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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #380 on: June 01, 2016, 12:15:39 PM »
This season is showing a lot more dragon than the others. Their CGI budget must have gotten the attention it deserves.
Maybe that's why they went ahead and killed off Summer. Now they don't have to worry about as many direwolves.


Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #381 on: June 02, 2016, 09:17:35 AM »
I have a problem. This program is to blame.

I like a girl, she's really nice. But she is obsessed with this Game of Thrones shit. How do I maintain her interest and spark conversation without having to watch this crap? Do they do like summaries I can read to get up to speed so I can pretend I like it, or are there any go to phrases I can borrow like "Did you see the one where the dragon did that thing to the other thing? Man, some episode huh?" That kind of stuff.


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #382 on: June 02, 2016, 12:35:10 PM »
Hey Thork, maybe you could actually try watching the show and see if you enjoy it. In any case, stop asking us how you can trick people into thinking you're a normal human being.


Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #383 on: June 02, 2016, 01:59:41 PM »
I haven't got enough time to watch all that. What are they now, season 7 or something, 12 episodes in a season, hour per episode ... that's 3 and a half days of doing nothing including sleeping of watching something I know I won't really enjoy.

In any case, stop asking us how you can trick people into thinking you're a normal human being.
She doesn't need to think I'm normal for very long. Just long enough for me to impregnate her.

Anyway, I can see I'm not going to get much help in here. You may go back to your goblins and elves. :'(


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #384 on: June 03, 2016, 12:36:27 PM »
Hmm, likes a girl but not enough to look into her interests.

No wonder you're single.


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #385 on: June 03, 2016, 01:21:35 PM »
I have a problem. This program is to blame.

I like a girl, she's really nice. But she is obsessed with this Game of Thrones shit. How do I maintain her interest and spark conversation without having to watch this crap? Do they do like summaries I can read to get up to speed so I can pretend I like it, or are there any go to phrases I can borrow like "Did you see the one where the dragon did that thing to the other thing? Man, some episode huh?" That kind of stuff.

Okay, simply learn these few names:

Cersei (sir-sea)
John Snow
Jorah Mormont

And then slot any name into any of these sentences:
"I think that <name> is going to die soon."
"I particularly liked seeing <name> naked."
"<name> will defiantly be riding a dragon by the end of the show."

If you want to bring up specifics, ask about one of the following events:
The Red Wedding -- bad/sad
Hodor's (hoe-door) death -- topical
Joffrey Baratheon's assassination -- good

With these few phrases and topics you can totes trick the clothes off any woman and hump a baby into her.


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #386 on: June 03, 2016, 02:07:23 PM »
Or look deep in her eyes as you say "You know noothing, <insert chick's name>". She'll be putty in your hands, Thork, putty!
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #387 on: June 03, 2016, 02:52:05 PM »
Thork, they are fucking with you. You can’t wing this with a few names, this is an immersive obsession, she will have all sorts of theories about who is related to whom and how it’s going to end. You will mutter something about dragons and she will ask you which family do you think the guy the wood nymphs staked to the crying tree to make the white walkers, hails from, or if you think the Stark Dire wolves should have all been called Kenny and your muteness coupled with the panic in your eyes will mark you as a pretender to Westeros law.

Now I’m guessing this woman has a sense of humour, but this will not come over as anything other than desperation, she will start to notice things, the faint stains on your jacket the cheapness of your shoes and the masturbation calluses and you will last as long as Gared did.   
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 03:11:50 PM by Jura-Glenlivet »
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #388 on: June 03, 2016, 03:58:06 PM »
Thork, they are fucking with you. You can’t wing this with a few names, this is an immersive obsession, she will have all sorts of theories about who is related to whom and how it’s going to end. You will mutter something about dragons and she will ask you which family do you think the guy the wood nymphs staked to the crying tree to make the white walkers, hails from, or if you think the Stark Dire wolves should have all been called Kenny and your muteness coupled with the panic in your eyes will mark you as a pretender to Westeros law.

Now I’m guessing this woman has a sense of humour, but this will not come over as anything other than desperation, she will start to notice things, the faint stains on your jacket the cheapness of your shoes and the masturbation calluses and you will last as long as Gared did.

Or, she'll find it cute and endearing that he tried to learn about something that she's interested in. Fuck off Jura, have you even seen Game of Thrones?


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #389 on: June 03, 2016, 04:48:51 PM »
Or, she'll find it cute and endearing that he tried to learn about something that she's interested in. Fuck off Jura, have you even seen Game of Thrones?
If he were really trying to learn about it then yes, that would be the case.

Thork should read the asoiaf reddit.


Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #390 on: June 04, 2016, 07:42:17 PM »
she will ask you which family do you think the guy the wood nymphs staked to the crying tree to make the white walkers, hails from, or if you think the Stark Dire wolves should have all been called Kenny and your muteness coupled with the panic in your eyes will mark you as a pretender to Westeros law.
Do you people hear yourselves? This is utter gibberish. It would be bad enough watching this junk to understand its plot lines, without the incredibly tedious task of having to talk about them afterwards.

Is it possible to disconnect people from this awful show? IE - stop them watching ... ie save them? Has that ever happened? Do you know anyone who ... just stopped watching? I could save her and get her into something else, like Taylor Swift or the Eurovsion Song contest.


Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #391 on: June 04, 2016, 08:28:46 PM »
A number of feminists quit watching last year over one rape too many.


