At 2:40 seconds into flight the rocket is doing 3,700 mph and at a height of 50 miles. This is when the cut a way begins to the cartoon time because if my estimates are correct the rocket would be hitting the dome in approx. 1:00 minute. This now gives the control room time to tip this baby over heading for da ocean or what the heck, smash it into the dome. As we see, control is watching it all on Tee Vee.
Where's the beef? Where's the satellite?
J-man, would the crash not be visible to millions? I mean, this dome is right above our heads, correct? And there's millions under it, correct? So how did no one see the crash?
Do you not understand how a rocket gets into orbit? You can't go straight up or you'll come back down. Imagine throwing a ball. You throw it straight up, it comes back straight down. You throw it sideways, then it goes up, and sideways. Theoretically, if you throw the ball hard enough, it could gain enough velocity to keep moving sideways, and keep moving down, at an equal speed, so that it never comes back to the surface (of course, it would burn up in the atmosphere before it got anywhere).
Have you ever actually seen a launch? Or even a time-lapse photo of a launch? I'll post a few here:,g_center,h_1200,w_65535/a_auto,,q_95/274028-12921448-SamYIPS002_JPG.jpg, notice how the arc always seems to flatten out near its end? If, the rocket was just falling back to the surface, the arc should follow its designated path, and should not flatten. It should look like this if the rocket was falling:, if you wan't a real life example, this: the rocket does not do this. Why? Because it is entering orbit. I have a question. How high up is the dome? If, after 2:40, the rocket is 50 miles up, and you claim it hits the dome about a minute later, surely it can't be much higher than 55-60 miles, correct? If the rocket is moving sideways, with far less vertical velocity, then the dome can't be too far above the rocket. If this is the case, then this crash should be visible to people on the east coast. The rocket hasn't gone too far downrange, and 55-60 miles is considerably high. Rockets, when they crash, also make a huge bright light, and a great boom would return to the people at the launch site, would it not? So, why has this never happened?
IF, the rocket was to continue back to the ocean, its arc should be continuous, and not flatten out, like it does in every photo above.
Oh, and your most recent post? No, the link doesn't show a rocket crashing and spinning out of control. Can I get a timestamp to when, exactly in the video, this occurs?
And, J-man, last post. With the considerable amounts of evidence I gave you in my last 2 posts, are you still in denial about SpaceX's landings? What is your opinion? Is everything just faked for a stupid reason? Why, according to your original posts, aren't landings possible?