Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #3840 on: May 02, 2019, 11:17:22 AM »

Try to use your self-proclaimed intellectual superiority...just a little...

If you were actually a lackey to honesty you would feel ashamed writing this. I have never proclaimed my superiority.

Kramer wrote the Republicans would have a meltdown...

His whole post is based on the fallacy Starr and Mueller operating under the same rules, when...they are not.


Let alone, it is not the job of a prosecutor to exonerate...

The whole exercise has been shown to be a tremendous dog and pony show...

Yes, I agree that the AG has been creating drama with his resistance to open discourse.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3841 on: May 04, 2019, 06:08:27 AM »
Not Trump but I bet he's unhappy with it.

Federal Court Throws Out Ohio's Congressional Map https://n.pr/2vzKt0d

The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Trump
« Reply #3842 on: May 06, 2019, 03:33:32 PM »

Try to use your self-proclaimed intellectual superiority...just a little...

If you were actually a lackey to honesty you would feel ashamed writing this. I have never proclaimed my superiority.
Why should I feel ashamed about openly stating what you so implicitly attempt to communicate through writing?

Kramer wrote the Republicans would have a meltdown...

His whole post is based on the fallacy Starr and Mueller operating under the same rules, when...they are not.


Let alone, it is not the job of a prosecutor to exonerate...

The whole exercise has been shown to be a tremendous dog and pony show...

Yes, I agree that the AG has been creating drama with his resistance to open discourse.
Now, it would be helpful of course, if you found a section of Kramer's post that even mentions the AG.

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #3843 on: May 06, 2019, 08:16:18 PM »
Why should I feel ashamed about openly stating what you so implicitly attempt to communicate through writing?

This word "implicitly", I do not think it means what you think it means.

Now, it would be helpful of course, if you found a section of Kramer's post that even mentions the AG.

I wasn' talking about Kramer.   You truly are the master of trying to put words in other's mouthes and failing horribly.


Re: Trump
« Reply #3844 on: May 09, 2019, 10:48:58 AM »
Why should I feel ashamed about openly stating what you so implicitly attempt to communicate through writing?

This word "implicitly", I do not think it means what you think it means.

Now, it would be helpful of course, if you found a section of Kramer's post that even mentions the AG.

I wasn' talking about Kramer.   You truly are the master of trying to put words in other's mouthes and failing horribly.
Well, I was writing about Kramer's post.

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #3845 on: May 09, 2019, 11:23:21 AM »
Well I wasn’t.

Re: Trump
« Reply #3846 on: May 09, 2019, 04:02:14 PM »
the gop: businesses don't have to sell anything to faggots if they don't want to
also the gop: my fundamental right to a twitter account
I have visited from prestigious research institutions of the highest caliber, to which only our administrator holds with confidence.


Offline Dr Van Nostrand

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3847 on: May 09, 2019, 10:05:26 PM »
Here’s a piece from ‘The Hill.’ It’s an opinion piece but it’s not too slanted and recounts the facts of both Starr and Mueller.


For me, the most disturbing aspect of reading the Mueller report (and I did read it) was the way the Republicans aren’t bothered by the massive Russian influence campaign that it documents. The Russian campaign was not ‘fake news.’ It was vast and systemic but Trump and the Republicans still say it’s no big deal. “It could be some four-hundred pound guy sitting on his bed,” Trump tells us. The Republican pundits say that Russia couldn’t have made a difference when they know Russia brought its full Soviet-era propaganda resources to bear. Now, the Republicans are dragging their feet on election security because they want Russia’s help again.

I am sick of Trump insulting our military heros who risked everything to protect his rich spoiled lifestyle.
I am sick of him insulting my intelligence with his bullshit lies (If you’re going to lie to me at least make it believable.)
I’m sick of his childish name calling.
I’m sick of hearing about how smart and rich he is.
I’m sick of hearing about Hillary.

As a Libertarian, I use to support Republicans in races that didn’t have a Libertarian candidate. But until the Republican party disavows this reality TV buffoon, man-child, I will never vote for a Republican again.

BTW. Don’t think for a minute he’s kept his promise to close any of those rich people tax loopholes he used all those years while we (who didn’t have an army of tax lawyers) paid our taxes. His tax plan was a windfall for the rich and is producing the largest budget deficit in our history.
Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...

If the world is flat, it means that I have been deceived by a global, multi-generational conspiracy spending trillions of dollars over hundreds of years.
If the world is round, it means that you’re just an idiot who believes stupid crap on the internet.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3848 on: May 10, 2019, 10:16:55 PM »
House Democrats Subpoena Trump Tax Returns https://n.pr/2vNQ82T

What. Bunch of dumb motherfuckers.  What, do they think they'll find some smoking gun?  Make themselves heroes? 

