A number of feminists quit watching last year over one rape too many.
I still don't understand the controversy behind this. Ramsay is exactly the kind of person that would have no problem at all sticking his dick in something that didn't consent. In my opinion, it would have been more unrealistic for him to have not raped her.
It had nothing to do with it seeming out of character or unrealistic, it's that it was a crude, exploitative scene about a very sensitive subject that was only there for shock value and didn't advance the story at all. Come to think of it, that could probably describe almost all of the show's attempts to match Martin by coming up with shocking twists of its own. You can tell which ones the show invented by how little they add to the story. Sansa was already in deep trouble just by being stuck with the Boltons; she didn't need to be raped to establish that she was in a shitty situation. And Stannis burning Shireen wasn't critical to his defeat (despite the show's last-minute attempt to convince us otherwise); the battle was doomed when his army was stealthily trashed by Ramsay and his dream team of Solid Snake, Max Payne, the Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Doomguy, Sam Fisher, Agent 47, Corvo Attano, Geralt of Rivia, Aragorn, Batman, the Punisher, John Wick, the Man with No Name, Max Rockatansky, Boba Fett, Harry Callahan (that's right, two Eastwood characters), Chuck Norris,
The Raid's Rama, and John Matrix.
Anyway, woo, the Hound is back! I rolled my eyes at the Arya bit, though. It wasn't just incredibly
clichéd and
predictable, it makes the Faceless Men look laughably incompetent after how much they've been hyped up as such brilliant assassins. Seriously, I expect better from GoT than '80s action movie cheese.