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Messages - flannel jesus

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Relativity and frames question
« on: February 07, 2025, 07:42:58 PM »
I don't believe I said anything about a wiki page. What are you talking about?
You're in a thread about one - it's where UA is defined. I suggest you failed to read it before posting. It sounds like I didn't go nearly far enough.
The only place "the ua" is defined in the entire internet is the wiki? And I was supposed to guess that just from a single mention of "the ua" in the op?

It feels like you're being exceptionally unreasonable. You're not even giving me a chance lol. The op doesn't give a link to the wiki and it doesn't mention the wiki. How could I possibly meet your expectation?

Hell, even when I Google "the ua flat earth" it doesn't look like anything from whatever wiki you're referring to comes up on the entire first page of results

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Relativity and frames question
« on: February 07, 2025, 11:29:27 AM »
I really don't understand why we have so many people here discussing a wiki page they blatantly haven't read. Aren't you RE'ers supposed to be the enlightened intellectuals in the room? Wouldn't it have been prudent to read the document you're debating before declaring what you "know"?

I don't believe I said anything about a wiki page. What are you talking about?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Relativity and frames question
« on: February 06, 2025, 01:06:04 PM »
My question is whether there is a FE model with multiple frames, or is the frame relativity theory wrong/nonexistent, or what????
As far as I know most flat eathers reject relativity, and gravity altogether. They kind of have to - a physics simulation of a flat earth using standard ideas of gravity just wouldn't match what people actually experience on the surface of the earth.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 06, 2025, 08:02:48 AM »
This is the best thing Trump has done since he has been in office.

But not men's sports?

Also, how does the president have authority to control sporting association rules?  What, can he ban women's sports next?  Maybe ban mixed sports?
If he banned mental Olympics, the flat eathers would be very upset.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: February 03, 2025, 04:16:13 PM »
Yet we see many with relatively horizontal Eastwards paths for the same duration.

For example? They all look sufficiently north/south to me.

It seems just obviously, intuitively false that all eclipse paths should look the same. Some eclipse paths happen more towards the edge. Some happen more towards the equator. Some start north and go south, some start north and go further north. Some start south and go north, some start south and go further south. And then all the different variations for ones that can start more near the middle.

There's just no good reason to assume they should ALL look the same. "Things happen differently sometimes, therefore this doesn't make sense" just isn't a compelling argument. Yes, things happen differently sometimes. That makes perfect sense.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: February 02, 2025, 07:49:18 AM »
One of my issues with him, other than him being a narcissistic self-serving bigot, is he seems to base his opinions on gut feel and hunch. Or what he sees on social media or TV - which is all heavily filtered because of the channels he chooses to watch which all pander to his worldview.

It's weird seeing a person who, rationally speaking, really does represent the worst of us get into the highest position, and to see so many people support him.

Even internationally! I'm in England and there's plenty of trump fans here. Not as many of course, and even most conservatives here it seems see him rightly as an idiot, but the more uneducated and poor conservatives genuinely like him often. It's so bizarre. He's got an international cult following. I don't know what they see in him... maybe themselves?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 09:42:28 PM »
I think sandokhan may be making the mistake of interpreting the movement of surface features in a linear manner, as on a disc, rather than on a rotating 3-dimensional orb, and assessing the angles accordingly? 

I had the same thought, that's why I compared it to a 3d rotation in blender explicitly.

You're absolutely right though, rotation will, in a video, happen across many more pixels per degree when it starts from the center than what it starts near the right edge or left edge. I knew it had something to do with sine or cosine, I appreciate the clarity!

I don't expect to get a complete fulfilling analysis from sado, because for the most part these people aren't willing to put any actual effort into their own beliefs. It's ironic that the people who put the most effort into flat earth models are not flat eathers.

For example, I calculated the height of the celestial dome this week using generally accepted facts from celestial navigation. I don't see flat eathers doing that sort of thing very often.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 08:25:26 PM »
I really don't know what dark feature you're talking about. No dark feature I have been focusing on disappears. Can you take a screenshot and circle it? Words aren't enough - there are many dark and light spots in the image.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 08:03:00 PM »
Those are just words thrown around. Only a flat earther thinks they win with such low effort. You're demonstrating what a lot of intelligent people notice: that flat eathers are often too lazy to put in real work to demonstrate their ideas.

