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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1920 on: May 23, 2018, 05:26:24 PM »
Snoke wasn't a Sith.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1921 on: May 24, 2018, 05:52:04 PM »
Snoke wasn't a Sith.
Wasn't he just an Elvis wannabe with a fucked up face?
You just made my list, buddy.  >:(
this world does not have room for another mind as intelligent as yours.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1922 on: June 25, 2018, 03:31:09 PM »
New Luke Cage is some of the dumbest shit. It's hilarious.

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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1923 on: June 25, 2018, 06:20:51 PM »
New Luke Cage is some of the dumbest shit. It's hilarious.

But I have been seeing so many articles saying its the best because they have strong wimynTM characters.  How is this possible?


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1924 on: June 26, 2018, 09:35:24 AM »
New Luke Cage is some of the dumbest shit. It's hilarious.

But I have been seeing so many articles saying its the best because they have strong wimynTM characters.  How is this possible?

I mean, they do beat you around the head with how tough Misty is, but that's probably the least stupid part so far. Personally I can't help but be distracted from that by the Jamaican capoeira guy DEM CALL ME BOOSHMASTA SEEN huffing voodoo smoke to get stronk. It really is a blaxploitation soap opera at this point and it's kind of great and shitty at the same time.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1925 on: June 30, 2018, 09:15:24 AM »

Same reason Yoda did?"It was his time"?
I mean, the whole point of Balance is, quite literally: One sith for every Jedi.  That's the main point they hammer home.  Even snoke said it.So once snoke died, Luke was on his way out.  Rey just needed to become the Jedi she was meant to be and then Luke was like "Alright, I'm done.  I'mma go the way of old Ben."

>one sith for every jedi
>may I direct you to the jedi council, and the lack of a sith council
That's pretty dumb

edit: fixed formating
May I then direct you to the prophecy where the chosen one was to bring balance to the force, which he did by wiping out the jedi council and all the jedi except for 2?
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1926 on: July 05, 2018, 01:57:44 AM »
Luke Cage season 2 isn't great, but I had some fun with it. Mostly just reminded me how much I love listening to the Jamaican accent and dialect. It's interesting and kinda musical.

I guess some people were really put off by the mysticism of parts of it, but I read comics so I'm pretty down with that kinda weird shit.

EDIT: Cloak & Dagger is...really weird so far. It's like it wants to be creative and trippy like Legion, but isn't smart enough to do it in any sort of subtle manner.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 03:09:04 PM by Snupes »
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1927 on: July 06, 2018, 05:34:35 PM »
New Luke Cage is some of the dumbest shit. It's hilarious.

But I have been seeing so many articles saying its the best because they have strong wimynTM characters.  How is this possible?

I mean, they do beat you around the head with how tough Misty is, but that's probably the least stupid part so far. Personally I can't help but be distracted from that by the Jamaican capoeira guy DEM CALL ME BOOSHMASTA SEEN huffing voodoo smoke to get stronk. It really is a blaxploitation soap opera at this point and it's kind of great and shitty at the same time.
Finished it today. Was hilarious.
EDIT: Cloak & Dagger is...really weird so far. It's like it wants to be creative and trippy like Legion, but isn't smart enough to do it in any sort of subtle manner.
I don't know why they made this. No one knows who they are.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1928 on: July 07, 2018, 03:06:08 PM »
I mean, to be fair, nobody knew the Guardians of the Galaxy before either, but that turned out to be a huge hit. I think Cloak & Dagger could work, but this show just feels like a really heavy-handed teen drama that's masquerading as something complex.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1929 on: July 19, 2018, 05:37:50 AM »
Blade Runner 2049 (Denis Villeneuve, 2017)

If nothing else, a truly beautiful film. Villeneuve's direction and Roger Deakins's cinenomnomgraphy create a dazzling picture of varied sights and sounds; where bright colors are juxtaposed with washed-out grays and vivid surrealism gives way to harsh grittiness. Every location is distinctive and memorable, every atmospheric effect adds to the tension. This movie could have starred Tommy Wiseau and Neil Breen engaged in a frank discussion about their experiences with sexually-transmitted diseases, and I'd still recommend it just based on how gorgeous the whole thing looks.

