
Offline Lord Dave

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I haven't a clue what's true or not, but Russia reporting 98% voting in favor seems just a tad suspicious. I mean when in the world has anything like this legitimately resulted in 2% shy of 100%? I guess it could happen, but really, 98%?

Incorrect. It's 98% of those who voted, voted in favor of joining Russia.

Ummm, yeah, typically voters who voted are those who voted.

Did you want to make some sort of cogent point? If so, you may want to try again.

The point is that you phrased it as "98% voting". This is incorrect phrasing and implied that 98% of the people voted in favor of Russia. It's really 98% of people who voted who voted in favor of Russia.

This connects to your remarks of absurdity. The people who loved Ukraine could simply have not voted  or have already migrated out of the country or to the anti-Russia side of the country.

It is also possible that people simply side with Russia there and hate Zielinski based on social pressures there, much like upwards of 98% of people hate pedophiles based on social norms and pressures.

Whatever the explanation, the point is that you were wrong about the phrasing of your remarks.

You missed the
"Or they were afraid to not vote yes for fear of retaliation from the armed guards watching them vote "
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Rama Set

I haven't a clue what's true or not, but Russia reporting 98% voting in favor seems just a tad suspicious. I mean when in the world has anything like this legitimately resulted in 2% shy of 100%? I guess it could happen, but really, 98%?

Incorrect. It's 98% of those who voted, voted in favor of joining Russia.

Ummm, yeah, typically voters who voted are those who voted.

Did you want to make some sort of cogent point? If so, you may want to try again.

The point is that you phrased it as "Russia reporting 98% voting". This is incorrect phrasing and implied that 98% of the people voted in favor of Russia. It's really 98% of people who voted who voted in favor of Russia.

Everyone got his meaning. You are being uselessly pedantic

[quite]This connects to your remarks of absurdity. The people who loved Ukraine could simply have not voted or have already migrated out of the country or to the anti-Russia side of the country.

It is also possible that people simply side with Russia there and hate Zielinski based on social pressures there, much like how upwards of 98% of people hate pedophiles based on social norms and pressures.[/quote]

98% is an absurd election result you absolute troll. Comparing this to people’s views on pedophiles proves it.

Whatever the explanation, the point is that you were wrong about the phrasing of your remarks.

Everyone got the meaning, including you. Perhaps you should get back under the bridge?

Rama Set

Why does anyone doubt that the some regions in eastern Ukraine would want to seperate themselves from the current Ukrainian government?  In 2014, the same government overthrew there Russian Guy who has since been in exile in Russia. ?

People are doubting the results of the referendum, not the possibility that separatists exist.


Offline stack

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I haven't a clue what's true or not, but Russia reporting 98% voting in favor seems just a tad suspicious. I mean when in the world has anything like this legitimately resulted in 2% shy of 100%? I guess it could happen, but really, 98%?

Incorrect. It's 98% of those who voted, voted in favor of joining Russia.

Ummm, yeah, typically voters who voted are those who voted.

Did you want to make some sort of cogent point? If so, you may want to try again.

The point is that you phrased it as "Russia reporting 98% voting". This is incorrect phrasing and implied that 98% of the people voted in favor of Russia. It's really 98% of people who voted who voted in favor of Russia.

This connects to your remarks of absurdity. The people who loved Ukraine could simply have not voted or have already migrated out of the country or to the anti-Russia side of the country.

It is also possible that people simply side with Russia there and hate Zielinski based on social pressures there, much like how upwards of 98% of people hate pedophiles based on social norms and pressures.

Whatever the explanation, the point is that you were wrong about the phrasing of your remarks.

I wrote, "...Russia reporting 98% voting in favor..."

Typically, "voting in favor" of something requires one to actually vote. It's amazing that you don't understand this.

Pedophilia versus seceding from your country? Really? That's your logic?


Offline Tom Bishop

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I wrote, "...Russia reporting 98% voting in favor..."

Typically, "voting in favor" of something requires one to actually vote. It's amazing that you don't understand this.

Actually that sentence implies that 98% of the region voted in favor of Russia. This is incorrect, and it is shameful that you initially phrased it that way and did not point out that it is 98% of people who voted.

It is also easy to see that 98% of received votes voting for something is not particularly rare, as opposed to your appeal to absurdity.


On Morocco constitution - "Morocco says 98 percent voted 'yes' for new constitution - Al Arabiya"

On an Iraqui referendum - "While 97 percent of voters reportedly favored the constitution in Shiite Basra and 98 percent voted yes in the Kurdish province of Sulaimaniyah, 97 percent of the approximately 100,000 Sunni voters in the city of Fallujah were opposed."

On a flight union vote - "less than 50 percent of the Delta flight attendants participated, so the union was not certified even though over 98 percent voted for AFA"

On a Venezuela referendum - "Total number of voters in Sunday's referendum, based on 95 percent of voting centers reporting. Of these, more than 98 percent voted in favor of"

On the Black woman vote - "Ninety-four percent of Black women voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election and 98 percent voted for Doug Jones in the"

etc., etc., etc.,

So it seems that your appeal to absurdity is actually based on your personal ignorance of voting and politics. 98% does regularly occur.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 06:26:25 PM by Tom Bishop »


Offline stack

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It doesn’t imply that at all. You’re being more absurd than normal. Do you really expect people to say, “98% of people who voted voted in favor of…”??? How does someone vote in favor of something without voting???

