I think it’s a fair question, it does seem strange that our planet would be the only known recorded object in the universe that is not a sphere. I mean the changes of that statistically would be astronomical.
But, why would out planet have a completely separate set of rules to operate by? Some of the other planets have their own moons, but none have their own suns, yet they are lit by some master light source. You can all see that using telescopes with your own eyes. This light source would have to be enormous, and by default would light us.
Also, if we are shooting up constantly to generate what we call gravity or universal acceleration, what are we leaving behind? I mean everything would have to travel with us at the same rate, but you can see the stars and planets in the sky curve round using time lapse video or photography. Anyone can do this at home, I have (it’s cool!) the models don’t explain those images.
If we’re universally going up, there would be no star light streaking in the sky:
http://photographyblogger.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Slow-Motions.jpgIt would be motionless, but instead we can record and see the movement of the Earth rotating on an axis.