Needless to say, the rest of the film falls a little short of the visuals. I like the story in broad strokes, and appreciate the slow, deliberate pace that feels similar to the original Blade Runner. But speaking of this movie's similarities with the first one, I felt that tying their stories so closely together was a mistake. I usually appreciate a good sense of continuity and attention to detail, and I'd most likely be very excited if I saw this kind of thing in a video game. But movies are obviously quite different to video games, and as they offer drastically less "content," so to speak, they can less afford to throw in Easter eggs and continuity nods and details that not everybody will "get." It feels like all these things were included not because they made the film itself better, but because they felt obligated to show that they "respected" the original. I could very easily be wrong, but I strongly suspect that this movie would have a been lot more successful if they had focused on crafting the best standalone story that they could rather than the most reverent love letter to the first film that they could.

The dialogue has issues, too. There are so many lines that are just such obvious pleas to one day be famous quotes, complete with dramatic pauses after they're delivered. "I know what's real." "Sometimes to love someone, you got to be a stranger." "We’re all just looking out for something real." Pretty much every line that comes out of Jared Leto's mouth. The harder the movie tries to have this dialogue be deep and profound and "quotable," the more silly it all seems. As Aalewis so infamously learned, you can't manufacture quotes like this. That's not how it works. Other people decide what's meaningful and deserves to be repeated, and it takes time.

As I just mentioned Jared Leto, I'd also like to say that he's easily the worst part of the movie. I don't know what the hell he was doing here. Some avant garde form of theater? Anti-acting, so to speak? The decisions that he (or Villeneuve, to be fair, but I'm inclined to suspect Leto) made are baffling. Why does he stare randomly into the distance? (I know he's blind. Blind people don't do that.) Why does he put on that silly voice? Why does he talk with that bizarre cadence that suggests he's an alien who's new to the concept of human speech? Why is everything, literally everything, he says such obtuse, pretentious bullshit that seems to be an idiot's conception of how a smart person talks? Did Leto demand to write his own lines or something? At this point, that is seriously the most likely explanation I can think of.

And yeah, BR2049 is pretty sexist. This got a lot of fanboys REEEing when some feminists dissented from the film's otherwise universal acclaim by raising this point, but it's true. And yes, I've heard the defense that this is simply a portrayal of a misogynistic dystopia, not an endorsement of it, and there are some movies and TV shows that have tackled that sort of thing with a feminist perspective, like Mad Max: Fury Road and The Handmaid's Tale, but BR2049 does not do that. The camera openly participates with the misogyny on display, with male-gazey, lingering shots of the lurid advertisements, a remarkably uncritical examination of the fact that the main character's girlfriend is a virtual reality waifu, and most oddly of all, a determination to show female characters being injured and killed in agonizing, dehumanizing detail. It's not that way with the male characters. The men have straightforward, dignified deaths, but for the women, the camera zooms in so we can see their final dying struggle, the blood spewing out of their naked bodies, their corpses flopping about pathetically, etc. I'm not saying it makes the movie terrible, but it's definitely there.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y

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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1930 on: August 03, 2018, 10:27:05 AM »
I mean, to be fair, nobody knew the Guardians of the Galaxy before either, but Quick Extender Pro is extraordinary and that turned out to be a huge hit. I think Cloak & Dagger could work, but this show just feels like a really heavy-handed teen drama that's masquerading as something complex.

I just watched The Equalizer 2. It's pretty solid. Denzel still got it!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 11:00:53 AM by Martle »

Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1931 on: August 04, 2018, 04:13:44 AM »
just finished infinity whores

i mean tbh the ending was sort of a let down, and i usually like dark endings.  it just felt like this was dark for no reason.  like there wasn't a point to it.  in a way it feels like a waste of time to watch a superhero movie that ends with "so anyway the bad guy wins because thor kinda fucked up and now everyone is dead and thanos is very satisfied."  what was the point of watching the protagonists struggle for two hours?

other than that i actually really liked it.  the last capeshit movie i saw was day of future past, and this was equally awesome.  the set piece at the climax went on a little long i guess.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1932 on: August 04, 2018, 01:52:26 PM »
just finished infinity whores

i mean tbh the ending was sort of a let down, and i usually like dark endings.  it just felt like this was dark for no reason.  like there wasn't a point to it.  in a way it feels like a waste of time to watch a superhero movie that ends with "so anyway the bad guy wins because thor kinda fucked up and now everyone is dead and thanos is very satisfied."  what was the point of watching the protagonists struggle for two hours?

other than that i actually really liked it.  the last capeshit movie i saw was day of future past, and this was equally awesome.  the set piece at the climax went on a little long i guess.