Demonstrate that it's more than 45 degrees. Don't just declare it's the case, being convincing takes more work than that

I'm also not tricking you, you can do the same analysis I did. Blender is a freely available software. There's no trick. I would love for you to verify my work.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 06:21:52 PM »
Okay, I've done a more thorough visual analysis now.

Here's what a sphere rotated 45 degrees really looks like.

The two grey diamonds - one of them is looking straight at the camera, the other is where that diamond would end up after a 45-degree rotation of the sphere (I did this myself in blender, it's freely available and you can do it too).

Now, let's draw some pink dots where those grey diamonds are and overlay them on our Mars, so we can get a vantage on where the center of the sphere of mars is at the start of the clip, and try to compare it to where that point should be on mars at the end of the clip, IF mars had rotated 45 degrees.

So the first image gives us a landmark for the center of mars - just over that little upward hill of darkness. So if mars had rotated more than 45 degrees, the spot just over that hill of dark should be further to the right of the pink dot, since the pink dot is exactly a 45 degree rotation of that point. In fact it looks like that spot is actually slightly to the left of the pink dot, indicating a less-than-45 degree rotation of the sphere of mars.

So, I do not believe your account of this mars video. I think you eyeballed it and jumped the gun drastically on your interpretations. Your first eyeballing had it at a 90-degree rotation over 3 hours. When you found out that 90 degrees wasn't going to be believed, you latched onto the biggest number i said - 60 - not because you actually figured out it was turning 60 degrees, but because it was more believable than 90 and would work for your desired narrative.

It's not spinning 90. It's not spinning 60. It's only ALMOST spinning 45 degrees over three hours.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 05:37:15 PM »

The angle featured in the video on the rotation of Mars is at least 60 degrees, where even 46 degrees could not be explained at all.

Possibly, you'd have to show your work to demonstrate that. It's by no means obvious. Do you have any calculations? How do you know it's at least 60 degrees?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 12:53:15 PM »
Absolute crazy person post. Just complete random pictures and videos with no explanation for how they relate to mars rotation.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 31, 2025, 04:51:26 PM »
But one thing to note is that because the earth is rotating you're not looking at Mars from a fixed point, I guess that must have some effect in what we observe.
I think the effect would be immeasurably small (or maybe just on the edge of measurably small). Imagine drawing a line from the observers point on the surface of earth to the center of Mars at 8am, and then draw that line again from the observers point at 8pm. Those two lines will be different, certainly, but the angle distance between them will be miniscule. Less than a percent of a degree I reckon. I don't think our point of view of Mars would change drastically over the course of the day (until of course it's hidden entirely - that's a pretty big change)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 31, 2025, 09:52:46 AM »
That doesn't sound like stuff a flat earther would say.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 31, 2025, 08:17:06 AM »
Are you a flat earther?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: January 31, 2025, 05:16:18 AM »
Diversity in the sky was definitely a problem that day. Two aerial vehicles of entirely different types tried to occupy the same space at the same time. That's too much diversity even for me.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 31, 2025, 05:14:25 AM »
The Martian rotation is increasing by 4 milliarcseconds per year squared. That means the Martian day is shortening by a fraction of a millisecond per year.

60 degrees in 3 hours = 480 degrees in 24 hours, a gain of 33% in the rotational speed.

Of course, in FET it is the layers of clouds which are rotating, not the planet itself.
Right, I was being as generous as possible with my eyeballing if the rotation, I gave a range. I did not say "this is definitely how fast mars is spinning".

You're latching onto a minute detail and thinking this counts as rigorous measurement. It doesn't. This is just silly people on a forum doing silly things. If you are serious, go buy the equipment to film Mars yourself.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 30, 2025, 08:00:27 PM »
I watched the bit that starts out in the very center. If it was a full 90 degrees, that section should be entirely to the right, but it's not. If I had to guess, I'd say it looks just slightly past 45deg. I could be underestimating and it could be closer to 60

The north pole doesn't look like it has a lot of distinct features to lock on to, so that feels like an especially bad candidate to base judgements off of.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 30, 2025, 06:56:02 PM »
I don't know what the np is

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 30, 2025, 06:24:30 PM »
Looks decidedly less than 90deg to me

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