Unless they find some god damn illegal shit in there (they won't cause the IRS would have seen it first) then all they do is paint themselves as are Democratic Trumps.  Which, frankly, I'd expect better.  Guess I need to lower the bar again.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 04:41:28 AM by Lord Dave »
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline crutonius

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3849 on: May 11, 2019, 12:39:28 AM »
I'm baffled by the resistance to this.  Shouldn't we require at least the same level of transparency from the most powerful man in the world that banks require from someone applying for a home loan?


Offline honk

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3850 on: May 11, 2019, 02:03:17 AM »
It's "motherfuckers," not "mother fuckers," and as I explained some pages back, the IRS is not a political watchdog that would publicize anything noteworthy or concerning in Trump's tax returns. I think the public has a right to know about the finances, business connections, and potential conflicts of interest of anyone who chooses to become the most powerful person in the world, especially seeing how the president is legally immune to conflict of interest claims. Presidential candidates have understood this as a point of decorum for forty years, and it's only now that we finally have someone too shameless to divulge their records unless they're forced to.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3851 on: May 11, 2019, 04:44:12 AM »
I'm baffled by the resistance to this.  Shouldn't we require at least the same level of transparency from the most powerful man in the world that banks require from someone applying for a home loan?

It's "motherfuckers," not "mother fuckers," and as I explained some pages back, the IRS is not a political watchdog that would publicize anything noteworthy or concerning in Trump's tax returns. I think the public has a right to know about the finances, business connections, and potential conflicts of interest of anyone who chooses to become the most powerful person in the world, especially seeing how the president is legally immune to conflict of interest claims. Presidential candidates have understood this as a point of decorum for forty years, and it's only now that we finally have someone too shameless to divulge their records unless they're forced to.

Yes however, by forcing it, Trump can and will spin it as a mix of invasion of privacy and democrats who hate him.
So unless his tax returns say he has no money or that he is paid billions by Russia, its not gonna matter to his base.  (And even then, they may not care)

The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline crutonius

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3852 on: May 11, 2019, 07:08:46 AM »
I'm baffled by the resistance to this.  Shouldn't we require at least the same level of transparency from the most powerful man in the world that banks require from someone applying for a home loan?

It's "motherfuckers," not "mother fuckers," and as I explained some pages back, the IRS is not a political watchdog that would publicize anything noteworthy or concerning in Trump's tax returns. I think the public has a right to know about the finances, business connections, and potential conflicts of interest of anyone who chooses to become the most powerful person in the world, especially seeing how the president is legally immune to conflict of interest claims. Presidential candidates have understood this as a point of decorum for forty years, and it's only now that we finally have someone too shameless to divulge their records unless they're forced to.

Yes however, by forcing it, Trump can and will spin it as a mix of invasion of privacy and democrats who hate him.
So unless his tax returns say he has no money or that he is paid billions by Russia, its not gonna matter to his base.  (And even then, they may not care)

Oh he most definitely will spin it that way.  And if the democrats didn't do it then he'd spin them as being weak  and cowardly.

It's like wrestling with a pig.  Strategy will not avail you.  There's no way you're not getting muddy.`

Let's lay out what we know.  He inherited half a billion from his dad through means that are probably illegal.  He set a billion dollars on fire during the course of a decade.  He actually set a record for this which is impressive.  He got a mysterious bump of 50 million dollars.  Nobody know where that came from.  Then his children said on record that they borrow a lot from the Russians.  That they be broke without them.

There's a whole lot more than that.  His finances are weird.  It is not at all out of the realm of fantasy that Trump is heavily in debt to the Russians.


Re: Trump
« Reply #3853 on: May 14, 2019, 11:14:49 AM »
Here’s a piece from ‘The Hill.’ It’s an opinion piece but it’s not too slanted and recounts the facts of both Starr and Mueller.


For me, the most disturbing aspect of reading the Mueller report (and I did read it) was the way the Republicans aren’t bothered by the massive Russian influence campaign that it documents. The Russian campaign was not ‘fake news.’ It was vast and systemic but Trump and the Republicans still say it’s no big deal. “It could be some four-hundred pound guy sitting on his bed,” Trump tells us. The Republican pundits say that Russia couldn’t have made a difference when they know Russia brought its full Soviet-era propaganda resources to bear. Now, the Republicans are dragging their feet on election security because they want Russia’s help again.
Even though the Russian interference did absolutely NOTHING to help the Trump campaign, it is a big deal.

