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Messages - somerled

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Flat Earth Community / Re: Is this 'cover' for the 'story'?
« on: July 23, 2019, 08:08:37 AM »
You are equating the earth with a closed system such as a train , bus or airplane - these have definite boundaries to the containing environment in which they move .
           The logical conclusion is that earth is an enclosed environment . Where are the boundaries ?

Flat Earth Community / Re: Is this 'cover' for the 'story'?
« on: July 23, 2019, 06:28:46 AM »
If you fire a shell against the supposed spin of the earth then surely you would have to apply force to overcome inertia ? Can't see any column in the fire chart allowing for direction of fire v spin direction of earth (or rotation v latitude ) .

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 20, 2019, 11:17:49 PM »
AllAroundTheWorld pointed out that attempting to determine the distance to the moon or sun by triangulation falls apart once you use more than two points and gives inconsistent results on a flat earth. AllAroundTheWorld then provided a link to a metabunk article about an experiment measuring solar noon sun angles on the September equinox. The experiment clearly shows that on a flat earth, attempting to triangulate the sun's position simply doesn't work, debunking the idea of a flat earth. Somerled apparently won't accept this result because it was done on an equinox. This has shifted the goalposts somewhat.
Yes, the definition of what an equinox is a diversion. I should really have reported the post as off topic but the moment has gone now.
This is why triangulation doesn't work on a FE, and why by extension the earth cannot be flat:

The angle of Polaris is the roughly the same as your latitude. Take an observation at 80 degrees north latitude and it'll be at 80 degrees. Take an observation at 60 degrees north and it'll be at 60 degrees and so on. So you can take two observations and triangulate, assuming a flat earth, to find the height of Polaris. The issue is when you add a 3rd point.
The diagram shows why this is an issue. The 3 lines don't meet at a single point.

This is effectively what the metabunk experiment did, taking observations of the sun by people all round the world. With a globe model these observations all point in a common direction which is what you'd expect with a distant sun. Try and plot those observation on a flat earth and they point all over the place. Now, you could say that the flat earth map isn't known. And in the above you could move the 3 points to different distances and make them converge at a common point but the more points you add the more challenging that becomes to the point you are surely forced to conclude that the model of a flat earth is incorrect.
I would like to point out that the metabunk experiment of triangulation of the sun is not equivalent to triangulation to Polaris  .Globe theory has the earth rotating whilst orbiting around the sun  - triangulation from moving points as observed ( according to metabunk ) is problematic to say the least - a fact which is ignored by metabunk and the experimenters . Also globe defenders  seem to assume that the sun revolves on a flat trajectory over the flat earth

The statement that equinox definition is a diversion is amusing . The heliocentric model is quite specific in it's prediction of when equinox occurs , the two instances when the sun crosses the celestial equator on the ecliptic plane - resulting in equal day/night lengths ( allowance is made for assumed refraction )  and also resulting in sun rising due east 90 degrees and setting 270 west all over the globe  . No refraction mentioned but this occurs on different days therefore the heliocentric model cannot be correct .
Observation of these phenomena do not agree with prediction of the heliocentric model (see timeanddate ).

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 19, 2019, 10:22:41 AM »
Somerled, as a (I assume) flat Earther, do you then accept or not accept the distances for the Moon that quotes?

These distances are somewhat different to that which FET claims, by method of triangulation or whatever.  The same applies to the Sun. The distances quoted are rather different to those that FET claims.  To quote from FE Wiki...

“ Using the values 50 degrees and 60 degrees as measured on the trip, with b=1000 miles, we find that h (distance to Sun) is approximately 2000 miles. This relatively close sun would have been quite plausible to the ancients.

I accept timeanddate values for sunrise/sunset times where these are verifiable by anyone through direct observation . The moon distances are dependent on the unverified assumption that earth is a sphere , and the supposed radar measure can only be hearsay -since I am unable to verify this personally .

