they'll never be able to attain the level of freedom that their former colonies have wrestled away from them. They are simply still to entrenched in the system.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: President Joe Biden
« on: July 15, 2024, 08:20:00 PM »
Hillary might have had a far better election night had Comey not nuked her from high orbit just days before the election.

The best part about that was Trump was like, "Thanks for taking the heat off the bus video and winning me the election. You're fired."

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Eurovision
« on: May 25, 2023, 07:30:50 PM »
Fantastic. So glad you read the posts in here. Great mods all around, thanks for stopping by.

You're welcome!

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Eurovision
« on: May 25, 2023, 05:43:36 PM »
I wish someone would mansplain Eurovision to me. What’s it like an annual song and dance show and the winner gets crowned Dancing Queen by ABBA?
It's not mansplaining if you don't know what it is and are asking for an explanation.

I hate all of you sm

Wow, what a condescending way to explain mansplaining to me.

Anyways. Eurovision looks neat. I hope your team wins.

Arts & Entertainment / Re: Eurovision
« on: May 25, 2023, 01:44:38 PM »
I wish someone would mansplain Eurovision to me. What’s it like an annual song and dance show and the winner gets crowned Dancing Queen by ABBA?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Terrible Political Memes
« on: June 09, 2022, 04:02:40 PM »

This one really made me chuckle. Good find, Tom!

Suggestions & Concerns / Re: Let's use the site-wide theme in CN
« on: April 26, 2022, 06:24:03 PM »
I say we use Blanko's theme in CN in memory of him.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: ISS Photo From The Ground
« on: April 23, 2022, 12:30:27 AM »
I can use specialised software to see much more than a magical space station. Be bold, name what you'd like to see. Specialised software will sort it out.

Can you show me some Moon Shrimp?

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: ISS Photo From The Ground
« on: April 22, 2022, 04:10:22 PM »
How do you know it was the same object? What if ...

The overwhelming preponderence of evidence supporting it, and the total lack of any firm evidence to show that it could be anything else.

Do you have anything in support of your "What if ..." ???

It would just explain everything in a way that fits neatly with already established flat-earth facts.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: ISS Photo From The Ground
« on: April 22, 2022, 03:12:25 PM »
Round-earthers say it’s moving at 17K mph.

... which is entirely consistent with both the stated orbital height, and duration of orbit.

I've seen it twice in an evening, on more than one occasion; each appearance separated by 90 mins or so. Calculate the length of orbit, based on stated speed, height and textbook radius of Earth, and you arrive at an orbital time of around 90 mins.

It's also consistent with the first orbital satellite, Sputnik 1, which was not only seen, but heard, as folks on the ground both watched it and listened to its beep-beep radio transmission. Accounts of what people saw and heard also mention an orbital time of around 90 mins, implying similar speed.

How do you know it was the same object? What if they are like busses timed to pass by every 90 min?

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