And it all happened under the watchful eye of Barry.
I am sick of Trump insulting our military heros who risked everything to protect his rich spoiled lifestyle.
Like who?
I am sick of him insulting my intelligence with his bullshit lies (If you’re going to lie to me at least make it believable.)
You don't mind lies at all.

Quit lying.
I’m sick of his childish name calling.
Stop listening.
I’m sick of hearing about how smart and rich he is.
Stop listening.
I’m sick of hearing about Hillary.
Aren't we all?
As a Libertarian, I use to support Republicans in races that didn’t have a Libertarian candidate. But until the Republican party disavows this reality TV buffoon, man-child, I will never vote for a Republican again.

BTW. Don’t think for a minute he’s kept his promise to close any of those rich people tax loopholes he used all those years while we (who didn’t have an army of tax lawyers) paid our taxes. His tax plan was a windfall for the rich and is producing the largest budget deficit in our history.
The whole idea of income taxes is BS anyway.


Offline Dr Van Nostrand

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3854 on: May 14, 2019, 10:05:49 PM »

Even though the Russian interference did absolutely NOTHING to help the Trump campaign, it is a big deal.

It was an election between the two most hated presidential candidates in the history of the U.S. The vote was split between the popular vote and the electoral college. In a race that close, everything made a difference which includes all of Russia's national applied trolling resources.

Hundreds of dumbasses showed up for political events created by the Russians on Facebook. Russia has found a way to America's own stupidity against it and it turns out that American stupidity is a weapon of unimaginable destructive power.

Like who?

John McCain, Khzir Kahn, the military intelligence community, all the transgender troops currently serving....

BTW about trans troops, if a man is willing to leave his home for months or years, go to a fucked up country and face death to defend America, I as a taxpayer have no problem buying him a nice set of tits and saying, "Thanks for your service."

You don't mind lies at all.

Quit lying.

Tom Bishop may not even be a real person but at least he comes here and tries to answer questions before the discussion gets circular and illogical. The Trump White house doesn't even bother with press conferences anymore.
... and when Tom Bishop cherry picks facts to take out of context and twist to his argument at least he started with a fact. Trump just makes all his shit up on the fly.

Wait!  That's it!   Tom Bishop for the Republican Presidential nominee!

Stop listening.

The people of Venezuela should have been listening years ago, now they're fucked.

The whole idea of income taxes is BS anyway.

I've always supported a consumption tax like a national sales tax. But tax breaks and tax subsidies are now political currency and no one wants to give up their break. Changing the tax structure is a major political challenge that gets fought on all sides by everybody.

However, while the tax structure debate is a good one, it is irrelevant to my main point that Trump is a turd. He's not your normal mainstream political human size turd, he's a giant turd left by some large, quadruped animal, perhaps a wildebeest or rhinoceros.

Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...

If the world is flat, it means that I have been deceived by a global, multi-generational conspiracy spending trillions of dollars over hundreds of years.
If the world is round, it means that you’re just an idiot who believes stupid crap on the internet.


Offline Rushy

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3855 on: May 15, 2019, 12:02:13 AM »
the gop: businesses don't have to sell anything to faggots if they don't want to
also the gop: my fundamental right to a twitter account

This is a purposeful misrepresentation of those situations and you know it. The "don't sell a cake to faggots" business was in fact being forced to produce a certain type of art. The bakery was more than willing to sell a cake to the faggots, the problem was that the faggots wanted a specific faggot cake. The lawsuit was about whether or not a business can be forced to produce certain kinds of art. The answer is apparently that they can be forced to do so.

Secondly, the question of whether or not Twitter has been correctly applying their rules to all individuals equally is in question, however, political representation is not a protected class. There's still a case to be made regarding how moral it is to censor political opinions. If your objection to people complaining about Twitter boils down to "well, it's not technically illegal" then that's not a very good argument.


Offline honk

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3856 on: May 15, 2019, 04:11:40 AM »
This is a purposeful misrepresentation of those situations and you know it. The "don't sell a cake to faggots" business was in fact being forced to produce a certain type of art. The bakery was more than willing to sell a cake to the faggots, the problem was that the faggots wanted a specific faggot cake. The lawsuit was about whether or not a business can be forced to produce certain kinds of art. The answer is apparently that they can be forced to do so.