I would like to point out the experiment shown on metabunk contains no error limits - can we really measure a short shadow to such accuracy along with the timing to the split second . The conclusion in that video is that the light rays are parallel onto a perfect sphere . Could point out several mistakes but then we are farther off topic .

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 16, 2019, 10:52:54 PM »
You seem confused - the scientific definition of the equinox , which I quoted , is taken from the timeanddate website . The two instances when the earth tilt is not angled toward or away from the sun , six months apart .
And this should give ,as near as possible , equal day and night . All in any scientific dictionary and a consequence of earth orbiting the sun with a tilt of 66.6 degrees .

The fact is these days of equal day/night are increasingly farther apart for corresponding N-S latitudes  . Now refraction , scientific term form for abracadabra, is given as an attempt to explain this . But where is this magic effect at solstice . No refraction at solstice  !!  No waffle required .
       So solstice days fit the heliocentric model nicely , however you can't fit equinoxes within the heliocentric model without waffle .
The reason I use time and date is that those sunrise/set times are not theory , they are direct observation , or reality .

Wikipedia is another site with a well known aversion to reality so I tend to ignore that .
No confusion on my part. Your definition of an equinox in terms of earth tilt I entirely agree with. But you then follow up with "And this should give ,as near as possible , equal day and night". No, no, no. You are just making this assertion, this hasn't come from any scientific description of equinox. You seem quite fond of time & date as a source for accurate and reliable information, so let me quote from them:
Even if the name suggests it and it is widely accepted, it is not entirely true that day and night are exactly equal on the equinox.
And I've already given you a link to a full explanation as to why this is the case and as markjo has pointed out you are confusing equliux with equinox.

I make no assertion. What you refer to as my assertion is in the scientific dictionary description of equinox .

You can find more if you wish . 

This is equinox according to heliocentrism - do you not know the model you defend ?

Equinox is a prediction of the heliocentric model which fails in reality hence the waffle required

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 16, 2019, 11:59:50 AM »
You seem confused - the scientific definition of the equinox , which I quoted , is taken from the timeanddate website . The two instances when the earth tilt is not angled toward or away from the sun , six months apart .
And this should give ,as near as possible , equal day and night . All in any scientific dictionary and a consequence of earth orbiting the sun with a tilt of 66.6 degrees .

The fact is these days of equal day/night are increasingly farther apart for corresponding N-S latitudes  . Now refraction , scientific term form for abracadabra, is given as an attempt to explain this . But where is this magic effect at solstice . No refraction at solstice  !!  No waffle required .
       So solstice days fit the heliocentric model nicely , however you can't fit equinoxes within the heliocentric model without waffle .
The reason I use time and date is that those sunrise/set times are not theory , they are direct observation , or reality .

Wikipedia is another site with a well known aversion to reality so I tend to ignore that .

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 15, 2019, 06:50:51 PM »
It is glaringly  obvious what the word equinox means - read the blurb on the website which states "the equinoxes mark the exact moment twice a year when the earths axis is not tilted away from or towards the sun. "  But that fact is hidden by a load of waffle . Night/day should be equal - hence the "equinox".

 Have a look at the solstices day/night lengths - by the same waffle these should fall on different days . But they coincide at northern and southern latitudes - the longest day on northern solstice equates to the shortest southern day . Where is the waffle effect ?

Globe theory is smoke and mirrors .

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 15, 2019, 05:10:37 PM »
The equinox means equal day/night length . Check on time and date sunrise/set times and you will see that equinox occurs at different times in the north and south at corresponding latitudes . These are based on actual timings of sunrise and sunset . The theory that these equinoxes occur when earth is at two opposing point in its solar orbit does not correspond to reality .

