@pete, theres at the very least 200 claims from Eric Dubay that the website addresses, which is already a pretty substantial amount that has in fact been claimed by flat earthers.
[EDIT: Sorry, not gonna let @febunk get a backlink out of this ~pete]Of course, I don't know the person running the website so I can't really make a judgement of his character like you can, so maybe his motives are bad but all I see on the website is a list of arguments used by flat earthers with an explanation of it. If I choose at random (you'll have to trust that I did in fact choose at random), Buoyancy for example. Flat earthers (maybe not you but some) claim that this explains why things fall, and on the website is this infographic;

Buoyancy is an upward force exerted by a fluid (liquid or gas) that opposes the weight of an immersed object. Buoyancy happens because the fluid has a pressure gradient. Pressure gradient occurs because the fluid is affected by acceleration, such as the Earth’s gravitational acceleration.
Flat-Earthers makes buoyancy as an “explanations” on how things fall. They are wrong. Without Earth’s gravitational acceleration, buoyancy will not occur.
Now, here's a random flat earther on youtube saying exactly this argument (just searched flat earth buoyancy and looked for the first seemingly legit flat earther since I know there's a ton of people on youtube making their own "debunk" videos);
So to me, that's all I see the website doing. Making a list of common claims from flat earthers and information on why it's considered incorrect. Would you disagree with this assessment Pete? Obviously you have your own beliefs about the earth but there are a lot of flat earthers out there with their own ideas so it's kind of hard to make a structured argument against flat earth with such a fractured set of communities so I'll give the benefit of the doubt that not every flat earth thinks all those flat earth claims are correct but they
are claims from flat earthers.
Could you point out one in particular from the website you think is a purposeful strawman that no flat earther has claimed? Just so I can get an idea. EDIT: you may have done this already, I posted late and missed a lot of conversation apologies