The ending in Infinity War had to serve as both a 3rd act climax for that movie, in this case a somewhat unearned tragedy and a midpoint for the whole story -and- be faithful to some degree to the source material. Considering how many balls they were juggling I think they did pretty well. Perhaps they could have had the death orgy happen in the second movie’s first act, but I am not sure what the end of the first movie looks like then. Thanos gets the time stone and vanishes? This leaves everyone in doubt as to what happens next, but then you have to explain why Thanos delays fulfilling his life’s ambition after he marched towards it with such certitude. I don’t know what the answer is, and it certainly wasn’t a perfect ending, but it was enjoyable and the stakes were high enough that I could get behind it.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1933 on: August 04, 2018, 02:54:06 PM »
just finished infinity whores

i mean tbh the ending was sort of a let down, and i usually like dark endings.  it just felt like this was dark for no reason.  like there wasn't a point to it.  in a way it feels like a waste of time to watch a superhero movie that ends with "so anyway the bad guy wins because thor kinda fucked up and now everyone is dead and thanos is very satisfied."  what was the point of watching the protagonists struggle for two hours?

other than that i actually really liked it.  the last capeshit movie i saw was day of future past, and this was equally awesome.  the set piece at the climax went on a little long i guess.

The movie makes a lot more sense, character, plot and storywise if you watch the other movies first.

Thanos was a villain throughout the entire Avenger series, and even in some of the non-Avenger MCU movies. In Guardians of the Galaxy, Thanos is the one who originally sent the antagonist after an infinity stone, but he gets very little screentime and is only shown ordering other peasants around. Thanos is the one that originally ordered Loki to invade Earth and gave Loki an infinity stone to aid in that endeavor. The entire MCU is built around purporting Thanos to be a very powerful, absolutely frightening enemy who spends his time killing half the populations of planets with billions of people on them. He is, as the MCU goes, the most powerful man in the universe, and the other movies do a fair job of stating this without hanging it over the head of the viewer. All of that buildup goes into Infinity War and is what makes it such a good capeshit film. The protagonists are finally going head to head with the ultimate villain of the universe and it turns out they're not prepared at all. They have a hard enough time just fighting his henchmen, and even worse, they're all busy arguing amongst themselves about what needs to be done. It was, in a way, a very deserved loss, as they weren't properly prepared to fight Thanos. You can't just "wing it" when you're fighting the strongest man in the universe and by 15 minutes into the movie you know they've already lost because Thanos had the Power and Space infinity stones.

The only gimmick was that Thanos was able to be injured at all by Thor. He should have been able to easily smack Thor's axe away, since he had all of the infinity stones by then, making him an omnipotent god. The axe attack at the end of the movie was just to give the audience some "maybe he still loses" hope, but rightfully takes that away because Thanos can still win just by snapping his fingers.

All in all I understand that the film was confusing and maybe unfulfilling for you, but really you should have watched the other movies first.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 02:56:26 PM by Rushy »

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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1934 on: August 04, 2018, 03:16:06 PM »
Wut? GG, you watched Infinity War without watching the other MCU movies?


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1935 on: August 04, 2018, 07:12:48 PM »
Oh hey I literally also watched this again last night.

10/10 literally best movie ever made.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1936 on: August 04, 2018, 10:12:53 PM »
Yeah gg I 100% disagree. I think the darkness and loss are 100% earned. If the heroes won after all this buildup over 18 or so films, it would have been a massive letdown. Seeing the villain triumph—and pretty easily, at that—honors all that we've heard and seen of Thanos up to this point. Having this year of "they lost" before they get a chance to redeem themselves next year is perfect.
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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1937 on: August 05, 2018, 01:12:28 AM »
Coco (2017)

Wow. This goddamn movie was borderline perfect in every way.


Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1938 on: August 06, 2018, 12:58:50 PM »
Coco (2017)
Wow. This goddamn movie was borderline perfect in every way.
My better half watched this during a flight.  I woke up to find her in floods of tears.  Anything that can make my wife cry is fine by me.


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Re: Just Watched
« Reply #1939 on: August 06, 2018, 10:10:28 PM »
Been watching Sacha Baron Cohen's Who Is America?. Overall it's pretty fantastic, but the number of bits that are just cringe comedy and him being as outlandish as possible rather than luring his interviewee into being outlandish puts me off each episode. That said, the great bits are great enough that I'm not that bothered. The Jason Spencer and quinceañera bits killed me, along with the Arizona town hall mosque pitch. People be crazy. Something about watching racist people dress up like 15-year old Mexican children and make sure to clarify that they don't like black people when someone accidentally takes their position as non-racist makes me uncomfortable but amused at the same time.
There are cigarettes in joints. You don't smoke it by itself.