No, that case was very much centered around the free exercise of religion. You personally might have looked at it from the perspective of being forced to produce certain kinds of art, but it's not what the bakery argued or the courts ruled on. And the Supreme Court did eventually side with the bakery:

ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Trump
« Reply #3857 on: May 15, 2019, 04:37:54 AM »
This is a purposeful misrepresentation of those situations and you know it. The "don't sell a cake to faggots" business was in fact being forced to produce a certain type of art. The bakery was more than willing to sell a cake to the faggots, the problem was that the faggots wanted a specific faggot cake. The lawsuit was about whether or not a business can be forced to produce certain kinds of art. The answer is apparently that they can be forced to do so.

No, that case was very much centered around the free exercise of religion. You personally might have looked at it from the perspective of being forced to produce certain kinds of art, but it's not what the bakery argued or the courts ruled on. And the Supreme Court did eventually side with the bakery:


But the courts ruled narrowly, stating that an artistically made cake was part of the artist's identity and they can refuse to create specific art.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Trump
« Reply #3858 on: May 15, 2019, 10:58:27 AM »

Even though the Russian interference did absolutely NOTHING to help the Trump campaign, it is a big deal.

It was an election between the two most hated presidential candidates in the history of the U.S. The vote was split between the popular vote and the electoral college. In a race that close, everything made a difference which includes all of Russia's national applied trolling resources.

Hundreds of dumbasses showed up for political events created by the Russians on Facebook. Russia has found a way to America's own stupidity against it and it turns out that American stupidity is a weapon of unimaginable destructive power.
It would be extremely beneficial if you could provide some instance of a voter stating the following:

"I voted for Trump because of something I read on the Internet," then proceed to show that something on the Internet was authored by a Russian troll.

Good luck...

Like who?

John McCain, Khzir Kahn, the military intelligence community, all the transgender troops currently serving....

BTW about trans troops, if a man is willing to leave his home for months or years, go to a fucked up country and face death to defend America, I as a taxpayer have no problem buying him a nice set of tits and saying, "Thanks for your service."
Real popular choices there Kramer...

Nobody I know gives two shits about any of that BS you wrote.

Most Americans I know are tired of BS warmongers anyway...get people like Bolton and lock em up in a room until they can learn how to work and play well with others...

You don't mind lies at all.

Quit lying.

Tom Bishop may not even be a real person but at least he comes here and tries to answer questions before the discussion gets circular and illogical. The Trump White house doesn't even bother with press conferences anymore.
... and when Tom Bishop cherry picks facts to take out of context and twist to his argument at least he started with a fact. Trump just makes all his shit up on the fly.

Wait!  That's it!   Tom Bishop for the Republican Presidential nominee!
So, no press conferences is a good thing for you...

You are the king of "WA...WA...I want what I want," get it, then, "NO WAIT..." after the fact...

Stop listening.

The people of Venezuela should have been listening years ago, now they're fucked.
Are you fucked is the question...or is it otherwise?

The whole idea of income taxes is BS anyway.

I've always supported a consumption tax like a national sales tax. But tax breaks and tax subsidies are now political currency and no one wants to give up their break. Changing the tax structure is a major political challenge that gets fought on all sides by everybody.

However, while the tax structure debate is a good one, it is irrelevant to my main point that Trump is a turd. He's not your normal mainstream political human size turd, he's a giant turd left by some large, quadruped animal, perhaps a wildebeest or rhinoceros.
Well, it seems we disagree only on turd size...


Re: Trump
« Reply #3859 on: May 15, 2019, 11:09:53 AM »
the gop: businesses don't have to sell anything to faggots if they don't want to
also the gop: my fundamental right to a twitter account
Secondly, the question of whether or not Twitter has been correctly applying their rules to all individuals equally is in question, however, political representation is not a protected class. There's still a case to be made regarding how moral it is to censor political opinions. If your objection to people complaining about Twitter boils down to "well, it's not technically illegal" then that's not a very good argument.
There is a Eugene Gu, MD, consistenyl responding to Trump's Twitter feed...

Trump calls Warren, "Pocohontas," and Gu wrote something about how demeaning that is to Native Americans. Most Native Americans I know are not demeaned at all by that particular case and laugh like hell when they here it becasue the know Warren is an absolute shitbag anyway who lied about being a Native American to gain entry into a list of law professors for Harvard.

I wrote in reply to Gu that he and others have no trouble using "Uncle Tom," when it suits them, and my account was suspended by Twitter...

Snowflake bastards can go to hell...

I suggest the snowflakes section themselves off from the rest of society, form their own thing, build their own shit on their own terms, and see how long it lasts...