If the day/night lengths are not the same then it is not an equinox . Pretending that the equinox is in between somewhere does not solve this problem for globe theory.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 15, 2019, 10:10:21 AM »
The metabunk observations were done at equinox . It is without doubt that southern "hemisphere " equinox occurs later than the northern one . Anyone can check this out - time and date website will verify this. Now that shows that the heliocentric model is wrong . It also shows the propagation of sunlight spreads southwards. It shows that the model of the sun as a distant nuclear furnace is wrong . We do not truly know the nature of the sun or its light . We do know that electromagnetic rays are affected by magnetic fields .
                My thoughts are that the the sun is local and that its rays manifest according to the magnetic field they travel through .
They spread southward since the earths magnetic field is toroidal . The north pole at the centre and the southern "pole is spread around the circumference of the Antarctic .
                This explains all the differences in sun position according to observer . Explains why equinox differs from globe model prediction .
                Why does metabunk show no earth tilt ?
Neither model has a problem with survey triangulation . If we live on a globe then simple survey along a line will pick up any curve. No need to bring sun position or stars into it . A curve of 7.98 " per mile squared is easy to prove along the shore of any inland land body of water of sufficient size .

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Planetary Phases
« on: July 14, 2019, 12:59:26 PM »
Inner planets orbit the sun which is local and circles the earth . Outer planets are further away but not part of the starry firmament ,which is further still . The sun transits across these planets ( at opposition I think the term is ).

Tycho Brahe's geocentric model explains this .

Other evidence supporting this view - syzygy effects on pendulums caused any"solar system" bodies . Plus the fact that stars twinkle , planets do not .

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 14, 2019, 10:52:19 AM »
I would point out that the diameter of flat earth does not need to known to ascertain the distance to the moon . Simple triangulation from two points a known distance apart allows the calculation .

In the globe model , diameter of earth and hence the curvature needs to known to calculate the distance to moon . The assumptions of sphericity and a distant sun/stars ( all rays coming in parallel at the surface) were required to enable an estimate of globe earth .

All the mainstream astronomic scientific measurements are based on these two unverified assumptions .

The size of the lunar shadow cast onto our earth during solar eclipse varies from 70 - 100 miles we observe . This destroys the distant sun assumption since it is known by scientific experiment that electromagnetic rays propagate according to the inverse square law . The moon cannot be 240,000 miles distant , unless sunlight is focused by some means to shine on earth .

FE or RE measurements can be made without any assumptions , since it is relatively easy to geometrically survey a distance of around a hundred miles or so and any curvature would naturally be picked up . But for some reason surveyors are supposed to apply globe calculations to any survey over a certain length . Is the survey unable to find to find any curvature ?

 If RE theory could provide proof of those assumptions then this forum , and FE wouldn't exist , but RE is unable to do so therefore cannot be considered to be correct . All my opinion of course but based on real scientific study.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Pole to pole flight
« on: July 13, 2019, 01:37:52 PM »
Big leap of faith to call that a pole to pole flight . Viewing the flight track log shows the plane flies no farther north than 67 degrees before heading south .
Then we see the airplane on its southern leg heading to 24 degrees south - then a 12hour gap in the data - the plane is then heading  north from 55 degrees south .

The longitude is all wrong for a circumnavigation of the globe also.

Fair to say that this is nothing like a pole to pole flight . It's better described as a polar region to polar region circular ( loose term ) flight .

Flat Earth Theory / Re: When rockets launch....
« on: July 13, 2019, 12:52:13 PM »
I think your idea of the flat earth is erroneous and you have simply converted globe ( or rabbit poo shaped ) earth into a pizza of assumed similar to globe proportions .The equator is the imaginary middle of the theoretic globe defined with relation to the pole star i.e. the pole star is at zero degrees elevation when viewed from any point on this globe equator.
        This globe equator does not exist in flat earth theory but may be equated to the circle described by the suns mid point of travel between the two tropics , each equinox . Now globe theory would have us believe that at each equinox day and night are closest in length - 12 hours each . Of course anyone can check timeanddate website and see that this is not so .
       At my latitude 55 degrees north equinox occurs 5 days prior to the corresponding southern latitude equinox.

I would also like to point out that the magnetic south pole is at 64 degrees south according to globe co-ordinates and since impartial observers are not allowed south of 60 degrees I would not attach any belief to the assumed distances to so called geographic south pole - how do they navigate down there ?

This might be off topic so I'll leave it there.

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