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Topics - Mr. Blackwell

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Flat Earth Community / Earth's rotation
« on: December 06, 2014, 08:21:45 PM »
Hi, I don't know anything about flat earth theory so I hope this question hasn't already been asked or addressed a million times. If it has, please accept my apology and point me in the right direction.  :)

I think I have a vague understanding of how the earth rotates on it's axis according to round earth theory. How it tilts a little and wobbles.

I guess I have two questions about the flat earth.

1. Does it rotate like a frisbie or like a coin being flipped?

2. Is everything on one side or is there something on the other side?

Here is a short video which illustrated my current understanding of how the earth moves through the galaxy based on being a roundish sphere falling into the suns gravitational well.

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