How is "Morocco says 98 percent voted 'yes' for new constitution” different than "Russia reporting 98% voting in favor for…”? “Voting” implies "voted”. You know, like casting a vote in favor of something...

Are you actually that desperate for me to have said, "Russia says 98 percent of people who voted voted in favor for…” That you got tripped up on “reporting” versus “says” and “voted” instead of “voting”?  Truly absurd based on your personal ignorance of language and meaning.

NPR: Russian state media allegedly showed over 98% voting in favor of
Me: Russia reporting 98% voting in favor

Again, how does someone vote in favor of something without voting??? You’re being ridiculous.

And like I said, “I guess it can happen”, but personally, I find it a smidge suspect considering that Russia is not seen as the most reliable narrator. Why you’re all cozy with Putin is a mystery to me.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 07:00:23 PM by stack »


Offline crutonius

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I don't think Ukraine has got the memo on the annexation yet.


It's an interesting move by Putin.  I don't  know if it's getting the intended results.  Now by Russian law he's in a situation where Russia is being invaded and Putin, the strong man, the mastermind always playing 4d chess, can't defend his own territory.


Offline Rushy

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The intention is to do more-or-less exactly what they did to annex Crimea. The difference being the reaction of the West is quite a bit different than it was before. There's no telling if NATO and the EU will pressure for peace this time around versus continuing to support the Ukrainian military. It feels like the Nord Stream sabotage indicates that NATO is willing to go All The Way this time rather than pressure Ukraine into staying quiet.


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Russia isn't looking for a peace deal. They're looking for a cease fire so they can rearm and try again.


Offline markjo

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It doesn’t imply that at all. You’re being more absurd than normal. Do you really expect people to say, “98% of people who voted voted in favor of…”??? How does someone vote in favor of something without voting???

Hey, give Tom a break.  For all we know, a total of 100 people voted and 98 of them voted to join Russia. 

Russia isn't looking for a peace deal. They're looking for a cease fire so they can rearm and try again.
They'll get that opportunity once winter sets in.
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.


Offline crutonius

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I'm very curious about the winter situation. I guess a lot depends on how prepared their armies are for it.

Russia is used to dealing with the cold. I would think their equipment is made for it. Then again Russias army is in complete shambles so it might be an opportunity for Ukraine.


Offline Lord Dave

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I'm very curious about the winter situation. I guess a lot depends on how prepared their armies are for it.

Russia is used to dealing with the cold. I would think their equipment is made for it. Then again Russias army is in complete shambles so it might be an opportunity for Ukraine.

It'll be tragic irony:
Russia will lose due to the winter cold, like so many others who attacked Russia.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Dr Van Nostrand

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American conservatives don't believe the election results from their own country but they believe this bullshit from Putin. They're idiots.

There was no election, thousands of people are dead, hundreds of thousands fled the country. When have 92% of any group voted in one direction. It's all a sham. A handful of Russian soldiers in Donetsk filled out a few paper ballots supporting Putin and dumbasses like Tucker Carlson believe it.

Of course, all the thousands of people fighting and dying in Ukraine to protect the country from an invasion from a bloodthirsty dictator are all just crisis actors. It's all a liberal hoax.

Just another reason that I will never vote for another Republican for the rest of my life.
Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...

If the world is flat, it means that I have been deceived by a global, multi-generational conspiracy spending trillions of dollars over hundreds of years.
If the world is round, it means that you’re just an idiot who believes stupid crap on the internet.


Offline crutonius

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It's genius!

Putin now has the power to annex an area and conscript his people just by thinking about it, a power he learned from Trump.

Before he was killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.  Now right before a rocket hits a civilian convoy he can just declare them mobilized and call it friendly fire.


Offline markjo

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It's genius!

Putin now has the power to annex an area and conscript his people just by thinking about it, a power he learned from Trump.
Not only that, but Putin also has an excuse to use nukes because Ukraine is now "invading Russian territory".
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.


Offline J-Man

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Russia's highest court approves Ukraine vote. Monday Russia votes on accepting areas. Biden thinks were going to fund another stupid war we have nothing to do with.. Putin is going to level the remaining Ukraine and take any resources left.

NATO is going to freeze in more ways than one.
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


Offline crutonius

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Russia's highest court approves Ukraine vote. Monday Russia votes on accepting areas. Biden thinks were going to fund another stupid war we have nothing to do with.. Putin is going to level the remaining Ukraine and take any resources left.

NATO is going to freeze in more ways than one.

I would like to point out that since the start of this war the country that has donated the most equipment to Ukraine is Russia.

Ukraine is merely field testing some of our newest weaponry for free and getting rid of a lot of our obsolete equipment that costs us money to store and maintain.


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Small man with hand out...laughing stock NAZI

What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


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Doesn't fall off bike...

What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


Offline J-Man

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What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.