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #392 on: June 04, 2016, 08:43:48 PM »
A number of feminists quit watching last year over one rape too many.

I still don't understand the controversy behind this. Ramsay is exactly the kind of person that would have no problem at all sticking his dick in something that didn't consent. In my opinion, it would have been more unrealistic for him to have not raped her.


Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #393 on: June 06, 2016, 03:58:19 AM »
A number of feminists quit watching last year over one rape too many.

I still don't understand the controversy behind this. Ramsay is exactly the kind of person that would have no problem at all sticking his dick in something that didn't consent. In my opinion, it would have been more unrealistic for him to have not raped her.

It had nothing to do with it seeming out of character or unrealistic, it's that it was a crude, exploitative scene about a very sensitive subject that was only there for shock value and didn't advance the story at all.  Come to think of it, that could probably describe almost all of the show's attempts to match Martin by coming up with shocking twists of its own.  You can tell which ones the show invented by how little they add to the story.  Sansa was already in deep trouble just by being stuck with the Boltons; she didn't need to be raped to establish that she was in a shitty situation.  And Stannis burning Shireen wasn't critical to his defeat (despite the show's last-minute attempt to convince us otherwise); the battle was doomed when his army was stealthily trashed by Ramsay and his dream team of Solid Snake, Max Payne, the Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Doomguy, Sam Fisher, Agent 47, Corvo Attano, Geralt of Rivia, Aragorn, Batman, the Punisher, John Wick, the Man with No Name, Max Rockatansky, Boba Fett, Harry Callahan (that's right, two Eastwood characters), Chuck Norris, The Raid's Rama, and John Matrix.

Anyway, woo, the Hound is back!  I rolled my eyes at the Arya bit, though.  It wasn't just incredibly clichéd and predictable, it makes the Faceless Men look laughably incompetent after how much they've been hyped up as such brilliant assassins.  Seriously, I expect better from GoT than '80s action movie cheese.


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #394 on: June 06, 2016, 04:04:55 AM »
Sansa was already in deep trouble just by being stuck with the Boltons; she didn't need to be raped to establish that she was in a shitty situation. 

She didn't need to be raped to establish that she was in a shitty situation.  She needed to be raped because Ramsay Bolton is a horrible person, and there's no way he's not going to rape his new bride.  It would not have been true to the character to depict it any other way, and it wouldn't have been fair to the audience to just pretend it wasn't happening.  Not all liberal SJW criticisms of mass media are unfair but this one really is.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #395 on: June 06, 2016, 12:12:34 PM »
She didn't need to be raped to establish that she was in a shitty situation.  She needed to be raped because Ramsay Bolton is a horrible person, and there's no way he's not going to rape his new bride.  It would not have been true to the character to depict it any other way, and it wouldn't have been fair to the audience to just pretend it wasn't happening.  Not all liberal SJW criticisms of mass media are unfair but this one really is.
Eh, not really. Especially when book Sansa is in the Vale and learning to be a Lady Littlefinger. This whole divergence from the books pissed me off more than anything the show has done.. well except maybe for the Sand Snakes.

I guess it's justifiable in that every one of Ramsay's scenes has been for shock value, but it is possible to imply things without showing them to the extent that they do. But aside from that, the whole storyline wasn't even necessary.

I rolled my eyes at the Arya bit, though.  It wasn't just incredibly clichéd and predictable, it makes the Faceless Men look laughably incompetent after how much they've been hyped up as such brilliant assassins.  Seriously, I expect better from GoT than '80s action movie cheese.
Yeah, but we're supposed to know that Arya is also a pretty badass almost Faceless Man. If they could kill her as easily as anyone else then all that training would have been absolutely worthless.


Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #396 on: June 06, 2016, 12:19:30 PM »
She didn't need to be raped to establish that she was in a shitty situation.  She needed to be raped because Ramsay Bolton is a horrible person, and there's no way he's not going to rape his new bride.  It would not have been true to the character to depict it any other way, and it wouldn't have been fair to the audience to just pretend it wasn't happening.  Not all liberal SJW criticisms of mass media are unfair but this one really is.

If it seemed inevitable, it's because it was written that way.  The writers were responsible for the events that led up to that moment as well as the moment itself.


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #397 on: June 06, 2016, 12:58:24 PM »
Saddam, are you saying writers should never write things that result in undesirable outcomes for story characters?


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #398 on: June 06, 2016, 01:56:24 PM »
OH, I want to add - the Waif probably wasn't trying to kill Arya quickly. I don't think she would follow Jaqen's instructions to kill her with mercy. This would have given Arya the time to escape as she did.

And it's likely this was Waif's big test because "no one" wouldn't have a grudge against Arya just because she was born a Lady. Maybe now Jaqen will kill her.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 02:01:30 PM by rooster »


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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #399 on: June 06, 2016, 03:14:18 PM »
Yeah, but we're supposed to know that Arya is also a pretty badass almost Faceless Man. If they could kill her as easily as anyone else then all that training would have been absolutely worthless.

I think all the training is already absolutely worthless. She seemed to learn nothing from them. Maybe a little bit of stick-fighting, but surely not nearly as good as the Waif. Everything she learned could have been attributed to what Syrio or the Hound taught her. She didn't learn how to change faces or anything supernatural, at best she picked up a bit more combat skills? Worthless, I say!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 03:21:30 PM by Pongo »