That video was a full on waste of my time.
It was non-stop buzz words that tried to make itself sound smart but ultimately requires the viewer to not know anything such as the difference between a tachyon and a gravaton.
So you want me to "figure it out"? Well I have and the answer is: they can't. So unless you have something of substance, you're basically trying to apply scifi logic to reality because you want the government to be burning parts of a city with a death beam for some reason.
lol OK. I'm glad that it was a waste of time for you.
It's not my fault that it all goes over your head.
I don't care about terms such as "tachyon" or "graviton". Only sci-fi fans like you care about those.
It doesn't matter that he's using a lot of sci-fi buzz words such as the above or "spacetime" - what matters is what happens in reality. What matters is reality.
But to answer your question - I couldn't care less if you figure it out or not.
Its hard to understand literal nonsense.
"The vortex energy creates a subsonic pulse which enhances electrical energy outout and allows us to make 98 LEDs light instead of 8." <- literally nonsense.
They didn't even explain anything. I saw no formulas or even examples of this "new math language" which also means nothing if they aren't gonna put up and show it.
And moding a torus. Oohhh big show. Been doing that with math for centuries.
And who else cares about gravatons and tachyons? Theoretical physisists who try to find those particles. Geeze.
Anyway, why don't you show me how to build the power enhancer machine he had? I'm sure you saw the diagram, yes? Since he said he wants to make this free for the world?